Scan Today - SCANXIETY

Well, as usual I have scanxiety about my 6 month checkup today.  I could use some hugs, laughter and maybe hear from some of you folks who haven't posted in awhile.

I know some of you are going through relapse, treatment, and stem cell transplants and you are in my thoughts.  Some of you are in remission or perhaps "cured" at this point and I am thankful for you and for the fortune I have had so far in this journey.

Kick cancer a$$ !

Hugs - Jim



  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    No te preocupes!!!

    Hi Jim,

    like my title says "don't worry" I know everything will come back squeeky clean!!! You have a special place in my heart buddy...just want you to know that you're in my thoughts! Take care and sending you warm HUGS from TX!



  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    No te preocupes!!!

    Hi Jim,

    like my title says "don't worry" I know everything will come back squeeky clean!!! You have a special place in my heart buddy...just want you to know that you're in my thoughts! Take care and sending you warm HUGS from TX!



    Hi Jim

    Hugs from Bill and me too.  Thank you for all you do on the forum.  It is always comforting to know you are there.  We are hoping you will be on for many  many scans ahead.  We hope you can live forever too!  Did you hear about the guy who came home from a day of golf and his wife asked him how it went.  He said "It was the hardest day we ever had, we no sooner got on the first hole and Sam keeled over from a heart attack and died" "Oh no, that's terrible" his wife said.  The husband answered, "you're telling me, it was all day.... hit the ball.....drag Sam....hit the ball.....drag Sam!" LaughingLaughingLaughing

    Hope the laugh helps, B&B

  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member

    Hi Jim. . .believe it or not, I haven't experienced "scanxiety". During the diagnostic and active treatment phases of my Lymphoma, I was so sick/in shock (not to mention "high" on Ativan) that I just went where they pointed me without much thought. 

    My Oncologist is not a "Scanner".  He says that once I have completed my 2-year Rituxan maintenance, we will do a "baseline" scan for future reference and no further scans will be planned without clinical evidence. Suits me just fine. 

    I am sure your doctor has reasons for your biannual scans though. 

    I hope you come through the tube with flying colors.




  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    illead said:

    Hi Jim

    Hugs from Bill and me too.  Thank you for all you do on the forum.  It is always comforting to know you are there.  We are hoping you will be on for many  many scans ahead.  We hope you can live forever too!  Did you hear about the guy who came home from a day of golf and his wife asked him how it went.  He said "It was the hardest day we ever had, we no sooner got on the first hole and Sam keeled over from a heart attack and died" "Oh no, that's terrible" his wife said.  The husband answered, "you're telling me, it was all day.... hit the ball.....drag Sam....hit the ball.....drag Sam!" LaughingLaughingLaughing

    Hope the laugh helps, B&B



    The guy in that joke had a Weekend at Bernie's kind of day on the links !

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    I have that condition as well...


    I got a chest CT two weeks ago for my breathing problems.  Substantial scarring at the base of both lungs.  The doc thinks it is from gastric gasses being aspired (breathed in), scalding the lungs over the years.  I have a massive hietal hernia from chest trauma years ago (ripped the diaphram and shifted my sternum off center), and both the pulmonologist and my surgeon said it is not readily operable.  Best to just double my Nexium, and a few other adjustments.

    So far, he thinks it is stoppable, with stomach treatment.  Fortunately, he ruled out asbestos-related disease, and said it did not appear to be from Bleomycin, either.  So, it clinically has the status of a major imparement, but is not blatantly life-threatening.  He added that I am just a few points on my breathing scores from qualifying for retirement from COPD symptoms, but just short of that threshold .  My kind of financial luck....

    We are all there with you, and know the feeling...



  • Jeff148
    Jeff148 Member Posts: 184
    Praying for you!!

    Chest bump from Olympia and a hug. Thanks for your positive support. You are one of the good guys and good things should happen to you. 

  • onlytoday
    onlytoday Member Posts: 609 Member

    Hi Jim,


    Praying that you had a great appointment today!  Clean scan, great report - no disease.   :)

    Here is a (little) funny for you:

    Rose accompanied her husband Tom to his annual checkup. While Tom was getting dressed, the doctor came out and said to Rose, “I don’t like the way he looks.” “Neither do I,” she said. “But he’s handy around the house.”







  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
    Positive thoughts

    Hi Jim

    I just want to say that I am sending you positive thoughts and that I am thinking of you.

    i haven't posted much lately, I am going through some struggles right now. Sometimes life can be so overwhelming. 

    I am sure your scan will go just fine and all will be good. Hang in there my friend.

    Sure wish I could give you a real hug. ((( hugs )))

    Keeping you close in my heart today 





  • Shoopy
    Shoopy Member Posts: 210

    You have been in remission for so long now...I'm sure your body won't be so stupid as to fire it again.  Keep the faith and I unusually don't do hugs...I'll you some right now!


    Live forever, Jim!  So far; so good.


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Dredded scans...

    Well...we can all relate to the dredded scan time! Hope you don't have to wait too long for the results. Hang in there and try to stay positive. I know...easier said than done. Sue

  • Aaron
    Aaron Member Posts: 237
    Damn scans

    I know the feeling Jim, every time she puts me in that infernal tube I get a gut full of butterflies myself ;) I'm sure all will be well, take care and keep being.... You

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107

    No te preocupes!!!

    Hi Jim,

    like my title says "don't worry" I know everything will come back squeeky clean!!! You have a special place in my heart buddy...just want you to know that you're in my thoughts! Take care and sending you warm HUGS from TX!



    Thank you Liz

    Grazcia Liz.  Tienes un area en mi corazon tambien!  Probably butchered the Spanish but my corazon was in the right place!.

    Hugs back!

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Rocquie said:


    Hi Jim. . .believe it or not, I haven't experienced "scanxiety". During the diagnostic and active treatment phases of my Lymphoma, I was so sick/in shock (not to mention "high" on Ativan) that I just went where they pointed me without much thought. 

    My Oncologist is not a "Scanner".  He says that once I have completed my 2-year Rituxan maintenance, we will do a "baseline" scan for future reference and no further scans will be planned without clinical evidence. Suits me just fine. 

    I am sure your doctor has reasons for your biannual scans though. 

    I hope you come through the tube with flying colors.




    Thanks Rocquie

    Thank you, Rocquie!  It means alot!

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107

    I have that condition as well...


    I got a chest CT two weeks ago for my breathing problems.  Substantial scarring at the base of both lungs.  The doc thinks it is from gastric gasses being aspired (breathed in), scalding the lungs over the years.  I have a massive hietal hernia from chest trauma years ago (ripped the diaphram and shifted my sternum off center), and both the pulmonologist and my surgeon said it is not readily operable.  Best to just double my Nexium, and a few other adjustments.

    So far, he thinks it is stoppable, with stomach treatment.  Fortunately, he ruled out asbestos-related disease, and said it did not appear to be from Bleomycin, either.  So, it clinically has the status of a major imparement, but is not blatantly life-threatening.  He added that I am just a few points on my breathing scores from qualifying for retirement from COPD symptoms, but just short of that threshold .  My kind of financial luck....

    We are all there with you, and know the feeling...



    Thanks Max

    Thank you, Max and also thank you for adding so much to the group!  You've been to Hell and back more than once and you are always an inspiration to me not just in your attitude but your rationality.  I know I tend to be the cartoon cheerleader/comedian at times but I think we need that.  There's a reason I have a box of crayons and a quiver full of hugs!

    Thanks again!


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Jeff148 said:

    Praying for you!!

    Chest bump from Olympia and a hug. Thanks for your positive support. You are one of the good guys and good things should happen to you. 

    Thanks, Jeff

    Thank you, Jeff.  Being oh so human, I'm not always a good guy but I appreciate the comment ;).  I wish you the best as you are starting your journey - I know you're going to do fine!  

    "Olympic" hugs back :),


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    onlytoday said:


    Hi Jim,


    Praying that you had a great appointment today!  Clean scan, great report - no disease.   :)

    Here is a (little) funny for you:

    Rose accompanied her husband Tom to his annual checkup. While Tom was getting dressed, the doctor came out and said to Rose, “I don’t like the way he looks.” “Neither do I,” she said. “But he’s handy around the house.”








    Thanks, Donna for making me laugh and your support.  I hope you're doing well.

    Hugs - Jim

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    forme said:

    Positive thoughts

    Hi Jim

    I just want to say that I am sending you positive thoughts and that I am thinking of you.

    i haven't posted much lately, I am going through some struggles right now. Sometimes life can be so overwhelming. 

    I am sure your scan will go just fine and all will be good. Hang in there my friend.

    Sure wish I could give you a real hug. ((( hugs )))

    Keeping you close in my heart today 





    Thanks Lisha

    Cyber hugs are nearly as good!  Thank you.  I hope things get better regarding your struggles and you know you can message me or talk here anytime.

    Hugs back sweet lady!

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    allmost60 said:

    Dredded scans...

    Well...we can all relate to the dredded scan time! Hope you don't have to wait too long for the results. Hang in there and try to stay positive. I know...easier said than done. Sue

    Thanks, Sue

    I posted a response to your post so I won't say a lot here but many thanks to you for always being here for folks!  You're a very special person :).

    Many hugs,


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Aaron said:

    Damn scans

    I know the feeling Jim, every time she puts me in that infernal tube I get a gut full of butterflies myself ;) I'm sure all will be well, take care and keep being.... You

    Hey Stranger!

    Thanks, Aaron.  Yeah, I get the  butterflies but they are all drunk from the tequila shot (contrast infusion) I get so it turns into a butterfly party by then ;).

    Thanks again!

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Shoopy said:


    You have been in remission for so long now...I'm sure your body won't be so stupid as to fire it again.  Keep the faith and I unusually don't do hugs...I'll you some right now!


    Live forever, Jim!  So far; so good.


    Thanks Karl

    Special thanks because i know you're having fun at Area 51 with those Roswell RN's and your STC.  Thanks so much for thinking of me.  

    Have you hugged an Alien today?  ;)  Update us when you feel up to it.  I hope things are going well!

    Six armed alien hugs,
