Happy Mother's Day!

I'm so thankful for each moment w my mom even though I wish the quality of time was better.

Today marks one month since she has been away from home. After her second week in the hospital she went to a skilled nursing facility for rehab. Two days prior to her scheduled return home she was rushed to the ER because her resting heart rate was in the 150s. They used meds to slow the rate, but ultimately a few days later she had to have a cardioversion. She went back into renal failure. Her creatnine levels reached 6.0. Wednesday. We cried and cried. My eyes were swollen shut. Creatnine of 6.0 w out dialysis is roughly two weeks of life left.

The next day the Dr. ran her labs twice to be sure that it truly did drop to 3.5. Death is no longer imminent. Thank you God!

My mom's heart rate spiked because there was a mix up upon discharge. The nursing facility had not been giving her Carvedilol one of her newer meds. Apparently a person needs to be weaned off it as you would prednisone. Oy Vey!

I'm sorry I've not responded to many posts. I've taken peeks, but haven't been online much.


  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Hi D
    I know how hard it is

    Hi D

    I know how hard it is when our parents get sick especially our moms! My mom passed away 4yrs ago and I was the one that had to make the decision of turning off the machines...have to tell you that that decision still hunts me to this day! It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. But I know deep down in my heart that it was the best decision for my mom and now she is with God and no longer suffering (no more pain)! Take care sweety, praying that God guides you and the Dr's decisions! (((Hugs)))



  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi D

    Your mom is one tough lady!  I'm glad they got things sorted out and things are better.  Don't worry about not posting - your plates have been full.  Post when you can and feel up to it.  Warm hugs to you and your mom!


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Whew !


    A friend's son went in for his weekly dialysis back in the 1990s, and went into some sort of shock and convulsions.  The center had left cleaning solution in his machine.  He survived, but had to get a kidney transplant. When I was in acute care back in 1987, I heard a few nurses in the hallway outside my room, arguing about whether I had received a dose of one of my meds. When I asked the nurse who then entered the room about it, she said I had "misunderstood."

    Medical mistakes are supposidely one of the leading causes of death in the US.  That is why when you go to the doc now, they ask you your birthday every two minutes.   

    It always pays to ask questions.  Bless you and your dear Mother....



  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Whew !


    A friend's son went in for his weekly dialysis back in the 1990s, and went into some sort of shock and convulsions.  The center had left cleaning solution in his machine.  He survived, but had to get a kidney transplant. When I was in acute care back in 1987, I heard a few nurses in the hallway outside my room, arguing about whether I had received a dose of one of my meds. When I asked the nurse who then entered the room about it, she said I had "misunderstood."

    Medical mistakes are supposidely one of the leading causes of death in the US.  That is why when you go to the doc now, they ask you your birthday every two minutes.   

    It always pays to ask questions.  Bless you and your dear Mother....



    Thinking of you and your mom...


     I'm glad your mom is better! Must have been so scary for you and your family. I haven't been posting as often either, so don't fret when times get hectic and posting is hard to get to. We all go through periods like that. I will keep your mom in my prayers for full recovery! Take care and keep the faith. Much love...Sue

    (Follicular NHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx 6/10-age 63)

    Relapsed April 2014 Frown

  • MsD831
    MsD831 Member Posts: 18
    allmost60 said:

    Thinking of you and your mom...


     I'm glad your mom is better! Must have been so scary for you and your family. I haven't been posting as often either, so don't fret when times get hectic and posting is hard to get to. We all go through periods like that. I will keep your mom in my prayers for full recovery! Take care and keep the faith. Much love...Sue

    (Follicular NHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx 6/10-age 63)

    Relapsed April 2014 Frown

    Thank you all for your

    Thank you all for your comments, for sharing. My mom has explained the reasons why she wouldn't want to be resuscitated or put on a ventilator. I have not yet told her family. Partially because I've been like a chicken w my head cut off. Secondly my French is limited when it comes to explaining medical stuff. My one cousin that is pretty fluent in English doesn't really click w the rest of the family, but I'll ask him to interpret. Yep my mom's still fighting. She wants to see grand kids. Lol


    I hope today is a better day.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    MsD831 said:

    Thank you all for your

    Thank you all for your comments, for sharing. My mom has explained the reasons why she wouldn't want to be resuscitated or put on a ventilator. I have not yet told her family. Partially because I've been like a chicken w my head cut off. Secondly my French is limited when it comes to explaining medical stuff. My one cousin that is pretty fluent in English doesn't really click w the rest of the family, but I'll ask him to interpret. Yep my mom's still fighting. She wants to see grand kids. Lol


    I hope today is a better day.

    Autum period


    A magnificant song for anyone in the "autumn season" of their lives, and their loved ones.... May her "autumn" last many more years !




  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    Autum period


    A magnificant song for anyone in the "autumn season" of their lives, and their loved ones.... May her "autumn" last many more years !




    So good to hear from you

    What a relief for you and of course your mom.  She must be one tough lady and thank goodness she has a loyal, loving caregiver.  Please tell her we wish for her continued progress.  We know you have a deep faith.  I hope you gain much comfort from that.  We love getting such good news, thank you so much for updating us.  We all care.
