Back from surgery

Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member

well, the worst looks to be behind me but still a very long to a full recovery from my jaw resection.  12 hours in surgery, 3 days iin an induced coma, 3days in IcU, 3days   And counting on apost surgical floor.  I hope to be home on Tuesday.  Then 4-6 months to a full recovery from ORN.




  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Mike, i'm so glad its over

    Mike, i'm so glad its over and you can start healing.  praying for a quick and uneventful recovery. 

    best wishes,


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710

    Mike, i'm so glad its over

    Mike, i'm so glad its over and you can start healing.  praying for a quick and uneventful recovery. 

    best wishes,


    Get Well Soon

    A get well soon card from Liverpool UK Mike. I noted Nelson Ong from Singapore had a jaw resection and now runs half marathons! So I wish you a speedy return to the comfort of your home and family - then I expect to hear you are planning something like a parachute jump! All the best mate, G

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    After all you've been through with that jaw, 4 months of recovery time will go fast.....and all for the BETTER!!  Looks like you're on the downhill slope at long last.

    Get well soon!!! :)


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello Mike !

    So glad to hear surgery went well, and you're on the mend.  Katie 

  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Sounds Good

    Mike ...blessings for a speddy , sounds like ypur well on the way.



  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Mike I am praying you get

    Mike I am praying you get home Tuesday and have a speedy recovery.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Thanks for the update.

    You are on the mend now, keep moving forward.


    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    CivilMatt said:



    Thanks for the update.

    You are on the mend now, keep moving forward.


    It is a good start and the

    It is a good start and the journey begins.  Before you know it, this phase will be over and you will be on your way to recovery. 

  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Congrats Mike


    so glad you are back posting.  i hope the surgery is giving you positive results Long term.  Sending ORN positive thoughts your way.  Keep getting better and best to Terry. 


  • NelsonOng
    NelsonOng Member Posts: 47
    Mike, Glad Is All Over

    I hv my left jaw reconstructed (15 hrs) n post 16 mth. After two mth of healing, I had 33 radiations n 3 chemosynthesis (cisplatin) ended in May 2013.  I am doing n coping very well after treatment n exercising 6 days a week being Sunday my off day. L love running and ran about 60 km a week n does alot of static exercises in the gym.  Exercise definitely helps to build up our immune system.  Of course Im still having the side effects but is doable.

    Mike, I believe your surgeon will refer you to a speech therapist for sure. They will advise you various forms of mouth exercise and also to help the jaw to be mobile.  Your "new" jaw from your fibula will be quite stiff initially but remember to continue exercising your mouth. Also there's a flap and mine shrinked after my radiation treatment. Last Wednesday was my first visit to my dentist to get my left denture fix (Total 5 appointments).  Remember, you need to keep your mouth clean and especially the flap area. 

    Trust u hv a speedy recovery Mike.  Cheers mate.  Nelson.


  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    NelsonOng said:

    Mike, Glad Is All Over

    I hv my left jaw reconstructed (15 hrs) n post 16 mth. After two mth of healing, I had 33 radiations n 3 chemosynthesis (cisplatin) ended in May 2013.  I am doing n coping very well after treatment n exercising 6 days a week being Sunday my off day. L love running and ran about 60 km a week n does alot of static exercises in the gym.  Exercise definitely helps to build up our immune system.  Of course Im still having the side effects but is doable.

    Mike, I believe your surgeon will refer you to a speech therapist for sure. They will advise you various forms of mouth exercise and also to help the jaw to be mobile.  Your "new" jaw from your fibula will be quite stiff initially but remember to continue exercising your mouth. Also there's a flap and mine shrinked after my radiation treatment. Last Wednesday was my first visit to my dentist to get my left denture fix (Total 5 appointments).  Remember, you need to keep your mouth clean and especially the flap area. 

    Trust u hv a speedy recovery Mike.  Cheers mate.  Nelson.


    Thanks to all

    Thanks to all for your kind thoughts.  Looks like stilll a good chance to be discharged on Tuesday.  Nelson can I pm you to hear your recovery experiences?  I have also run marathons and half-marathons in the past and have set my first goal to walk a 10K on July 4th.



  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey Mike,

    I'm glad to hear that you are thru with the surgery, and that you are now making a come back on the slow recovery road.  Hang in there, this comes with maximum positive energy, wishes, hopes, and mojo for a strong, problem free recovery.  Keep it mov'in forward!


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    patricke said:


    Hey Mike,

    I'm glad to hear that you are thru with the surgery, and that you are now making a come back on the slow recovery road.  Hang in there, this comes with maximum positive energy, wishes, hopes, and mojo for a strong, problem free recovery.  Keep it mov'in forward!



    What a great goal. Good luck with training. Surprised your working in KMs in the USA! The Irish have gone to KMs now!

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Each step is...

    With each step you get closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. It's a long and bumpy road we all have to travel an dsome have it much worse then others do. But with fath and suport we can get there. May your recovery go by fast and painless as well. 


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Mike

    Glad to hear it went well, just take your time and don’t get in a hurry to heal. I want to know how you make out as I am thinking about doing the same type of surgery to try and get my Jaw to open. It is hell living with less than ¼ inch opening in my Jaw and every doctor I talk to all say the same thing, sorry but there is nothing we can do. If I have too I will break my Jaw so that they will have to do something if no other way.

    Take care and keep us up to date on your progress

    Tim Hondo

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Hondo said:

    Hi Mike

    Glad to hear it went well, just take your time and don’t get in a hurry to heal. I want to know how you make out as I am thinking about doing the same type of surgery to try and get my Jaw to open. It is hell living with less than ¼ inch opening in my Jaw and every doctor I talk to all say the same thing, sorry but there is nothing we can do. If I have too I will break my Jaw so that they will have to do something if no other way.

    Take care and keep us up to date on your progress

    Tim Hondo

    Nelson is a Scouser!

    Mike, apologies but I have got my fellow LFC fan Nelson who usually has perfect grammar speaking like a person from Liverpool and calling people mate! Nelson what have I done to you mate! Seriously though it is inspirational to me to see what people can achieve post treatment and gives me great hope. IM week 4 and have just nipped out for a sneaky little 3 mile jog. Ssshhh! Don't tell the missus! I wouldnt bet against you nailing that 10 k Mike and look forward to following your training progress. My next mission upon recovery is to cycle Isle of Man TT course (not when TT is on!) Regards. Gary P.S. Nelson going to try to catch a European away game next season if you are up for it. When fixtures are out have a look which is most reasonable to gat to from Singapore.

  • NelsonOng
    NelsonOng Member Posts: 47
    Mikemetz said:

    Thanks to all

    Thanks to all for your kind thoughts.  Looks like stilll a good chance to be discharged on Tuesday.  Nelson can I pm you to hear your recovery experiences?  I have also run marathons and half-marathons in the past and have set my first goal to walk a 10K on July 4th.



    Of Course You Can Mate....

    Mike, sure you may pm or  even email/whatsapp to me as well.  I will share with you what I've gone thru and pls do not hesitate to ask questions. My email and you can whatsapp me at 6598520501.  I have done marathons b4 my op and I am still seeing a medical sports doctor which she advised me not to run a full marathon (cos of fibula taken out from left leg) till she gives me the green light.  The most now, at least I can do a half.  Wow to walk 10K during Independence Day is... Cool and I think it will pass with flying colours.  I started my slow run on post 3rd week of discharge and it has since been up up and up.  Dont look back ya and is the always forward forward and forward.  Exercise more to build up your immune system.

    Cheers mate and take care.  Nelson


  • NelsonOng
    NelsonOng Member Posts: 47
    Guzzle said:

    Nelson is a Scouser!

    Mike, apologies but I have got my fellow LFC fan Nelson who usually has perfect grammar speaking like a person from Liverpool and calling people mate! Nelson what have I done to you mate! Seriously though it is inspirational to me to see what people can achieve post treatment and gives me great hope. IM week 4 and have just nipped out for a sneaky little 3 mile jog. Ssshhh! Don't tell the missus! I wouldnt bet against you nailing that 10 k Mike and look forward to following your training progress. My next mission upon recovery is to cycle Isle of Man TT course (not when TT is on!) Regards. Gary P.S. Nelson going to try to catch a European away game next season if you are up for it. When fixtures are out have a look which is most reasonable to gat to from Singapore.

    Guzzle, You Are Doing Great.... Thumbs Up

    Week 4 and it seems that you are adapting it well mate. On my 2 week, I still able to do a 5km run but fm 3 week onwards, its all downhill... Still my advise to you is to hydrate, hydrate and hydrate.

    Yes, I'm proud of Liverpoo's achievement this season.  Heartache to throw a 3 goal lead at Selhurst Park and to draw with Palace in the end.  Well like what Gerrard was saying... We Go Again.  We will get better and better.  European nights at Anfield is so different and it will be great to watch CL football there.

    It will soon be week 5 then week 6 and finally it will be all over.  The first two weeks post treatment also very tough for me while our body is recovering.  For what you know, it will finally be over and never look back.  Like I said to Mike, is always forward, forward and forward and next you know is  you are running long distance again.  Cheers mate.... YNWA.... Nelson 

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Thanks and wishes for a smooth recovery...


    You sure got your money's worth on this trip. I wish you the very best on the fastest and smoothest recovery. It seems like a lengthy journey but you got great attitude!

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    donfoo said:

    Thanks and wishes for a smooth recovery...


    You sure got your money's worth on this trip. I wish you the very best on the fastest and smoothest recovery. It seems like a lengthy journey but you got great attitude!


    Nelson good to hear from you mate. Have a beer at Raffles for me! Always wanted to do that! Mike when you do your 10k I will come out in solidarity and do one (time zone allowing!). Maybe some other friends here will do so. Cheers, G.