Please interped this

debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

The pathology showed UPSC involving the surfice glands and stoma of an endromentrial polp and surrounding endrometrial invading 0.5/5mm of a 5 mm thick myomentrum.  Carsonoma did extend to endocervical glands.  Biladeral tubes, overies, and omentrum were negitave as was adominal wash.  Thought I was sure about this, but having second thoughts.  Thanks everyone!!!



  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    Debrajo, is this your

    Debrajo, is this your pathology report?  Did you just get it?  I am not sure what this is we are looking at?  Help!

  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308
    Pathology results - my best guess

    Uterine serous carcinoma was found on the surface and inside the uterine polyp. It was also found 5mm deep in the surrounding myometrium (middle layer of the uterine wall). Cancer was also found in endocervical glands. (Endocervix is the inside of cervix tube. Just under the surface lining of this endocervical tube there are glands, that have connection to the inner surface of this tube. Those glands are the endocervical glands). No cancer was found in both fallopian tubes, both ovaries and omentum. Fluid inside abdominal cavity had no cancer cells (no malignant ascites).

  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

    Thanks Alexandra...would you hazzard a guess as to staging?  No Time, it's my old path report in '09. there has been some discussion with a new bone dr. as to why I wasn't staged during surgery as to determine why I needed five internal radiation.  Seems my pelvic bone is very thin, I go back to Houstion May 14th for  checkup and will be taking a new bone scan.  He is wanting to do either the iv osteproses meds or to "fill up the bone cracks" with somekind of injectable medication.  I don't want to do either. So I went back to the reports and the only refference to staging is that this is 1a.  As far as I know, I am o k.  My doc, does not do scans.  I've has 2 in five years, both in 09. Just trying to refreash my memory and maybe learn something since I didn't find y'll till 2011.  To me it sounds worse than 1a, but I don't know.  The bone doc does know UPSC is a "c"" agression.  Thanks all of you for answering and caring!  Prayers Pleaae!  Debra

  • Alexandra
    Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308
    debrajo said:


    Thanks Alexandra...would you hazzard a guess as to staging?  No Time, it's my old path report in '09. there has been some discussion with a new bone dr. as to why I wasn't staged during surgery as to determine why I needed five internal radiation.  Seems my pelvic bone is very thin, I go back to Houstion May 14th for  checkup and will be taking a new bone scan.  He is wanting to do either the iv osteproses meds or to "fill up the bone cracks" with somekind of injectable medication.  I don't want to do either. So I went back to the reports and the only refference to staging is that this is 1a.  As far as I know, I am o k.  My doc, does not do scans.  I've has 2 in five years, both in 09. Just trying to refreash my memory and maybe learn something since I didn't find y'll till 2011.  To me it sounds worse than 1a, but I don't know.  The bone doc does know UPSC is a "c"" agression.  Thanks all of you for answering and caring!  Prayers Pleaae!  Debra

    Thinking of you Debra

    Based only on what I read above, I would stage it 2. Read staging definitions here

    The reason why I think it was stage 2 and not 1A is because of cancer cells found in the cervix as well is invading half of uterine wall thickness, but not spread outside uterus.

    Even if you were staged 1A, standard treatment for high-grade agressive cancers is surgery, radiation and chemo.

    Good luck with your Dr's appointment next week and Happy Mother's Day!



  • nancibee
    nancibee Member Posts: 59 Member

    I know it's hard but try to stop worrying. Worrying doesn't prevent or fix anything. It just causes more problems. 

    When I was going through my radiation, i asked my doctor why 3 and not 5 like you. I wanted to be sure I wasn't getting short changed. She wasn't sure but told me the dosage is standard and maybe they just spread yours out because of other health issues. 



  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    Alexandra said:

    Thinking of you Debra

    Based only on what I read above, I would stage it 2. Read staging definitions here

    The reason why I think it was stage 2 and not 1A is because of cancer cells found in the cervix as well is invading half of uterine wall thickness, but not spread outside uterus.

    Even if you were staged 1A, standard treatment for high-grade agressive cancers is surgery, radiation and chemo.

    Good luck with your Dr's appointment next week and Happy Mother's Day!




    @ Alexandra:  thats kind of what I thought, but the first dr. said it wasent from spreding, but that the polop was locater on the cusp of the uterus and cervix, slightly more in the uterous, but they took all that out plus 1/2 of the vagina.   @ NancyBee, I am worried som, but not so much about the cancer, but the new heart valve is begging to wear  out and now  the osteporises thing.  I've had a long run and am thankful for it.  I guess the hoop-la of testing, apointments, blood draws, ect has got me in a funk.  I'll find out a few things on May 14th.  Oh, did I mention i also have sleep apenia?!! LOL!  Such is life!  Best, Debra

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    debrajo said:


    Thanks Alexandra...would you hazzard a guess as to staging?  No Time, it's my old path report in '09. there has been some discussion with a new bone dr. as to why I wasn't staged during surgery as to determine why I needed five internal radiation.  Seems my pelvic bone is very thin, I go back to Houstion May 14th for  checkup and will be taking a new bone scan.  He is wanting to do either the iv osteproses meds or to "fill up the bone cracks" with somekind of injectable medication.  I don't want to do either. So I went back to the reports and the only refference to staging is that this is 1a.  As far as I know, I am o k.  My doc, does not do scans.  I've has 2 in five years, both in 09. Just trying to refreash my memory and maybe learn something since I didn't find y'll till 2011.  To me it sounds worse than 1a, but I don't know.  The bone doc does know UPSC is a "c"" agression.  Thanks all of you for answering and caring!  Prayers Pleaae!  Debra

    Yes, the bone thinness is

    Yes, the bone thinness is something else to think about.  I finally had a bone density this year and it was thinning and dx as osteopenia and they want me to take the drugs.  Like you, I don't want to do it, and am holding off.  No doubt the radiation didn't help, but I try not to worry too much and get my calcium, etc...

    I have never been a fan of taking drugs just to take them.  In 2009 the breast surgeon wanted me to take tamoxifen even though the lump was BENIGN!!!  I said, "no thanks" and walked out, but considering tamoxifen can cause uterine cancer I can only imagine how that would have effected my UPSC in 2012.  

    Once you make your decision, stick to it and be open to the future.  As Alexandra said, even with a 1A you get the full monty. 

    BTW, I had on my teal blue, silk jacket on May 8 and when people commented on how pretty it was I told them it was World Ovarian Cancer awareness day!  Any chance to spread the word for our fellow warriors.

    You ladies are always in my prayers. 

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    nancibee said:


    I know it's hard but try to stop worrying. Worrying doesn't prevent or fix anything. It just causes more problems. 

    When I was going through my radiation, i asked my doctor why 3 and not 5 like you. I wanted to be sure I wasn't getting short changed. She wasn't sure but told me the dosage is standard and maybe they just spread yours out because of other health issues. 



    About osteoporosis

    I have dexa scans because well, I'm old, and because I was taking Arimidex for breast cancer.  When my last scan showed some increase in osteoporosis, I switched from Arimidex to Tamoxifen.  I'm not going to get uterine cancer - I already did that. . .   Anyway, Tamoxifen is a SERM and bones like it and we're hoping that my mild osteoporosis will improve because of it.  I do NOT want to take a bisphosphonate.  Just don't.  I take enough meds.  If my osteoporosis was really bad or worsening, I might consider it but not now.  Gee, is it a good thing I had breast cancer so am on Tamoxifen?   Armotase inhibitors given to postmenopausal ER+ breast cancer survivors (Arimidex, Fasodex, Aromosin, etc.) are known to cause osteoporosis, but are supposed to be more effective than Tamoxifen in this group of women.  At what cost?  Oh, cancer, the gift that keeps on giving . . .   

    Have you had your Vitamin D levels checked?  Mine were low prior to dx.  I did the prescription mega doses of D but it dropped again after and did not improve on OTC 2000 IUs daily.  My oncologist said to try liquid Vitamin D and I'm now taking 4000-5000 IUs daily.  She said the liquid seems to absorb better for some folks.  Whether it was that or the increased dose, I don't know, but my levels are well within normal range now.  Vitamin D is really important for bone health.  I don't have a clue whether it would improve your bones, but it would be worth asking about. 

    Having no estrogen is our biggest enemy for developing osteoporosis and other ailments.  I'm sure chemotherapy also effected your bone health.  It just effects everything.  I bet you had radiation because of the location of your tumor and the fact that it likes to come back at the top of the vaginal vault sometimes.  But I really know nothing.  You got a great explanation for your path report.   



  • nancibee
    nancibee Member Posts: 59 Member

    My bone density scan showed osteopenia when I was 52. I had to ask for the scan myself. The technician said 90% of male doctors don't do it for women under 60 even if you have a family history.  I took Evista because my sister had started to get dead jawbone syndrome from Fosomax. Evista works like hormone replacement for osteoporosis and yet like Tamoxifen for breast cancer. When I was diagnosed with UPSC, I developed an irrational belief that somehow the Evista had caused my cancer and stopped taking it. Now I just take calcium citrate and 2,000 units of Vitamin D. I also have MS so vitamin D is an issue for me. 

    I had blood work done recently because I have IBS like symptoms so the gastroenterologist ran just about every lab test that exists. My blood calcium level was very slightly high. I googled and see that this could mean calcium is leaking from my bones into my blood. My primary care physician said it is only .1 above the normal so she is not very concerned. I don't plan to take osteoporosis meds again. I hiked 11 miles with a backpack today and am going to do another 8 tomorrow. I also spent the morning looking for my Skeletal Fitness DVD.  Time to get back to it. They say weight bearing exercise is the best thing for osteoporosis. I have a fear of becoming like my mother and grandmother, stooped over shrunken ladies who have a hard time walking.

    Next stop is the  endocrinologist to figure out if I should be worried about the hypodense nodules on my thyroid. They were on my pre-chemo CT scan and no one at Kaiser ever evaluated them. When I switched to USCF, the new Gyn/Onc wanted me to have an ultrasound. So now on to an endocrinologist. 

    I told  my PCP that I don't think I am any less healthy than anyone else my age. But folks my age don't have anywhere near the level of testing that I have. She said Yes, the more you look, the more you find. 


  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

    Thanks Nancy and  Suzanne, I am still not agreeing to any meds now, especially the  extream ones.  My dentist actually told me point blank that he would not do it or recomend it to any of his patients due to the jaw necrosis. He actually lost a patience to the necrosis.  I had the osteoparises early, about 48 I guess due to being lactose intolerent ALL my life.  The lactose pills/meds do not work for me so I guess this is the product plus radiation.  Believe me, I am short, but have large bones, good peasent stock, nothing delicate or dainty about me at all!  Since my mother moved in with me, I have been mostly sedimentary except for a stationary bike that is oh so easy to walk by!  I guess the only weight bearing I do is helping lift Mama and hauling in grocies!  Not sure what to do yet, but I guess that will depend on if I get a clean report May 14th.  My mother and grandmother both broke their hips, but geez, they were in their 80's!  I am old and fat so nothing is EVER going to be great again.  Guess I'll take the  lesser of several evils!  Thanks Y'all  Happy Mother's Day to everyone, Debra