Another Y90 update

Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
edited June 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Sorry to bring this up again, but I have searched the board for Y90 and the topic doesn't seem to be discussed that often.  I decided to go down the path of the Y90 procedure, mostly because I am tired of chemo and the most recent mix-erbitux and irenotecan, was not working for me.  I am scheduled to have the beads placed in one week on May 13.  I just want to know if any of you have had experience with this procedure and what side effects you experienced.   Did it work well for you? 

I have two liver mets that they are targeting.   I have been through the mapping portion of the procedure with very few issues, mostly just brushing and tenderness. 

Anyone have words of advice?



update - the radiation dose is not quite right so I have been rescheduled for the 20th

UPDATE JUNE 8th - it has been just about here weeks since I had the radioactive beads implanted.  In my experience, he only side effect of this procedure has been fatigue.  I had the procedure on a Tuesday and I returned to work full time the following Monday.  I have tried to avoid taking pain meds but have used maybe one or two daily, typically to sleep.  I went for bloodwork to analyze liver function and all the results came back normal.  The doctor is pleased and has ordered the beads for the second tumor.  I will have that  procedure the week of June 16th assuming that the radiation dosage is at the correct level.   

June 20- yesterday was my second bead implant.  It was a very long day due to some issues at the hospital.  We left home at 9 AM and did not get back until 1 AM this morning.  The procedure itself went very well.  The doctor is certainly please with how the bead placement went.   I am feeling very well today and expect that the main side effect this round will be fatigue just like last time.  I expect to rest this weekend and go back to work Monday.   In two weeks I will have a CTScan to check my liver.  I am excited for the results.   I am certain that I have this thing!



  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Dear Lisa,

    I don't know anything about that procedure, but wanted to send my support and wish you the best luck with it.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I have not hadit done yet but

    I have not hadit done yet but am familiar with it. I had consultations with a couple of different interventional radiologist about the proceedure. It is something I am considering depending on my scan results later this month.

    There are a few on the Colon Club Forum who have had it done. Most recently a guy whose screen name is Voxx.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    I wish I had advice for you

    but I don't.

    I had never even heard of Y90, until you mentioned it in your last post, and then, right on cue, my Surgeon actually mentioned it as an optopn if my ablation didn't work out. 

    I am guessing that they are making strides with liver met treatment. The ablation and Y90 seem to be fairly new on the scene. 

    I wish you all the luck in the world, and May 13th is on my calendar.  You have my prayers.


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    I googled it.  Sounds like it is quite effective. Best of juck to you!!

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I hope it goes well for you, Lisa!

    As Jeff said, there is someone at the CC who has been keeping folks updated about his experiences with this.  I've read a few of his posts and they've been pretty informative.

    Let us know how it goes.  I'll be thinking of you on the 13th.

  • northa914
    northa914 Member Posts: 100
    The Cancer Assasin

    There is a person (content removed by CSN Support Team) who had Y90 treatments for cholangiocarcinoma.  I'm assuming the treatment is the same for whatever type of cancer is being treated.  You can find her on Facebook under The Cancer Assasin.  If you scroll through her posts you'll find links to her blog posts from last year that describe what she went through.  If you can't access her on FB, you probably can search for her blog on Google, etc.

    All the best to you!

  • Brenda Bricco
    Brenda Bricco Member Posts: 579 Member
    Hi Lisa, forgive me if I 'm

    Hi Lisa, forgive me if I 'm wrong but I think the procedure you are talking about is the same my Husband had a couple of months ago but it was referred to as Thera Spire. Anyways... if it is, it went really well and ct was negative a month ago.

    GOD's blessings


  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Thank you

    Thanks for your thoughts and support.   I went and read what The Cancer Assassin wrote, not encouraging, but good to know in case. I will update you all on my experience.


  • Varmint5
    Varmint5 Member Posts: 384 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thank you

    Thanks for your thoughts and support.   I went and read what The Cancer Assassin wrote, not encouraging, but good to know in case. I will update you all on my experience.



    I just sent you a long message regarding my daughter's experience with Theraspheres. I won't paste the whole thing here, but she had good results and is still doing well 2 years later - still getting treatment, not cured, but doing so much better than she was.


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thank you

    Thanks for your thoughts and support.   I went and read what The Cancer Assassin wrote, not encouraging, but good to know in case. I will update you all on my experience.


    Just wanted to mention

    that if you want to read about the procedure from a slightly less intense perspective, the guy at CC who recently had it done is user Voxx66.  I think you can search on "Y90" on that forum without being a member, and pretty much everything on the topic that is recent comes from him.

    He def had side effects, but not at all like the person who writes at that blog.  Like all these procedures, there is a lot of variability in how we react.  No one would ever do FOLFOX if they heard how many times I landed in ER because of it, and yet other people work while on it!  It's kinda weird.

  • kersha
    kersha Member Posts: 63
    My husband had this Y90 done

    My husband had this Y90 done in December 2013 with very good results meaning reduction to 3  tumors that were targeted in his liver without any adverse effects. He was able to continue to work. However, another new one appeared and he also has some mets to his lungs which he had prior to the y90 but y90 cannot be done to the lungs.  He is now in the new clinical trail of PD1 and hope that would get rid of all of the mets in liver and lungs would not know how it is working until he has his scan at the end of the month.   I wish you luck with the Y90.  Seeing that you did not have any problems with the mapping, which I think is really the difficult part you should do fine with the actual procedure.

  • Hooley
    Hooley Member Posts: 156
    kersha said:

    My husband had this Y90 done

    My husband had this Y90 done in December 2013 with very good results meaning reduction to 3  tumors that were targeted in his liver without any adverse effects. He was able to continue to work. However, another new one appeared and he also has some mets to his lungs which he had prior to the y90 but y90 cannot be done to the lungs.  He is now in the new clinical trail of PD1 and hope that would get rid of all of the mets in liver and lungs would not know how it is working until he has his scan at the end of the month.   I wish you luck with the Y90.  Seeing that you did not have any problems with the mapping, which I think is really the difficult part you should do fine with the actual procedure.


    This sounds interesting.   Think I've gone wrong tho!  I thought by flagging it I could follow it and keep posted.   Sorry to all if I've messed up here. Due

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    kersha said:

    My husband had this Y90 done

    My husband had this Y90 done in December 2013 with very good results meaning reduction to 3  tumors that were targeted in his liver without any adverse effects. He was able to continue to work. However, another new one appeared and he also has some mets to his lungs which he had prior to the y90 but y90 cannot be done to the lungs.  He is now in the new clinical trail of PD1 and hope that would get rid of all of the mets in liver and lungs would not know how it is working until he has his scan at the end of the month.   I wish you luck with the Y90.  Seeing that you did not have any problems with the mapping, which I think is really the difficult part you should do fine with the actual procedure.

    Good Luck

    Good Luck, I will be thinking of you on the thirteens, hope it works out for a better and healthier you.


  • coloCan
    coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
    thingy45 said:

    Good Luck

    Good Luck, I will be thinking of you on the thirteens, hope it works out for a better and healthier you.


    a little bit on SIRT

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    coloCan said:
    Thank you

    Here's hoping I will post a success story here by July!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thank you

    Here's hoping I will post a success story here by July!

    Tomorrow almost here

    I'll be thinking and praying for you, Lisa. 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I am sorry I didn't see your update, Lisa.  If you want, you could put Update in the subject line, and that would alert us (or me, at least). Just an idea. 

    Anyway, I am sorry that your surgery was rescheduled. I know how hard it is gearing yourself up for a procedure, and how disappointing it is when it gets cancelled.  

    So, you're back on the calendar for the 20th. Fingers crossed and prayers said. 

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Trubrit said:


    I am sorry I didn't see your update, Lisa.  If you want, you could put Update in the subject line, and that would alert us (or me, at least). Just an idea. 

    Anyway, I am sorry that your surgery was rescheduled. I know how hard it is gearing yourself up for a procedure, and how disappointing it is when it gets cancelled.  

    So, you're back on the calendar for the 20th. Fingers crossed and prayers said. 

    Thank you

    You are awesome, very compassionate

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thank you

    You are awesome, very compassionate

    Thank you, Lisa

    Smiley cool 045.GIF = Me

    No, really. Thank you for the compliment. 

  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thank you

    You are awesome, very compassionate

    The 20th? I Missed Something

    Is it Tuesday? I missed a post or something...just wanted to check on you and saw something about the 20th.

    You  are in my thoughts a couple of cheesy puns for you...courtesy of me having too much coffee before bed.


    I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger...then it hit me.

    When William joined the army he disliked the phrase, "Fire At Will."

    Police were called to a daycare when a three year old was resisting a rest.


    Hope you smiled. Your friend, Carrie