Packed up and ready to move!

Hi Guys,

  Well...after tomorrow afternoon/early evening, my internet, phone and cable will be disconnected, so I'll be unable to participate in the group. Frown However...our service at the new house in Oregon will be installed and up and running by late afternoon Saturday, so it will be a brief shutdown period. "yeah"! Smile I'm so excited to get this move on the road, that it's hard to contain myself! Tongue Out The U-Haul will be packed up tomorrow and then we will head out Friday morning. My first appointment with my new Oncologist in Hood River Oregon is on May 8th at 1:00. I'm sure she will schedule my MRI for the following week and after viewing the results will get the ball rolling for radiation of my eye. I will of course let you know what she tells me and what the plan will be. By the way, my new insurance kicks in tomorrow! Yippee! Smile I hope everyone is doing good and you know you are all in my daily prayers! Well...I have a few last minute things to get done today, so I better get at it. My loveKissand appreciation to you all...Sue

(Follicular NHL-stg3-grd2-typA-Dx 6-10-age 63)

Relapsed April 2014...cancer is now in my right eye, right cheek and paratracheal node on the right side of my chest wall. Treatment to be determined on May 8th 2014. Surprised


  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Hi Sue,
    How exiciting that

    Hi Sue,
    How exiciting that you're moving to a place that you love! I also recently moved but just to another part of the city, I can only tell you to take it easy after the move because its sooo tiresome!! Enjoy your new place...take care (((HUGS)))

  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member
    The Big Move

    Dearest Sue,

    If you are excited, I am excited for you! A brand new home, a new health care team, a new town and state full of new friends, a new care plan. . .those are all some major changes. Don't forget to rest, eat well, nap when needed, and take care of yourself. 

    I will miss you over the next few days but please know you will be in my prayers.

    Hugs and much love,



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    For Sue's journey...


    Moving is about as hard a thing as a human can do.  May your move go as easily as these things can. Something to listen to "along the road"....


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Happy trails

    So happy you can move without too much worry and stress.  With what you have been through this must seem like a piece of cake.  Don't forget the wine and tackle!


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hi Sue

    Hi Sue.  Hope your move went well.  I realize you're getting settled in, etc.  Write when you can.  We're thinking of you.

