Biopsy positive: Cancer

Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member


I've been dealing with oral cancer that started out with a small sore on my tongue about a year ago. My dentist ignored it despite the fact that I repeat lay asked for help. 

I was diagnosed with tongue cancer in August 2013 and had the leison removed in September. Second surgery to remove lymph nodes in October. no presence of lymph node involvement. PET CT Scan in January showed a single lymph node near submandublar glad. Gland and lymph removed in January. All clear margins each and every time. Two weeks ago I had my PET CT Scan and an area  between my tongue and throat showed activity. 

Saw my doctor today. I had a needle biopsy And it came back positive for cancer. I am having it excised next Wednesday. Then meet with radiation doctor and medical oncologist on May 6th. I'm sure I will start rad and chemo once I am sufficiently healed from the surgery. I want it out today!! knowing I have this cancer and ha paving to wait for surgery is hard. This will be my fourth surgery. 

Im so tired from all of this and of course am frightened about the prospect of treatment. I know rad and chemo will be hard. Very hard. But, I am begining to realize that this is my very best course of action to kill the cancer. I am lucky (if you can call it that) that it is localized in one area. 

Right now, I feel sick and tired. I just want to be well again and feel that my team of excellent doctors will help me through this. I know I have to walk through hell to get to the other side. 

thank you all for your kind and encouraging replies. please keep me in your prayers as I navigate this difficult time. 




  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Praying for healing and

    Praying for healing and strength.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member

    I am sorry that you have had to join the group this way but we will be very helpful.  Stay in touch, we will help you get through this.  Not a fun journey, but doable.  Are you at a Comprehensive Cancer Center or rely on local doctors?

  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Hey BunnyMom,

    I'm sorry that you are having to battle the beast again, but it sounds like your docs are on top of catching the invasions at early stages.  Surgery, radiation, and chemo treatments are no fun, and yes you will be walking through the gauntlet, but always, always remember, and tell yourself YOU CAN DO THIS.  Some days will be better than others, however, in time, it does get better overall, and the treatment part of the journey will be behind you.  For now, buckle up, be patient, and remember to take it one day, hour, minute, second, or nanosecond at a time.  BunnyMom, you are experiencing all of the thoughts and feelings that we have all had, so you are not alone in your situation, hang in there.  We're here for you.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    bunnymom, i'm so sorry you

    bunnymom, i'm so sorry you have to do battle again but please know you CAN do it!  we will be here cheering you on and encouraging you whenever you need it.  come here to vent, cry, ask questions, get suggestions, whatever, we will help.  many have traveled this road and are here to talk about it and you will too.  hang in there and please keep us posted on your progress.

    praying for smooth traveling,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    positive we are behind you


    Now that I know your history, you may apply my last response to  6 months in your future.

    Currently, we wait for your team to come up with a plan tailored to you and before you know it the beast will be gone and you may get on with your life.

    Good thoughts & prayers,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Welcome to the H&N form

    Welcome to the H&N form and sorry you need to be here. You have fought the beast before and are about to fight once again. This is without-a-dought the best group of careing people you will ever find anywhere. If you need moral suport or just need to vent because you had a bad day fighting the beast they're here for you with suport and some great adivce. You won't be alone in your battle, or prayers. You just do the fight and let us know if we can do something.

    wmc  Oct 2013

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    KTeacher said:


    I am sorry that you have had to join the group this way but we will be very helpful.  Stay in touch, we will help you get through this.  Not a fun journey, but doable.  Are you at a Comprehensive Cancer Center or rely on local doctors?

    Sooty reply

    Yes. I am at the University of Chicago Medical Center. research hospital. Excellent team. 


    thank you for your reply

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    jim and i said:

    Praying for healing and

    Praying for healing and strength.


    Thank you

    Thank you so much Debbie

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    patricke said:


    Hey BunnyMom,

    I'm sorry that you are having to battle the beast again, but it sounds like your docs are on top of catching the invasions at early stages.  Surgery, radiation, and chemo treatments are no fun, and yes you will be walking through the gauntlet, but always, always remember, and tell yourself YOU CAN DO THIS.  Some days will be better than others, however, in time, it does get better overall, and the treatment part of the journey will be behind you.  For now, buckle up, be patient, and remember to take it one day, hour, minute, second, or nanosecond at a time.  BunnyMom, you are experiencing all of the thoughts and feelings that we have all had, so you are not alone in your situation, hang in there.  We're here for you.



    Right now this feels surreal. I am at the University of Chicago Medical Center with top notch doctors. I feel blessed by that. 

    Thank you for your support and the support of this entire group. Yes, I am frightened but I am slowly coming to the realization that the full gauntlet of treatment is the best plan of action. 


    I won't have this latest beast removed until Wednesday, April 30. My doctor told me that this is curable so I'm going at it with this in mind. Im just scared about the radiation and chemo. This will be my fourth operation and that doesn't even bother me. I don't really know what to expect with the rad and chemo. 


    Thank you

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member

    bunnymom, i'm so sorry you

    bunnymom, i'm so sorry you have to do battle again but please know you CAN do it!  we will be here cheering you on and encouraging you whenever you need it.  come here to vent, cry, ask questions, get suggestions, whatever, we will help.  many have traveled this road and are here to talk about it and you will too.  hang in there and please keep us posted on your progress.

    praying for smooth traveling,


    Thank you so much 

    Thank you so much 

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    positive we are behind you


    Now that I know your history, you may apply my last response to  6 months in your future.

    Currently, we wait for your team to come up with a plan tailored to you and before you know it the beast will be gone and you may get on with your life.

    Good thoughts & prayers,


    I have 4th surgery to


    I have 4th surgery to remove this on Wednesday, April 30. They will go into the same incision they used (neck) for the last two In order to remove it. (First was leison on tongue). 

    Your response to my post has made me feel very happy because all I want is to go on with my life and leave this behind me. My doctor tells me what I have is curable. I have an excellent team of doctors at the University of Chicago Medical Center. 

    I guess the the hardest part for me right now is trying to understand how the rad and chemo will go. It's all very frightening. Four surgeries seem like nothing compared to this. I'm just quite frightened. I am trying to focus on being positive and directing all of my energies into positive thoughts. its funny because in many ways I am frightened, but at the same time, I am relieved because I know with my whole heart that the combo of rad and chemo is what's going to slay the beast  Lots of thoughts and feelings coming from all parts of my being. 

    I haven't met with medical oncologist or radiation physician yet. I believe the treatment plan will be decided after this beast is removed on Wednesday and they've had a chance to look at it. My surgeon told me that they may do a course that would consist of 5 days in the hospital getting rad and chemo, and nine days home repeated 5 or 6 times but I just don't know yet. Is this the experience of others here? What should I expect? I've read that radiation on your mouth is just horrible and that makes me feel so much anxiety. 

    Yes....I will hold that thought....the thought of going on with my life with the beast gone!!

    thank you so much Matt. 


  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member
    wmc said:

    Welcome to the H&N form

    Welcome to the H&N form and sorry you need to be here. You have fought the beast before and are about to fight once again. This is without-a-dought the best group of careing people you will ever find anywhere. If you need moral suport or just need to vent because you had a bad day fighting the beast they're here for you with suport and some great adivce. You won't be alone in your battle, or prayers. You just do the fight and let us know if we can do something.

    wmc  Oct 2013

    Thank you so much for your

    Thank you so much for your support, encouragement and prayers. This means so much to me. You have no idea. 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You ARE going to get through this

    patch of gravel on your life hiway......You have a good attitude, "a get this outta me, so I can move on!" thought process that will help you push through treatment and get on with life.  As has been said on this forum 1000's tough, but it's doable.  Learning to live in the day is only way to get it step at a time, one day at a time. 

    We're all here to cheer you on.  The best part about this forum, is the "tips and tricks" we know that many of the Drs. don't realize....the small things that make the path less rocky.  Ask anything....all questions are answered here.

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member

    You ARE going to get through this

    patch of gravel on your life hiway......You have a good attitude, "a get this outta me, so I can move on!" thought process that will help you push through treatment and get on with life.  As has been said on this forum 1000's tough, but it's doable.  Learning to live in the day is only way to get it step at a time, one day at a time. 

    We're all here to cheer you on.  The best part about this forum, is the "tips and tricks" we know that many of the Drs. don't realize....the small things that make the path less rocky.  Ask anything....all questions are answered here.

    Hi Phrannie51,
    thank you so

    Hi Phrannie51,

    thank you so much for the reply and encouragement. Could you be more specific about what "tips and tricks" might help me through this? I can already see that taking it one day at a time will help....maybe even one hour or one minute. 


    Any ya suggestions you could send would be helpful and I would be very grateful. 

  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member

    You ARE going to get through this

    patch of gravel on your life hiway......You have a good attitude, "a get this outta me, so I can move on!" thought process that will help you push through treatment and get on with life.  As has been said on this forum 1000's tough, but it's doable.  Learning to live in the day is only way to get it step at a time, one day at a time. 

    We're all here to cheer you on.  The best part about this forum, is the "tips and tricks" we know that many of the Drs. don't realize....the small things that make the path less rocky.  Ask anything....all questions are answered here.

    Hi Phrannie51,
    thank you so

    Hi Phrannie51,

    thank you so much for the reply and encouragement. Could you be more specific about what "tips and tricks" might help me through this. I can already see that taking it one day at a time will help....maybe even one hour or one minute. 


    Any ya suggestions you could send would be helpful and I would be very grateful. 

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Bunnymom said:

    Hi Phrannie51,
    thank you so

    Hi Phrannie51,

    thank you so much for the reply and encouragement. Could you be more specific about what "tips and tricks" might help me through this. I can already see that taking it one day at a time will help....maybe even one hour or one minute. 


    Any ya suggestions you could send would be helpful and I would be very grateful. 

    Things will

    pop up as you go along through treatment.....I remember one post I titled "Let's talk about bowels"...LOL.  I was so constipated between the Boost VHC and the anti-nausea great advice on here for how to get past that. 

    Before treatment started I got some things lined out and already in the house before treatment started.....Aquafor for my neck (ended up not liking the greasyness, but found out about Calendula cream and Aloe 99 on here, and used that instead).  Had a case of Ensure ready and waiting for when I needed it.  Also ordered Stoppers 4 and Xlylemints for dry mouth so they'd be on hand when I needed them.

    What's so great about this forum is, you can ask about something, and get 10 different ideas.....if one doesn't work, then you can try another.  It seems with this treatment different things work for different people....and different things work on different days.  I had a feeding tube, but nobody told me how to work it.  I got on here, and everybody helped me figure it out when I finally needed it.

    I heard about Mugard on here, so I asked my Oncologist about it.  He prescibed it right away because I asked.....I got all through the first 3 rounds of chemo and all the rads without mouthsores. 

    You'll have questions as you go through treatment, and there will be someone here (or many someones) who went through the same thing....and will have answers for you that the Doc's don't think about. 

    It's going to be is!!! 


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Bunnymom said:

    Hi Phrannie51,
    thank you so

    Hi Phrannie51,

    thank you so much for the reply and encouragement. Could you be more specific about what "tips and tricks" might help me through this. I can already see that taking it one day at a time will help....maybe even one hour or one minute. 


    Any ya suggestions you could send would be helpful and I would be very grateful. 


    The Superthread is full of information for treatment and beyond.  It is a great resource that you will find you go back to often.  Hydrate and nutrition.  Stay on top of pain meds.  Protein is important, you might add protein powder to a smoothie, my husband even put it in my cream of wheat.  Stick around and ask, we will help you through this.  How old is your child?  You might need to line up some help, friends, family, child's friends family.