Dear, dear me, my butt is sore. Update

Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

So today I had my Flexi Sig.  

First finances. Some of you may remember how I was quoted $29,450.00.  First thing I asked when going to admittance was to talk about this. The lady admitting me politely (and she was a lovely girl) told me that the hospital prices are always FOUR TIMES higher than big city hospitals. Ah, I said, "But a Twenty seven thousand dollars hike, still doesn't cut it" She went out back to pull out the lady in charge of finances who said it was a correct quote, and I told her it wasn't. She showesd me the 'Codes', pointing to my code - Sigmoid Resection. "Ah, but I'm having a Flexi Sig, NOT a resection". "It says here you are having biopsies taken" she says. "Yes" I reply, "but a resection and a biopsy are two seperate procedures". I then filled her in on what a resection was. She had no idea. 

I will be getting my money back, they will be looking for a code for a Flexi Sig, and I'm sure all will be well. Oh, and I won't be using this hospital again. 

So, I had my flexi sig, sans sedation (never works for me). Doc took about seven biosies and sent them off to pathology. He said that he didn't see any change from my January colonoscopy, and thinks that the PET is just picking up on the radiation damage, which was visible, even to my uneducated eyes. 

I feel all is well in the rectum, and will concentrate all my energies on my liver. I see the Surgical Oncologist tomorrow. 

I REALLY appreciate all of your caring thoughts, prayers, and good vibes. I honestly believe that they all work for the good. 



  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Sounds like you are well

    Glad your day was okay and so happy you had a chance to educate the office staff, LOL.  Good luck on the liver resection consult.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Oh My

    Another instance of the patient having to educate the people who should know better!  I am glad that you were able to get that taken care of.

    Prayers that biopsies are all negative and that your liver issues are resolved with more precision than the billing.


    Marie who loves kitties

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142

    Oh My

    Another instance of the patient having to educate the people who should know better!  I am glad that you were able to get that taken care of.

    Prayers that biopsies are all negative and that your liver issues are resolved with more precision than the billing.


    Marie who loves kitties

    You crack me up!

    Marie, who loves kitties, you are funny

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    After responding to your outrageous amount for that procedure, I'd figure I'd look at the internet and surgical amounts for that and it showed that about $1,000 was appropriate for a flex sig and that was the high side ($400-$700 was insurance paid).  So glad you were adamant about getting them straight.  Your amount seemed way to high so I'm glad you were persistent.  Wishing you the best for the outcome and praying that all is normal.


  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Nothing but

    positive thoughts sent your way in the livER issue.  Good catch on the finances, love the people helping people on here With information!!!!

    Winter Marie

  • aggie0053
    aggie0053 Member Posts: 110
    good luck with the onc

    good luck with the onc tomorrow, glad you got the money matters on your side

  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member
    Why oh why

    Does everything have to be such a battle?  These people who work in health "care" should be a little more humane in treatment of us humans.  I wonder if they would treat their mother, sister, brother the same way?  My husband made an enemy at the front desk at the imaging center.  Since he has had all his surgeries, treatments, office visits at this same facility, he refused to fill out the 10,000th form on his health history.  The woman behind the glass said "Well, then we can't do your scan"  He told her very loudly "I'm pretty sure you're not the person who makes that decision" and back he went for his scan. 

    We have since switched to a much more professional, helpful, and hopeful place.

    I'm glad to hear they told you some of their findings on the scope.  I hope you get a plan at your next onc. appt.

    Thanks for the update.  Keep that positive attitude!


  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    LindaK. said:

    Why oh why

    Does everything have to be such a battle?  These people who work in health "care" should be a little more humane in treatment of us humans.  I wonder if they would treat their mother, sister, brother the same way?  My husband made an enemy at the front desk at the imaging center.  Since he has had all his surgeries, treatments, office visits at this same facility, he refused to fill out the 10,000th form on his health history.  The woman behind the glass said "Well, then we can't do your scan"  He told her very loudly "I'm pretty sure you're not the person who makes that decision" and back he went for his scan. 

    We have since switched to a much more professional, helpful, and hopeful place.

    I'm glad to hear they told you some of their findings on the scope.  I hope you get a plan at your next onc. appt.

    Thanks for the update.  Keep that positive attitude!


    On one of Rick’s


    On one of Rick’s appointments to his HIPEC surgeon, we found a jokester at the front desk when we were paying the co-pay.  Two women decided to entertain themselves by playing a joke on a cancer patient of all people.  We went to pay the normal $10, and the young woman said; “Sir, your current balance is $10,000.  Rick’s face turned white.  And mind you, we had just had very disturbing news, so we were in no mood for jokes.  I was listening to the conversation a few feet away, and when I saw him start to get nervous, I took a few steps towards the desk.  Well, I must have had a facial expression of “I’m going to kill you…” since when both women looked at me they got nervous and quickly told him that they were only kidding.  One of them said to me, “It’s ok, I’m just kidding, I thought that you were going to jump over the desk for a minute there.”  Yeah, that was real funny lady.

    Sue, I hope that things go well for you today, let us know dear.

    Best wishes,
