flooding you with positive thoughts and lots of prayers, John

debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member

john, just want you and shelley to know we are all thinking of you and praying for all to go well.  we will contiue praying until you are back to being john 100% again.  i hope shelley will be able to give us updates on your progress now and then.  will be patiently awaiting posts from you.

God bless you and bring you thru this, John!




  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    I Second that Emotion...

    John and Shelley, If Karma exists it will work in your favour. You do a lot of good for a lot of people with great humour. Good luck mate. Gary.

  • Sunshine60
    Sunshine60 Member Posts: 81
    Hang in there!

    Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way. Day at a time.  



  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    just like

    john, this is just like you feel before a fishing trip... you know your going to catch fish


    now, you know your going to be fine with time and all good news. 


    big shout out prayers going for your doc's, nurse's, support, family and Shelley. 



  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    updates promised


    I promised John that I would post updates on here for everyone as soon as Shelley gives me them.

    I have the BATPHONE at the ready.

    Thanks for starting this prayer chain, Debbie.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Thank you all...

    You ladies and buds are the absolute best..

    Surgery is scheduled for a time between 1:30PM - 8:30 PM EST...., ummm Florida time.. Cool

    Thoughts and prayers to all of you as well..

    BTW, my son flew in from California to help Shelley and comfort us, so that's awesome for us already.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Best of luck my friend.   All the good mojo I can muster is coming your way.


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thank you all...

    You ladies and buds are the absolute best..

    Surgery is scheduled for a time between 1:30PM - 8:30 PM EST...., ummm Florida time.. Cool

    Thoughts and prayers to all of you as well..

    BTW, my son flew in from California to help Shelley and comfort us, so that's awesome for us already.


    Holding good thoughts

    and sending my wishes for the best possible outcome.


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thank you all...

    You ladies and buds are the absolute best..

    Surgery is scheduled for a time between 1:30PM - 8:30 PM EST...., ummm Florida time.. Cool

    Thoughts and prayers to all of you as well..

    BTW, my son flew in from California to help Shelley and comfort us, so that's awesome for us already.


    So glad

    I am so glad that your son is there.  Shelley will have some company during the wait.  Just think, you get to wear your favorite 'gown!'  Take care of yourself and follow your doctor's (and wife's) orders.  You are a warrior, battle on.

  • ahollie
    ahollie Member Posts: 84
    You Got this!!!

    Praying for a speedy recovery! You got this!

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thank you all...

    You ladies and buds are the absolute best..

    Surgery is scheduled for a time between 1:30PM - 8:30 PM EST...., ummm Florida time.. Cool

    Thoughts and prayers to all of you as well..

    BTW, my son flew in from California to help Shelley and comfort us, so that's awesome for us already.


    what an awesome son!! 

    what an awesome son!!  everythings off to a great start and will continue that way.

    God bless,


  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375

    What Matt said ! We are all here pulling for you !

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    We got

    your back, John.....sending everything positive your way!!!


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Praying for you, Shelley and

    Praying for you, Shelley and family. Also praying the doctors and other hospital personal have clear focus and gentle caring.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thank you all...

    You ladies and buds are the absolute best..

    Surgery is scheduled for a time between 1:30PM - 8:30 PM EST...., ummm Florida time.. Cool

    Thoughts and prayers to all of you as well..

    BTW, my son flew in from California to help Shelley and comfort us, so that's awesome for us already.


    Thoughts and prayers

    You both will be in my thoughts and prayers. Be strong, you'll beat it.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thank you all...

    You ladies and buds are the absolute best..

    Surgery is scheduled for a time between 1:30PM - 8:30 PM EST...., ummm Florida time.. Cool

    Thoughts and prayers to all of you as well..

    BTW, my son flew in from California to help Shelley and comfort us, so that's awesome for us already.


    G’day John

    Hang in there and keep the faith that all will go well

    Praying for you all

    Tim Hondo

  • michdjp
    michdjp Member Posts: 220
    Prayers for you

    John, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I'm glad your son is with you. I agree with the previous posts.. You got this! will look for updates but keep you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Thanks All...

    Getting ready to go for the big dig....

    Prayers all around me....

    IK and Shells will post updates



  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Thoughts and prayers....

    We'll be thinking of you today....

    Just saw this post from you.....Glad your son flew in to be with you and Shelley.

    All will be well....prayers all day for you.

    ~C & K


  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    My Marine Brother


    Thoughts and Prayers Outbound for you and yours

    Semper Fi

  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Go get em


    sending vibes and prayers for you.  You got this!
