Been awhile

Luckygirl2 Member Posts: 308

It has been awhile since I've been on, alot is going on..I've started my folifiri, 5FU and Avastin.  Had my first does of Avastin Wednesday and it has not been kind to me at all.  Between the cramping, diaherra, nauseau, I've been pretty miserable.  I think (I used that word lightly) that I am beginning to feel better.  I asked Gary when we came in from church and lunch (after my 3d trip to the bathroom) if I could just I did.  I started feeling a little be better after that - if I had only known a little cry would make it all better I would have done that on Wednesday :)  I have two more rounds of treatment here and then I go back to MD Anderson for a cat scan to see if this treatment is shrinking these little devils.  If they are, I continue on, If not, I'm already approved for a clinical trial and will begin that treatment.  Awful lot for this little country girl to take it..  So the next month will be on pins and needles.  Got my 1st statement from MD for my one day visit in March...$21,000!!!  Sure hoping insurance pays their little heart out.  I did find out that I am Braf positive, I'm one in only 5% of us lucky colon cancer patients that have it!  My hair fell out 2 weeks after my first treatment instead of by the "3d treatment"...I cried, I thought I was prepared but I apparently was not!  I'm ok now, 30 minutes of crying, 5 minutes of my son giving me a buzz cut :)...Going to be a wild ride...but as long as I am still here with my family and breathing, I'm good with it!




  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Hang in there

    I am glad that you are feeling a little better.  Hang in there, I know it isn't fun.

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member

    Please call your oncologist regarding your side effects.  There are medications and over the counter meds which can make a big improvement.  There is no need to suffer from them.  And don't be afraid to tell them is something is not working or working well that they prescribe.  There are a number of possibilities.

    Wishing you best results with your treatments.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member
    It is good to Cry

    I recommend everyone during their Cancer Journey, just sit down and cry it out.  (I have several times.) Sometimes it is what we need to clear our heads and get rid of the pain.  It has allowed me to refocus and move forward.


    Ginger helped me ease the nausea.   There are also drops called Queesey Drops, Target has carried them in the past.  They do help ease the nausea.


    I went to a Traditional Chineese medicine shop and got a herbal rememdy for diarrhea.  It took a couple of days to work, and now it works each time I take it.   The first time it took 3 days of taking the pills every 12 hours.  Now it worls after one set of pills.   


    I eat several small meals a day during chemo.   To keep nutrition in me at all times helps me not feel depleted.  I also use juicing to help me keep good levels of nutrition.  Good nutrition allowed me to get good rest, and not feel exhausted allof the time.


    Best Always,   mike

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Crying is a good thing. I am

    Crying is a good thing. I am doing XELIRIRi plus Vectibix and it is kicking my butt bad. I just finished my third treatment. 2 more and then a scan to see what is next for me. We seem to be following very similar paths over the past few months. it's tuff, but I cherish every moment of life no matter how sick I am feeling and really take advantage of the time I am feeling good. I rode my motorcycle and mountain biked this week end before I start my next treatment this coming Friday.

  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member

    Crying is a good thing. I am

    Crying is a good thing. I am doing XELIRIRi plus Vectibix and it is kicking my butt bad. I just finished my third treatment. 2 more and then a scan to see what is next for me. We seem to be following very similar paths over the past few months. it's tuff, but I cherish every moment of life no matter how sick I am feeling and really take advantage of the time I am feeling good. I rode my motorcycle and mountain biked this week end before I start my next treatment this coming Friday.

    This Too Shall Pass

    Lomotil can help with going too much, nothing helped me with nausea (compazine, zofran)..phenergan worked better than anything and is worth a shot but it makes you sleepy. Although, sometimes sleep is a good thing when your body needs to heal. I've never lost my hair, not yet, but one of my favorite inspirational books about cancer, "There's No Place Like Hope," describes it as feeling like you're being erased. The lady who wrote it lost her eyebrows, eyelashes...the whole nine yards. I can only imagine how you feel. My heart goes out to you. Seek comfort in those who love you. Cry your heart out whenever you need to and if you need a pick me up, a laugh, or someone to vent to...I will listen. My mom always tells me, "This too shall pass." Nothing lasts forever..not pain, not cancer, not sadness.

    Lots of love


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Yeah right!

    I am so sorry to hear that your treatments are kicking you hard. Cry, cry and cry again, but be sure to pick yourself up and move on, because even though crying is good, crying too much is bad.

    I remember thinking that if my hair fell out, no big deal, it will grow back. YEAH RIGHT! I was DEVESTATED! It came out in such great clumps, my heart just fell with every one. 

    I help off, and held off shaving my head because my boys didn't want me to, but Oh, how I should have done it sooner than later (the Gollum look was not not good for the soul). 

    I am glad to hear that you shaved your head, and what a wonderful son, to help you do it. 

    I know its been over a week since your post, but I pray that you are holding up well, and know that we are all here to virtually hold you too.