Checking on all of you

Hi, well as for me .. the fight continues.. today was 11 of 38 radiation treatments.. so far hanging tough.. face is still sore from surgery but with nerves and muscle damage I think this is the new normal.

I hope the fight for all of you is going well. Even though we may have never met I pray and think positive thoughts for all of you and your families.

Remember you have a friend here fighting along side of you.. Fight like an animal!





  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Good luck

    RK. I start next week. Hope I tough it out as well as you are doing. G.

  • Steve5
    Steve5 Member Posts: 147
    That's the way RK

    That's the way RK - fight on, do the treatments, keep stepping ahead, this means 27 to go - when I got to 15 to go I thought it would never end, they started to remind me I would experience "ground hog day" everyday - they (all the pros and vets here)  were right, but you can do it, and there is an end to treatment and a new side at the end.  Thinking of you and keep writing and checking in as ofter as you want or need.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    11 of 38


    Keep plowing ahead, stay hydrated and swallowing.

    You may not be able to judge the final outcome of your surgery for a couple of years.  My neck feels far better at 2+ years than at 6 months.
