Had laser excision today

GavinP Member Posts: 118
edited April 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hey all,

So I had laser excision on the white patch on the right side of my tongue today.

All went well, but they actually excised far more of my tongue than I was expecting. I thought it would just be the white spot, but actually they did virtually the whole of the right side of my tongue again.

Obviously with so much of my tongue done, I'm in quite a bit of discomfort, but it's manageable.

I had a local anesthetic and when they administered the local anesthetic I had a bit of a reaction which saw my pulse going up to 170bpm for about five minutes. That was by far the worst of the procedure, but once my pulse settled down everything else was fine and I was able to leave hospital within an hour.

Everything is now being sent for biopsy and I should get the results within the next 2-3 weeks - Last time it was moderate dysplasia (pre-cancerous tissue) and that's what I'm expecting this time. I'll let you know when I get the results.

Thanks all.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    What a way to kick off your week.  Now open up and say ahhhh don’t have any cancer.

    Best of luck to you,


  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118
    CivilMatt said:



    What a way to kick off your week.  Now open up and say ahhhh don’t have any cancer.

    Best of luck to you,



    Thanks Matt. :D

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    gavin, glad that is over with

    gavin, glad that is over with and praying its not cancer.  i hope you won't worry the whole time you're waiting for results but i know that's hard not to do.  be sure to let us know when you hear, "it's not cancer".

    God bless,


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    gavin, glad that is over with

    gavin, glad that is over with and praying its not cancer.  i hope you won't worry the whole time you're waiting for results but i know that's hard not to do.  be sure to let us know when you hear, "it's not cancer".

    God bless,



    Prayers and good thoughts coming your way!

  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118
    hwt said:


    Prayers and good thoughts coming your way!

    Thanks both...

    Will let you know when I have news.

    I'm feeling confident it's going to be another patch of dysplasia - Not great of course, but not cancer.