Political correctness on crack

Alexandra Member Posts: 1,308
edited April 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1

Yesterday I got my urine test result and yes I have a UTI. I googled UTI and the first site that popped up belonged to Hassle Free Clinic in Toronto, a Canadian equivalent of STD / STI / VD clinic.

I want you to imagine executive steering committee meeting at Hassle-Free Clinic dedicated to developing their new web-site.

Mission statement: To educate unwashed masses about important health topics in simple clear language they can understand.

- Should we call them females? Sounds so pedestrian. And open to interpretation.

- Maybe we should call them women? But what if a transgendered person wonders in, gets confused and sues?

- Let's brainstorm. Ladies? Girls? Chicks? Femininas? Broads? Utero-Canadians? Testically-challenged citizens?

- I took gender studies in college. I have a brilliant idea! All in favour? Risk Management and Legal - sign off. Done, eh?


If you don't believe me, check out http://www.hasslefreeclinic.org/UTI.php





Do you take this individual with vagina to be your lawfully wedded wife? Why not?




  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    So when I'm asked for my sex, I should now say individual with vagina?  THAT is what defines me?

  • Hearty Pioneer
    Hearty Pioneer Member Posts: 158
    Oh my!

    Call a spad a spad! Female would work! Too funny!

  • mrspjd
    mrspjd Member Posts: 694 Member


    I wonder how that Clinic refers to a man/male who has a UTI? Perhaps, as an individual without a vagina? Or maybe, an individual with a penis? ;)
  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    Sooooooo funny!
    A young pup

    Sooooooo funny!

    A young pup in my department sent out an email saying "Hey guys!" Hmmmmmm......seeing that I was the only woman on the distro list I thought, "he couldn't be talking to me?!"  But seeing that my boss was one of the "guys" he was talking to, I figured in the end I better respond to this young pup and said, "I didn't think this reminder was for me since I am not a guy." 


    Can't wait to forward that paragraph to all my female friends.

  • lovesanimals
    lovesanimals Member Posts: 1,366 Member

    Sooooooo funny!
    A young pup

    Sooooooo funny!

    A young pup in my department sent out an email saying "Hey guys!" Hmmmmmm......seeing that I was the only woman on the distro list I thought, "he couldn't be talking to me?!"  But seeing that my boss was one of the "guys" he was talking to, I figured in the end I better respond to this young pup and said, "I didn't think this reminder was for me since I am not a guy." 


    Can't wait to forward that paragraph to all my female friends.


    I cannot stop laughing!! Laughing



  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member

    Thank you for my chuckle for the day, Alexandra!  Just when I thought things couldn't get any more bizzarre, you have proven me wrong.  And it's even more disturbing than funny - a testimony to this world we live in.  Thankfully, there are plenty of people around, like you, to keep things lighthearted.  Otherwise, someone could really get sucked into thinking they must now define themselves this way.

    I can see it now - the new 'got milk' commercials:  'Got parts (insert appropriate body part)?  If you do, you could be one of the thousands of people who suffer from UTI's every month'  Yadda, yadda, yadda!




  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    mopar said:


    Thank you for my chuckle for the day, Alexandra!  Just when I thought things couldn't get any more bizzarre, you have proven me wrong.  And it's even more disturbing than funny - a testimony to this world we live in.  Thankfully, there are plenty of people around, like you, to keep things lighthearted.  Otherwise, someone could really get sucked into thinking they must now define themselves this way.

    I can see it now - the new 'got milk' commercials:  'Got parts (insert appropriate body part)?  If you do, you could be one of the thousands of people who suffer from UTI's every month'  Yadda, yadda, yadda!




    Geeesh.. byt the title.. I

    Geeesh.. byt the title.. I thought you may of seen my ugly butt crack... whew..!  Oh wait, shouldn't be talking about butts here... sorry.. we won't go there... No wait.. I did not mean "going there" that way either..  Cool


  • Susan P
    Susan P Member Posts: 103
    GSRon said:

    Geeesh.. byt the title.. I

    Geeesh.. byt the title.. I thought you may of seen my ugly butt crack... whew..!  Oh wait, shouldn't be talking about butts here... sorry.. we won't go there... No wait.. I did not mean "going there" that way either..  Cool


    political correctness on crack

    Alexandra - seeing that you are in Toronto I looked at the title & wodered what Rob F has to do wih Ov ca -  at least your title got attention

    Canadian eh?


    Susan P