Winter Marie, Sundancer, who else am I missing?



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member


    Still here and doing well.  Back in Dec., the chemo I was on quit working, so switched back to Oxi/Xeloda and hoping that combo would work, it quit working before, but since this was a second PRIMARY tumor, then the thinking was, that the second primary has never had the Oxi/Xeloda and it might work.  For the month of January, the CEA rose, then six weeks (after second chemo) later it dropped three points, then three weeks later it gained three points.  At this point we realized the drop in the CEA of three points were probably due to my quitting smoking in December and the rise was a real rise, so I've been scared lately as I am out of chemo's if this doesnt work (except for that Stirvarga (sp)of which I'm unsure of it's ability to work well).  My next CEA came back a ten as well, but this past CEA was 9.6, so was this a fluke? Was the testing off a bit? Or do I really have a drop in my CEA?

    So if you all can tell, alive but have been busy being worried about my tumors and shrinkage and all that, that I curled up into my own little world for a while, trying to keep the fear away, yet preparing for the worst.  

    Here's the next CEA being lower!

    Thank you for thinking of me, I do appreciate it.

    Winter Marie


    You and me too

    Sounds so familiar. My CEA is jumping and jumping. I have to get my head around it. I want it to be a fluke too. Lets both go for flukes (such a fun word). 

    I hope the spring sun is shining down on you and you can get outside and breath the fresh air and feel the sun on your skin. I think thats medicine for the soul. 


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member


    Still here and doing well.  Back in Dec., the chemo I was on quit working, so switched back to Oxi/Xeloda and hoping that combo would work, it quit working before, but since this was a second PRIMARY tumor, then the thinking was, that the second primary has never had the Oxi/Xeloda and it might work.  For the month of January, the CEA rose, then six weeks (after second chemo) later it dropped three points, then three weeks later it gained three points.  At this point we realized the drop in the CEA of three points were probably due to my quitting smoking in December and the rise was a real rise, so I've been scared lately as I am out of chemo's if this doesnt work (except for that Stirvarga (sp)of which I'm unsure of it's ability to work well).  My next CEA came back a ten as well, but this past CEA was 9.6, so was this a fluke? Was the testing off a bit? Or do I really have a drop in my CEA?

    So if you all can tell, alive but have been busy being worried about my tumors and shrinkage and all that, that I curled up into my own little world for a while, trying to keep the fear away, yet preparing for the worst.  

    Here's the next CEA being lower!

    Thank you for thinking of me, I do appreciate it.

    Winter Marie


    Thanks for checking in with us.

    I'm going to go with "not a fluke" until proven otherwise, and am really hoping that doesn't happen!  Pls keep us posted...

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Thank you all for your updates.  TY Anna for posting this "forgotten people post" which I'm sure there are more.  Just wanted to let everyone know you are in my thoughts and prayers daily and wishing you the best. 


  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member


    Still here and doing well.  Back in Dec., the chemo I was on quit working, so switched back to Oxi/Xeloda and hoping that combo would work, it quit working before, but since this was a second PRIMARY tumor, then the thinking was, that the second primary has never had the Oxi/Xeloda and it might work.  For the month of January, the CEA rose, then six weeks (after second chemo) later it dropped three points, then three weeks later it gained three points.  At this point we realized the drop in the CEA of three points were probably due to my quitting smoking in December and the rise was a real rise, so I've been scared lately as I am out of chemo's if this doesnt work (except for that Stirvarga (sp)of which I'm unsure of it's ability to work well).  My next CEA came back a ten as well, but this past CEA was 9.6, so was this a fluke? Was the testing off a bit? Or do I really have a drop in my CEA?

    So if you all can tell, alive but have been busy being worried about my tumors and shrinkage and all that, that I curled up into my own little world for a while, trying to keep the fear away, yet preparing for the worst.  

    Here's the next CEA being lower!

    Thank you for thinking of me, I do appreciate it.

    Winter Marie


    Fingers crossed for another

    Fingers crossed for another drop!  Congrats on quitting smoking!