Pete Lost at Sea

janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
edited April 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I have been following his blog. He posted today that he really wants to come back and will behave himself. I know that even I have had my differences with him due to his harsh comments but if you read the entries into his blogs he is just very passionate about beating cancer as we all are but has trouble expressing his passion in a way that is not offensive to some. I think he should be given another chance here and you can all blame me if he gets out of line again. I have expressed my wish for him to be unblocked to CSN as well.



  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    Didn't realize that he had been blocked.  Everyone has their opinions, and although his at times become very strong, he does it from his heart.  I'd never go through what he does, but if that is what he wants he has every right.  Hope he will be able to come back.  He was very encouraging to people when he wasn't pushing his agenda.


  • PatchAdams
    PatchAdams Member Posts: 271
    Won't do any good

    Even after several people who disagreed with my friend changed their views and sent her apologies, then she apologized to TPTB at CSN and offered to never post a Bible verse again, she didn't even get a reply. 

    Pete's a good guy and is fighting to live because of his children and other situations which were shared privately.  I vote for him to be allowed to return.


    Where's John23?  Is he banned too?  

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Was he blocked?

    I had no problem with his posts. 

    Each to his own, I would say.  

    I know he tipped the apple cart a bit, but if we don't care for his posts, theres nothing saying we have to open them up and read them. 

    I hope he posts again, seeing his name means that he's still in the fight, and that is a good thing. 

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Was he blocked?

    I had no problem with his posts. 

    Each to his own, I would say.  

    I know he tipped the apple cart a bit, but if we don't care for his posts, theres nothing saying we have to open them up and read them. 

    I hope he posts again, seeing his name means that he's still in the fight, and that is a good thing. 

    He is doing well. Just google

    He is doing well. Just google [content removed by site administrator] and his blog will come up if you are interested.

  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member

    Sorry I can't go along with you on this one.  I checked out his blog after your post and he says "USA is a joke as far as I am concerned" and goes on about having lunch with Obama and changing the cancer world.  Huh?  Credentials? 

    Jay, at one time, a few years ago, when I had posted that George was starting his second line of chemotherapy Pete had posted that patients should consider death before taking this combo.  He changed his title after I protested.  It was horribly hurtful, still is. 

    People are fighting for their lives, to be on this earth as long as possible, and telling them to consider death is an unacceptable response in my humble opinion.  From then on I stayed away from his posts, I had enough heartache and didn't need more from a stranger.

    Take care - Tina


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Won't do any good

    Even after several people who disagreed with my friend changed their views and sent her apologies, then she apologized to TPTB at CSN and offered to never post a Bible verse again, she didn't even get a reply. 

    Pete's a good guy and is fighting to live because of his children and other situations which were shared privately.  I vote for him to be allowed to return.


    Where's John23?  Is he banned too?  

    Why should anyone be banned for posting a scripture?

    I don't understand why anyone should be banned for posting scriptures. I understand that not everyone is a Christian or have religious beliefs, but like I said below, if we know a certain forum member posts ideas or thoughts that we don't like or agree with, then lets not open up their posts and read them.

    I also remember hearing that there was a special forum for Christians (I think). But why? I don't want to go to several forums, I don't have the time or the energy, I want to post here. I like the people I have met here, I don't think I should have to go to a sepereate forum just to meet Christians.

    Is there a forum for Muslims, Jews, Wiccans? 

    We're all on here for a reason, to get advice, information, support and comfort. To share advice, information, support and comfort.

    I just wish we could all get on.

    Just my two pennies worth of thoughts.

    Group hugimage

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Not sure

    I have to say I am not sure about Pete coming back to CSN

    I have no problem with him sharing his personal treatment plans or philosophies.  Each peron must find what works best for them physically and emotionally.

    Unfortunately, Pete has made some very inflammatory remarks in the past about treatment options and people who don't see things his way or who express differing opinions.

    Pete is definately passionate about his choices.  I am glad for any level of success it brings him.  I just don't want to see him being any less tolerant of the path others choose to take.

    Marie who loves kitties




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    geotina said:


    Sorry I can't go along with you on this one.  I checked out his blog after your post and he says "USA is a joke as far as I am concerned" and goes on about having lunch with Obama and changing the cancer world.  Huh?  Credentials? 

    Jay, at one time, a few years ago, when I had posted that George was starting his second line of chemotherapy Pete had posted that patients should consider death before taking this combo.  He changed his title after I protested.  It was horribly hurtful, still is. 

    People are fighting for their lives, to be on this earth as long as possible, and telling them to consider death is an unacceptable response in my humble opinion.  From then on I stayed away from his posts, I had enough heartache and didn't need more from a stranger.

    Take care - Tina



    Ah, this is very different. 

    Posting insensitive replies is totally unacceptable. 

    Does CSN not have active moderators? Posts like that should be deleted immedietely. 

    I know you can flag a post. How quickly are they taken care of? 

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    Not sure

    I have to say I am not sure about Pete coming back to CSN

    I have no problem with him sharing his personal treatment plans or philosophies.  Each peron must find what works best for them physically and emotionally.

    Unfortunately, Pete has made some very inflammatory remarks in the past about treatment options and people who don't see things his way or who express differing opinions.

    Pete is definately passionate about his choices.  I am glad for any level of success it brings him.  I just don't want to see him being any less tolerant of the path others choose to take.

    Marie who loves kitties




    No one has the right to ban.

    No one has the right to ban other than CSN. Don't read his post If they hurt you or make you angry.    Many people left this forum due to not being able to talk about prayer, they were shoved off by members.    Despicable.   


    Come on folks we have cancer, forgive, even if you can't forget. 



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Nana b said:

    No one has the right to ban.

    No one has the right to ban other than CSN. Don't read his post If they hurt you or make you angry.    Many people left this forum due to not being able to talk about prayer, they were shoved off by members.    Despicable.   


    Come on folks we have cancer, forgive, even if you can't forget. 



    CSN rules of conduct

    You are right, only CSN can ban someone from the site for not following the rules they have set forth.  The one that particularly comes to mind is:


    No User shall use the Service to advise or to attempt to influence the views, beliefs, or decisions of other Users about their medical care, their religious practices, or their politics.

    This particular rule goes on to describe situations in more detail.

    Certainly one always has the option of not opening posts on a given topic or by a given user, but that is not the point.  The point is that we are all expected to abide by the rules we agreed to when we joined.

    The ultimate decisions are those of the Administrator.



  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    From what I was told,

    the blocking was in part because he has a financial relationship with the Hallwang clinic (gets a discount on tx for every person he gets to go there).  He didn't disclose that here, although he did finally fess up on the Colon Club.  He is basically a shill for that clinic, so I guess if we want a salesperson here working on getting his commissions, that would be up to CSN.  I for one was glad to see him gone.  One can be called a "sheep" and "heroin addict" (heroin=sugar) only so many times.  And I believe that the Hallwang clinic is very suspect in many ways, so I don't think it's good for this board to have someone here who is willing to give it glowing reviews while encouraging others to use their life insurance policies to get access to these so-called "miraculous" German therapies.

    And if anyone wants to read yet another heart-breaking case of how Hallwang operates, check out the thread at the CC "Long but final words".

    ETA that the real point is that he was blatantly breaking the CSN rule about influencing others in their medical care, all so he could keep getting those treatments for himself.  Not cool.

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member

    From what I was told,

    the blocking was in part because he has a financial relationship with the Hallwang clinic (gets a discount on tx for every person he gets to go there).  He didn't disclose that here, although he did finally fess up on the Colon Club.  He is basically a shill for that clinic, so I guess if we want a salesperson here working on getting his commissions, that would be up to CSN.  I for one was glad to see him gone.  One can be called a "sheep" and "heroin addict" (heroin=sugar) only so many times.  And I believe that the Hallwang clinic is very suspect in many ways, so I don't think it's good for this board to have someone here who is willing to give it glowing reviews while encouraging others to use their life insurance policies to get access to these so-called "miraculous" German therapies.

    And if anyone wants to read yet another heart-breaking case of how Hallwang operates, check out the thread at the CC "Long but final words".

    ETA that the real point is that he was blatantly breaking the CSN rule about influencing others in their medical care, all so he could keep getting those treatments for himself.  Not cool.

    Most of us have terminal

    Most of us have terminal cancer, get over it, don't go where you don't want to go. You are in control of your options. 


    Cancer  can cause insanity, depression, craziness, no excuse for his state of mind, but move on. 


    Forgiver as I was raised, no one is in charge of my motivation, emotions, thoughts, but me. 


    Good day. 


  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member
    Nana b said:

    Most of us have terminal

    Most of us have terminal cancer, get over it, don't go where you don't want to go. You are in control of your options. 


    Cancer  can cause insanity, depression, craziness, no excuse for his state of mind, but move on. 


    Forgiver as I was raised, no one is in charge of my motivation, emotions, thoughts, but me. 


    Good day. 


    He went beyond sharing and caring

    If he personally "attacked" Tina about George's treatment choices, I would say that is abuse of the rules on here.  Tina should not have to feel bad about it still.  I, for one, do not understand most of his posts and I know English is not his first language.


  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    LindaK. said:

    He went beyond sharing and caring

    If he personally "attacked" Tina about George's treatment choices, I would say that is abuse of the rules on here.  Tina should not have to feel bad about it still.  I, for one, do not understand most of his posts and I know English is not his first language.


    Like I said.

    Like I said. CrazIness. 


    Love to Tina and George. 


    Later, got to go make my smoothie, and take my connected buddy with me. :) 



  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Why should anyone be banned for posting a scripture?

    I don't understand why anyone should be banned for posting scriptures. I understand that not everyone is a Christian or have religious beliefs, but like I said below, if we know a certain forum member posts ideas or thoughts that we don't like or agree with, then lets not open up their posts and read them.

    I also remember hearing that there was a special forum for Christians (I think). But why? I don't want to go to several forums, I don't have the time or the energy, I want to post here. I like the people I have met here, I don't think I should have to go to a sepereate forum just to meet Christians.

    Is there a forum for Muslims, Jews, Wiccans? 

    We're all on here for a reason, to get advice, information, support and comfort. To share advice, information, support and comfort.

    I just wish we could all get on.

    Just my two pennies worth of thoughts.

    Group hugimage

    I wish there was a like

    I wish there was a like button=)

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member

    He is doing well. Just google

    He is doing well. Just google [content removed by site administrator] and his blog will come up if you are interested.

    lol just google . . .content

    lol just google . . .content removed by the administrator.  I'll have to email to get it from you.  Seriously the censorship on this site is WAY over the top.  Last I checked we were all adults.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am sorry for bringing this

    I am sorry for bringing this up. I didnt mean to stir up past hurful comments and emotions. You know I love you all and never meant any harm.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member

    From what I was told,

    the blocking was in part because he has a financial relationship with the Hallwang clinic (gets a discount on tx for every person he gets to go there).  He didn't disclose that here, although he did finally fess up on the Colon Club.  He is basically a shill for that clinic, so I guess if we want a salesperson here working on getting his commissions, that would be up to CSN.  I for one was glad to see him gone.  One can be called a "sheep" and "heroin addict" (heroin=sugar) only so many times.  And I believe that the Hallwang clinic is very suspect in many ways, so I don't think it's good for this board to have someone here who is willing to give it glowing reviews while encouraging others to use their life insurance policies to get access to these so-called "miraculous" German therapies.

    And if anyone wants to read yet another heart-breaking case of how Hallwang operates, check out the thread at the CC "Long but final words".

    ETA that the real point is that he was blatantly breaking the CSN rule about influencing others in their medical care, all so he could keep getting those treatments for himself.  Not cool.

    Well I have to change my

    Well I have to change my opinion.  Did he really call people names?  I had no idea.  When all of this was going on I was recovering from surgery so I missed what actually happened.  I posted my comment before I read yours.  I don't so much have a problem with the influencing as I never really bothered to read what he was posting except about his progress but resorting to calling people names because you disagree with them is just plain not nice as a human being. 

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member

    I am sorry for bringing this

    I am sorry for bringing this up. I didnt mean to stir up past hurful comments and emotions. You know I love you all and never meant any harm.

    I think this is a very

    I think this is a very healthy discussion.  We all care to check on each other, including Pete and so it is good to express thoughts and feelings about banning and posts.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Wait they're blocking people

    I took my comment off after reading more on the subject.  Calling someone a heroine addict is extreme.  However, I will leave up that I have absolutely no problem with people praying or posting Bible verses.  I'm not a religious person but I do respect that others who are should get support on here.