Oncology Visit

osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

Had my CT scan today, with onco check up tomorrow...2 years 4 months later the nerves still kick in ..the ct tech couldn't  find a good vein , I have small ones that roll, so after 2 sticks in rt hand & arm, he takes me down to oncology nurse...those are some really special ladies ..she finds a decent vein  in top of left hand..I don't know what happened  but I start to cry , guess it was being in that treatment room, all the over stuffed recliners, the iv poles, heck if I know ...flashbacks of days gone by ...does anyone ever think that all we have gone thru , the good and the bad ,that there is cancer PTSD....most days I don't even think about it..I take each day as a step forward. Any way all has been good, work busy , family healthy...had a total knee replacement (L) last Tuesday adjusting to PT and using a walker.

hope you are all well...blessings 



    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    Yes, I believe we all do

    Because of this "trauma" with going through cancer and treatment, I believe we all have, to some degree, PTSD.  This probably occurs during treatment and the first couple years in the recovery stage.  Then we think about it coming back or of the worse of consequences.  I cannot imagine years ago when the survival rate was low and how the cancer folks went through this ordeal.

    I found some relief on this forum reading the stories of the many folks posting.  I had the same cancer as a person name "Hondo".  I do admire him since he suffered more and has a very positive attitude.  I consider myself fortunate.  Then there are others and especially now when there are a couple experiencing the hospice period.

    If you had not yet been declared, I believe a big relief will come when the doctor notifies you there are no NED.  This contributed greatly to my relief from PTSD.

    Aloha, God Bless and continue to have a positive attitude.



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    YES... there is cancer PTSD

    At least I feel there is. You know you'll be fine.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You betcha there is

    cancer PTSD.  Everytime I go to for an oncology checkup, the smell of whole building makes me nauseous....by the time I hit the parking lot on the way out, I'm ready to lose my cookies.....just like during treatment!

    Sending good vibes on the scan!!


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Another big yes here!

    What Phrannie said...  I love my doctors, they all make me feel safe, but I have the same anxieties before exams and scans, and the same sick feelings when I go in for bloodwork or appointments. This may be with me always.  I'm now almost four years out.


  • Ron Silver
    Ron Silver Member Posts: 94

    You betcha there is

    cancer PTSD.  Everytime I go to for an oncology checkup, the smell of whole building makes me nauseous....by the time I hit the parking lot on the way out, I'm ready to lose my cookies.....just like during treatment!

    Sending good vibes on the scan!!


    "cancer PTSD.  Everytime I go

    "cancer PTSD.  Everytime I go to for an oncology checkup, the smell of whole building makes me nauseous....by the time I hit the parking lot on the way out, I'm ready to lose my cookies.....just like during treatment!"

    Wow, same here.  Begins when I pull in the parking lot.  The smell when I first enter the building.  The smell of the elevator.  Then walking into the office.  Flood of memories, none of them good.  Just thinking about it now it is like reliving the experience-very unpleasant. 
  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597

    I am almost 5 years out of treatment and have officially been diagnosed with PTSD and am receiving therapy once a week, it's a real bugger, flashbacks and severe anxiety, therapy has decreased the feelings by 75% but will probabl;y be on meds for the remainder of my life. Denis

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    linda, i'm in the same clubs

    linda, i'm in the same club as the others.  if you continue to have this problem, talk to your doc, it is very real.


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006

    All scans clean , come back in 6 months she says....

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    visit & results


    I am glad all worked out ok.  The emotions we go through are certainly “heightened”.



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    osmotar said:


    All scans clean , come back in 6 months she says....

    hooooooray for clean scans!! 

    hooooooray for clean scans!!  heres to many, many more!!


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Linda

    Life goes on for all of us and in time you just get to where no matter what you bear with it. For me I live with all the memories everyday having to live using a PEG tube. But somehow it just does not bother me any more like it once did. Last week a lady came into my office while I was putting some food in my PEG she at first did not see what I was doing but just started saying I need to talk to you about a bill. So I told he go ahead but by then she seen that I was putting stuff in my PEG and said oh no I can’t watch this and left my office, she has still not came back. Things like that sometimes still get to me after all it is a way of life for a lot of people. Other than that I am still me the same person I have always been just a little different than I once was.

    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Hondo said:

    Hi Linda

    Life goes on for all of us and in time you just get to where no matter what you bear with it. For me I live with all the memories everyday having to live using a PEG tube. But somehow it just does not bother me any more like it once did. Last week a lady came into my office while I was putting some food in my PEG she at first did not see what I was doing but just started saying I need to talk to you about a bill. So I told he go ahead but by then she seen that I was putting stuff in my PEG and said oh no I can’t watch this and left my office, she has still not came back. Things like that sometimes still get to me after all it is a way of life for a lot of people. Other than that I am still me the same person I have always been just a little different than I once was.

    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

    Ignorant and Rude

    Tim, what a rude customer. I hope she lef










    t with you owing her money!

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    osmotar said:


    All scans clean , come back in 6 months she says....

    wonderful news Linda !

    I agree that PSTD goes hand in hand with what we all walk.  Some  days are better than others.  You are doing amazing and sound strong !  Wishing you all clears forever and a day !  Katie

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Awesome News...

    Glad you are clean and all is well..., get that butt kicking leg back into shape Linda...


  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    Skiffin16 said:

    Awesome News...

    Glad you are clean and all is well..., get that butt kicking leg back into shape Linda...


    You Sir

    Take care of yourself, hope all goes well with your up-coming treatment 


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    osmotar said:

    You Sir

    Take care of yourself, hope all goes well with your up-coming treatment 



    Wonderful news! I understand the emotions...when I called my family members last week with my scan results, I had to quickly get out the good news that there was no new recurrence and that the tumor shrunk 1cm  before I started crying. The emotional dam just broke with relief. It happens........glad yours was good news too!

  • Greg53
    Greg53 Member Posts: 849
    hwt said:


    Wonderful news! I understand the emotions...when I called my family members last week with my scan results, I had to quickly get out the good news that there was no new recurrence and that the tumor shrunk 1cm  before I started crying. The emotional dam just broke with relief. It happens........glad yours was good news too!

    Yeah Linda!!

    Way to go Linda!  Great News!!
