
GavinP Member Posts: 118
edited April 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hey all,

Not sure if anybody remembers me, but I was around the forum a bit last year. Thought I'd post an update and let you all know how I'm progressing.

First off, the last time I was here November I was having a "mini-crisis" that was NOT head and neck related, but I was being investigated for possible Sarcoma on my right leg. 

After a CT Scan and a couple of weeks wait, everything with that turned out fine. It wasn't Sarcoma, just some sort of chronic inflammation (fasciitis?) In the specialists own words, "Highly unusual to see this on the leg without a significant injury,  but completely non agressive."

At the same time as the leg saga was going on my mum had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Everything has turned out fine with that (so far) she had a lumpectomy followed by 25 rads. Other than taking one tablet for the next five years (her cancer was hormone based) she shouldn't need any further treatment. Just close monitoring from here on.

You may remember that what initially brought me here during February 2013 was the extensive white lesion on the gith side of my tonuge? After laser excision this turned out to be leukoplakia with moderate dysplasia.

Things have gone well with my mouth. Things haven't progressed or developed into cancer and overall my tongue looks good.

I still have one tiny white spot that the surgeon failed to excise last year (the spot is no bigger than a nail on a little finger and the surgeon said he thought with the main lesion gone that the spot should go away on it's own - I suspect he just missed it, LOL ;)

Anyway, the white spot is being excised on 15th April in what should just be a minor dental procedure with a local anesthetic. Obviously it will need biopsying, but as it hasn't progressed over the year I suspect it will again be "just" moderate dysplasia.

Finally, all of these heath shocks and the associated stress has taken it's toll on me.

At Christmas I had an outbreak of Shingles which infected my eye's. Out of all the cancer scares, shingles in the eyes has been byu far the worse experiance.

Absolutely horrible. I'm currently on a combination of steroid drops and ointment, anti-viral and strong antibiotics (the shingles also allowed a bacterial infection to get deep into my eyes)

Anyway, hope everyone is OK and doing well?

Will let you know when I've had my final patch of leukoplakia removed.










  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I sure remember you!!

    ...and I'll bet many do! 

    Sorry to hear about your mom, but glad to hear she's on the road to recovery......getting that last spot removed will be a relief, and then you won't have to watch it anymore.

    Glad things turned out so well!!


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    gavin, of course we remember

    gavin, of course we remember you!!  it sounds like things have been pretty good and all worked out well.  i'm glad your mom is getting better and required mimimal tx.  i'm sure the spot will be nothing and saying a prayer for that.  i'm glad you checked in to let us know you're doing well.  its always good to hear from old friends.  take care and keep on keeping on.

    God bless you,


  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118

    I sure remember you!!

    ...and I'll bet many do! 

    Sorry to hear about your mom, but glad to hear she's on the road to recovery......getting that last spot removed will be a relief, and then you won't have to watch it anymore.

    Glad things turned out so well!!



    Great to see again Phrannie. :)  Yes I'll be pleased to see the end of the white spot, though I haven't been particularly worried about it. Just more bemused that it wasn't taken off in the first instance. NHS eh? ;)


    Hope everything is going OK for you?

  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118

    gavin, of course we remember

    gavin, of course we remember you!!  it sounds like things have been pretty good and all worked out well.  i'm glad your mom is getting better and required mimimal tx.  i'm sure the spot will be nothing and saying a prayer for that.  i'm glad you checked in to let us know you're doing well.  its always good to hear from old friends.  take care and keep on keeping on.

    God bless you,



    Debbie. Hope everything is OK for you as well?

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member




    Yes I definitely remember you, you remind me of my nephew.


    I am glad you are figuring things out and hope the results continue to be positive (for good).




    Matt's Nephew

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Even though I suffer sever dementia I still remember you! So glad to hear things are going well and thank you for dropping in to visit. Don

  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118
    CivilMatt said:





    Yes I definitely remember you, you remind me of my nephew.


    I am glad you are figuring things out and hope the results continue to be positive (for good).




    Matt's Nephew

    Hey Matt...

    Thanks very much. :)  I'll keep you informed.


    PS. I can see the similarity with your Nephew. :O  

  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118
    donfoo said:


    Even though I suffer sever dementia I still remember you! So glad to hear things are going well and thank you for dropping in to visit. Don

    Thanks Don. :)

    Thanks Don. :)