Mass in right eye...

Hi friends,

  Just thought I'd tell you that I will be having biopsy surgery on my right eye,Tuesday morning at 7:15. First of January a small spot in the corner of my right eye..(tear duct) showed up and has slowly grown to quite a large mass over the last 3 months. It is causing blurred vision, headaches and pressure behind my eye. I went to an eye surgeon/specialist on Friday and after close scrutiny/testing he feels the mass is cancer,(relapsed from my FNHL) and due to the quick growth in size is most likely in an aggressive stage. He will remove as much of the mass as possible and then send it off to Seattle for pathology. Keep me in your prayers and I will let you know the pathology results as soon as I find out. He did say it is localized in the eye and not in my nervous system or that's good! Sure didn't see this coming, no pun intended.Smile Much love...Sue 

P.S...I have a good picture of what my eye looks like, but can't figure out how to post it?? Frown


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member


      Certainly not the news we want to hear. Let them get the biopsy first and see what it says. I have no idea what else it could be, but we do not know for sure yet. You are certainly in my prayers. I know you have heard this before, but try not to get upset. I know it's just words and it will be very hard not to be upset until you know for sure. It's always in the back of your head. John

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    COBRA666 said:



      Certainly not the news we want to hear. Let them get the biopsy first and see what it says. I have no idea what else it could be, but we do not know for sure yet. You are certainly in my prayers. I know you have heard this before, but try not to get upset. I know it's just words and it will be very hard not to be upset until you know for sure. It's always in the back of your head. John

    One day at a time...

    Hi John,

      Actually I'm not upset, but more anxious to get this mass removed and biopsied so we can learn what we are dealing with. Sure don't want anything to cross into the brain or central nervous system.My thoughts are to get on this sooner than later, which so far is happening. Hope the biopsy results won't take forever! I'll keep everyone posted.

    Love...Sue (FNHL-stg3-grd2-typA-dx 6/10-age 63)

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Not good

    We are so very sorry Sue, I know you must be scared to death.  John had some comforting words but know how impossible it is to put it out of your mind.  Lymphoma is such an innocent sounding cancer but it is so sneaky.  I am so shocked and know you and your family are too.  It is not what we were expecting to hear.  These things happen so fast, we know.  You deserve all our prayers, comforrt and support.  We will be anxiousy awaiting more news, but in your own time.

    Our love sweet lady, Becky and Bill

  • Shoopy
    Shoopy Member Posts: 210


    You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!


  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    Shoopy said:



    You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!



    Thank you for your kind words Karl,Becky and Bill. I appreciate your concern and prayers. It's something we never want to hear once we are in remission. I'm staying positive.Maybe the mass will be benign. Smile


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    allmost60 said:


    Thank you for your kind words Karl,Becky and Bill. I appreciate your concern and prayers. It's something we never want to hear once we are in remission. I'm staying positive.Maybe the mass will be benign. Smile


    Fingers Crossed


  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member
    Oh dear. . .

    Dearest Sue, I'll just bet you didn't see this coming. 

    I am glad this (whatever it is) has been caught early and is being dealt with promptly. Maybe, IF it is your lymphoma making another appearance, you can simply jump back on Rituxan. Just remember, in your own words, lymphoma is very treatable even if it does relapse. 

    I  hope your biopsy is quick and painless on Tuesday. You will be in my prayers and so will your medical team. I pray that your pathology results come back promptly.  I pray for your peace of mind. 

    Sending you many warm hugs and much love,



  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Well, "Jim" to use John's new use of my name ;).

    I don't have to tell you that we are here for you as you have been for so many for so long sweet lady! 



  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    jimwins said:

    Well, "Jim" to use John's new use of my name ;).

    I don't have to tell you that we are here for you as you have been for so many for so long sweet lady! 





      You couldn't have said it any better and I hope Sue knows we are always here for her. The J"ohn"

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    COBRA666 said:



      You couldn't have said it any better and I hope Sue knows we are always here for her. The J"ohn"

    Jim, John and Rocquie...

    Thanks guys...

      Of course I know you are all here for me...never doubted it for a minute. I'm thinking positive thoughts and not wasting good energy worrying..truely. Yes, I'm anxious, but not stressing. I've been putting one hand over my right eye to see what it feels like, as I've never had my eye patched before. All of my good T.V shows are on tonight so at least I won't have to watch them patched up! Wink I'll let you know how the biopsy surgery goes, and then we will have to wait for pathology results. Getting more packing done today, May 1st will be here before we know it and then we make the big move to the river.Cool Timing sucks for this stupid cancer to rear it's head, but when is it EVER a good time...ya know. Anyways...onward and upward.

    Love you all Kiss.... Sue

  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
    Positive thoughts

    Dearest Sue,

    Forgive my delay in responding to your news. As long as I have known you, you have been there for me and I am here for you.

    Stay strong and know that all the positive healing energy I can muster is coming your way. Praying that the biopsy comes back benign. I'm holding your hand with lots of love.

    If you need to talk anytime, this night owl is always available.

    Gentle hugs my dear friend, I'll be waiting to hear how your doing.


  • julz7
    julz7 Member Posts: 16
    allmost60 said:

    Jim, John and Rocquie...

    Thanks guys...

      Of course I know you are all here for me...never doubted it for a minute. I'm thinking positive thoughts and not wasting good energy worrying..truely. Yes, I'm anxious, but not stressing. I've been putting one hand over my right eye to see what it feels like, as I've never had my eye patched before. All of my good T.V shows are on tonight so at least I won't have to watch them patched up! Wink I'll let you know how the biopsy surgery goes, and then we will have to wait for pathology results. Getting more packing done today, May 1st will be here before we know it and then we make the big move to the river.Cool Timing sucks for this stupid cancer to rear it's head, but when is it EVER a good time...ya know. Anyways...onward and upward.

    Love you all Kiss.... Sue

    Keeping you in my

    Keeping you in my prayers! 


    Julz :)

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    This news from you makes me sadder than I have been since we heard the news about Bill form Becky.

    Thankfully it still might somehow not be cancer, and might not be a terrible strain if it is.

    Praying for you,



  • Sue .....

    All my best wishes for you. You are strong.

    i would like to share with you a good friends experience. She had aggressive  large B cell lymphoma And experienced multiple relapses but is now disease free for 5 years. One of her relapses included a fast growing tumor in a tear duct. The tear duct is not CNS and the tumor was treated as any other except that the onc recommended radiating it as a measure of extra caution. I realize you have FNHL but that means it is probably even more responsive to treatment. If it is tranformed to LBCL that tumor may be completely curable!

    I am having issues which I haven't shared on here. However my approach is a little different than most of our CSN friends. I choose to assume the worst! That way I only get good news from the Drs.! And instead of being frightened I get aggravated and pissed off. I suppose its my way of coping and feeling in charge, and I simply refuse the role of victim.

    All my best! Those salmon are waiting!

  • anliperez915
    anliperez915 Member Posts: 770
    Oh Nooo!!!
    Really sorry to

    Oh Nooo!!!

    Really sorry to hear these news Sue...and I also apologize for my late response. I will be praying for you and hope your recovery will be a fast one. Have the Dr's  tested you any further for ex:( blood work, another CT scan), just wondering if they're planning on doing that. Please take care of yourself and I will be checking back to see how everything went with you! Sending you a HUGE HUG




  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member

    Oh Nooo!!!
    Really sorry to

    Oh Nooo!!!

    Really sorry to hear these news Sue...and I also apologize for my late response. I will be praying for you and hope your recovery will be a fast one. Have the Dr's  tested you any further for ex:( blood work, another CT scan), just wondering if they're planning on doing that. Please take care of yourself and I will be checking back to see how everything went with you! Sending you a HUGE HUG




    Thanks guys!

    Hi.... Lisha, GHK, Max and Liz,

      You guys are just the best...thanks so much for your caring means so much! Smile

    Liz...I'm sure further testing will take place as soon as we get the pathology report back. All of my doctors are on top of this, so I'm very happy and content with the care I'm getting.I'll be keeping everyone up-dated as results come in. Much love...Sue Kiss


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    unknown said:

    Sue .....

    All my best wishes for you. You are strong.

    i would like to share with you a good friends experience. She had aggressive  large B cell lymphoma And experienced multiple relapses but is now disease free for 5 years. One of her relapses included a fast growing tumor in a tear duct. The tear duct is not CNS and the tumor was treated as any other except that the onc recommended radiating it as a measure of extra caution. I realize you have FNHL but that means it is probably even more responsive to treatment. If it is tranformed to LBCL that tumor may be completely curable!

    I am having issues which I haven't shared on here. However my approach is a little different than most of our CSN friends. I choose to assume the worst! That way I only get good news from the Drs.! And instead of being frightened I get aggravated and pissed off. I suppose its my way of coping and feeling in charge, and I simply refuse the role of victim.

    All my best! Those salmon are waiting!


    I like your approach described here, GKH.  I can see how it might be very effective, emotionally.

    It reminds me a little bit of a classic Seinfeld episode, in which George, the perpetual loser, desides to always say the opposite of what he would otherwise have said. His reasoning is that his usual way of responding has always brought him nothing but trouble, so he will instead try something completely off-the wall.

    He tries it out for the first time in the diner.   A georgous blond asks if she can sit with him and Jerry. After she sits down, George does his trial run:  He says, "Hi ! I'm George ! I'm short, fat, unemployed, bald, and live at home with my neurotic parents !"

    She lowers her coffee, smiles, and relpies, while extending her hand yto him, "Well hi George !  I'm Victoria...maybe we could go out some time ?"

    I sometimes select songs I feel are tailored for a situation; here is one for your approach to the oncologists:


    Quotes from the Seinfeld episode:



    NANCYL1 Member Posts: 289
    allmost60 said:

    Thanks guys!

    Hi.... Lisha, GHK, Max and Liz,

      You guys are just the best...thanks so much for your caring means so much! Smile

    Liz...I'm sure further testing will take place as soon as we get the pathology report back. All of my doctors are on top of this, so I'm very happy and content with the care I'm getting.I'll be keeping everyone up-dated as results come in. Much love...Sue Kiss


    Sue:Thank you for your note


    Thank you for your note of a few weeks ago.  I am sorry I could not reply right away, but my computer has been terrible ever since I bought it a year ago, and has not been working off and on.  I think it is finally fixed.


    Good that you don't need Chemo.   But I am sorry to hear that you must go through all this anxiety.


    I am really out of the loop.  On top of medical problems you are also moving, I gather.


    I hope things go well, and of course, keep us all posted.

