
After a recent discussion here, I have decided to call my bathroom the Jim rather than the John.

It sounds so much better if I say I went to the Jim first thing this morning.




  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    The Jim

      I been calling it "THE JIM" for years.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    The Jim

      I been calling it "THE JIM" for years.

    Must restrain myself....

    Oh, a submarine sailor could add so, so much to this conversation, but I shant.

    115 guys welded shut in a steel tube for three months; a person "learns things." I will say no more .

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member

    Must restrain myself....

    Oh, a submarine sailor could add so, so much to this conversation, but I shant.

    115 guys welded shut in a steel tube for three months; a person "learns things." I will say no more .

    Oh No !!!

    Let it "RIP" Max. No pun intended.  Just blame it on the chemo and say you just can't help yourself.Cool John

  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    COBRA666 said:

    Oh No !!!

    Let it "RIP" Max. No pun intended.  Just blame it on the chemo and say you just can't help yourself.Cool John


    LOL - you guys.   I do agree that going to the "jim" sounds better than to the "john".



  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    jimwins said:


    LOL - you guys.   I do agree that going to the "jim" sounds better than to the "john".




    Never lose that sense of Humor. If you do you might as well check into the graveyard.  John

  • allmost60
    allmost60 Member Posts: 3,178 Member
    COBRA666 said:


    Never lose that sense of Humor. If you do you might as well check into the graveyard.  John

    My contribution...

    Two men are occupying booths in a public restroom, when one calls to the other,

    "There is no toilet paper over here, do you have any over there?"

    The second man replies, "No, sorry, I don't seem to have any, either."

    The first man then asks, "Well, do you have a magazine or newspaper?"

    The second man says, "No, sorry!"

    The first man pauses, then inquires, "Do you have change for a twenty?"  Wink 

  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member
    allmost60 said:

    My contribution...

    Two men are occupying booths in a public restroom, when one calls to the other,

    "There is no toilet paper over here, do you have any over there?"

    The second man replies, "No, sorry, I don't seem to have any, either."

    The first man then asks, "Well, do you have a magazine or newspaper?"

    The second man says, "No, sorry!"

    The first man pauses, then inquires, "Do you have change for a twenty?"  Wink 


    Sue. . .you made me laugh out loud with that one. 

    What I meant, though, is that I was implying that I went to the GYM. (I didn't mean any particulars).  

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Rocquie said:


    Sue. . .you made me laugh out loud with that one. 

    What I meant, though, is that I was implying that I went to the GYM. (I didn't mean any particulars).  

    John and Jack?

    Great joke Sue.  When I was very young, I went to my Aunt Cathy and Uncle Jack's.  In their bathroom was a big sign that I had never had seen before, it said "Please remember to flush the john, John"  I was so puzzeled, why was Uncle Jack called John, do you have the answer Mr Cobra?   Just can't do Jim, it has to be john after Uncle JackUndecided      Money Mouth(in honor of Bill and his new title) LaughingLaughingLaughing Becky

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    Oh No !!!

    Let it "RIP" Max. No pun intended.  Just blame it on the chemo and say you just can't help yourself.Cool John

    Used up...


    I have already used up the "chemo fog" excuse.  Soon, people will just insist that I am an air head.... I call it R.B.S.: "Recessive Blond Syndrome"; sounds better than "idiot."

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member

    Used up...


    I have already used up the "chemo fog" excuse.  Soon, people will just insist that I am an air head.... I call it R.B.S.: "Recessive Blond Syndrome"; sounds better than "idiot."

    Blonde Jokes


     Ut Oh!!! I hope Sue doesn't read this. Why do you think I never tell any blonde jokes. LOLLaughing  I have often wondered why John is called Jack too. I looked it up and it says probably because the French version of John is Jacques and thats how it caught on.

    Illead: What is Bill's new title? I have wondered about your avatar name and what it means too.  Most I can figure out, but some I can not. I am not even sure how to say it.  John

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member

    Used up...


    I have already used up the "chemo fog" excuse.  Soon, people will just insist that I am an air head.... I call it R.B.S.: "Recessive Blond Syndrome"; sounds better than "idiot."

    Chemo Fog


      I believe this Chemo Brain goes on farther than we think. It may get better, but I think it lingers for who knows how long. John

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    Rocquie said:


    Sue. . .you made me laugh out loud with that one. 

    What I meant, though, is that I was implying that I went to the GYM. (I didn't mean any particulars).  

    Jim vs The Gym


      When I go to the Gym I exercise. When I go to "THE JIM", I take a newspaper crossword puzzle. John

  • Shoopy
    Shoopy Member Posts: 210
    Humor or Embarass

    So...picture this: I'm here at Area 51 receiving my chemo.  I'll give you a more detailed update in a few days but things are going better.  Anyway, I decide it's time to wash up.  They put the stuff in the bathroom and I'm cleaning up.  Sitting on the chair buck naked.  I feel a drip on my thigh...somehow I managed to disconnect the chemo tube running to my port.  No idea how I did it.  I panic and pull the cord.  Of course, I have the prettiest sweetest nurse ever today.  I modestly grab a towel just as she comes in.  She was SO professional in cleaning the stuff up and reassuring me there's no problems.  I was just sitting there partly embarrassed and partly pissed at myself.  On top of the of the doctors is knocking at the door asking how long I'll be (he wants to see how I'm doing...really?). 

    I'm sure it was quite a scene!


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    Shoopy said:

    Humor or Embarass

    So...picture this: I'm here at Area 51 receiving my chemo.  I'll give you a more detailed update in a few days but things are going better.  Anyway, I decide it's time to wash up.  They put the stuff in the bathroom and I'm cleaning up.  Sitting on the chair buck naked.  I feel a drip on my thigh...somehow I managed to disconnect the chemo tube running to my port.  No idea how I did it.  I panic and pull the cord.  Of course, I have the prettiest sweetest nurse ever today.  I modestly grab a towel just as she comes in.  She was SO professional in cleaning the stuff up and reassuring me there's no problems.  I was just sitting there partly embarrassed and partly pissed at myself.  On top of the of the doctors is knocking at the door asking how long I'll be (he wants to see how I'm doing...really?). 

    I'm sure it was quite a scene!


    Actually sorta Funny!!!!!


      I would have grabbed a towel too. I would have wrapped it around my shoulders, jumped up and did a jig just for the nurse. Sealed Don't forget to update us as to what the progress is. John

     Here's another one: My father had heart by-pass surgery back in 1995. He was staying at our house and a nurse would come in twice a week to do what ever it is nurses do. The first time she came she checked the site on his upper leg where they took the vein they used for his heart by-pass.  She was looking at the site and said, "All my that is a long one" and my father having a sense of humor said, " I know and check out that scar, it's pretty long too". I thought I would bust out laughing, but I didn't. I could not see the nurses face I was in the other room, but could hear what was going on. John 

  • Shoopy
    Shoopy Member Posts: 210
    COBRA666 said:

    Actually sorta Funny!!!!!


      I would have grabbed a towel too. I would have wrapped it around my shoulders, jumped up and did a jig just for the nurse. Sealed Don't forget to update us as to what the progress is. John

     Here's another one: My father had heart by-pass surgery back in 1995. He was staying at our house and a nurse would come in twice a week to do what ever it is nurses do. The first time she came she checked the site on his upper leg where they took the vein they used for his heart by-pass.  She was looking at the site and said, "All my that is a long one" and my father having a sense of humor said, " I know and check out that scar, it's pretty long too". I thought I would bust out laughing, but I didn't. I could not see the nurses face I was in the other room, but could hear what was going on. John 

    V Laugh

    When I had my vascectomy 13 yrs ago the nurse asked "Do you want to shave yourself or want us to do it?"  Without missing a beat I asked "Do you charge extra for it?"  She didn't think it was funny!


  • Folks24
    Folks24 Member Posts: 106
    Shoopy said:

    V Laugh

    When I had my vascectomy 13 yrs ago the nurse asked "Do you want to shave yourself or want us to do it?"  Without missing a beat I asked "Do you charge extra for it?"  She didn't think it was funny!


    Here is a weird one.
    When I

    Here is a weird one.

    When I started my R-Chop treatments in 2012 i kept smelling something I can only describe as maple syruped hot dogs.

    This went on for some time and I finally told my oncologist. "That is a new one" she said. "But people do notice odd smells with chemo sometimes."   Durn - why couldn't it be something pleasant?   I still have an advsersion to maple syrup and hot dogs now. LOL Tongue Out

  • Rocquie
    Rocquie Member Posts: 869 Member
    Shoopy said:

    V Laugh

    When I had my vascectomy 13 yrs ago the nurse asked "Do you want to shave yourself or want us to do it?"  Without missing a beat I asked "Do you charge extra for it?"  She didn't think it was funny!


    Gotta ask

    Who did the shaving? 

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    Folks24 said:

    Here is a weird one.
    When I

    Here is a weird one.

    When I started my R-Chop treatments in 2012 i kept smelling something I can only describe as maple syruped hot dogs.

    This went on for some time and I finally told my oncologist. "That is a new one" she said. "But people do notice odd smells with chemo sometimes."   Durn - why couldn't it be something pleasant?   I still have an advsersion to maple syrup and hot dogs now. LOL Tongue Out

    Weird smells

    I have told this before but Here it is again. When I was on R-CVP my taste was all messed up. My sense of smell really got keen. I stopped at a Burger King and got a 2 fer 1 Whopper. I ate one and put the other in the refrigerator. That night I took it out and was going to heat it up in the microwave. So help me it smelled like Pine-sol. I haven't eaten one since. The dietician at the cancer center said it does not surprise her. Said we do not know what is in them to preserve the meat. She said they are full of chemicals and are a healthy NO-NO !!!!. John

  • Shoopy
    Shoopy Member Posts: 210
    Rocquie said:

    Gotta ask

    Who did the shaving? 

    Clean Shave

    I had never shaved "down there" so I wasn't about to trust myself.  I figured they did it all the time so they did. 

  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    Shoopy said:

    Clean Shave

    I had never shaved "down there" so I wasn't about to trust myself.  I figured they did it all the time so they did. 


    I bet they called you "SMILIN' KARL" that day.Wink