Scared of surgery?

foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

I've read this often. Also have read reports like Sindy's who've had many parts removed. Can't scare her with a scapel. It got me thinking....hmm....

elbow bone tumor removed at 12 yo. the start of it all. I ate aspirin like m&ms for a year. Carried a bottle in my pocket.

rt. knee, 3 or 4 procedures for bilateral menisectomies, torn anterior cruciate removed not repaired. awake for all but one

lt. knee, 3 procedures for bilateral menisectomies, torn posterior cruciate removed not repaired....and I still jog on those knees?  awake. spinal anesthesia wore off during 2 of my knee procedures. No kidding.  I knew my surgeons and watched my knee procedures on the monitor. This is what you can do when you spend your career working in health care.

bilateral carpal tunnel surgery. hands were constantly numb. perfect since.

cervical discectomy...right arm and chest were 75% paralyzed for about 18 months from nerve damage. I couldn't raise my arm to put on or off my shirt, or open a door. Arm was skinny like a stick. Doctor thought 80% recovery would be good. Felt like I got shot when the disc blew out. Now fully recovered about 10 years. that was scarey. surgeon had parkinsons. only kidding.

Cholecsystectomy..gall bladder removal. 2 years before my kidney cancer diagnosis. Cancer should have been found at that time. oh well, what are you gonna do?

2 biopsies of lung mets.

 nephrectomy with embolization first. that one hurt. embolization was done prior to nephrectomy and pain med was limited because of anasthesia that was to follow.

basal cell cancer removal from back. local anesthetic. done twice.

melanoma on head removal. local anesthetic.  melanoma was maybe 2 square inches. strange feeling of scapel cutting away. Had a biopsy first

I think that covers it. Except 2-3 visits to the ER for stitches. I had  many sports injuries. My father used to say that I'd get hurt playing checkers!

Now you know why I believe that we will heal from just about anything that they can do to us. I forgot a couple colonoscopies. Do they count?


  • cjhawk38
    cjhawk38 Member Posts: 44
    My 16 year old says surgery is just like a paper cut

    I have 2 daughters with spina bifida that have had a number of surgeries, both had their first surgery less then 24 hours after they were born.  Youngest (16) is going to have her 17th surgery because she broke one of the titanium rods in her back. 4 years ago she got bacterial meningitis and had 3 brain surgeries in one week.  She also had her right kidney removed when she was 3 because it had become a storage tank and her blood pressure was really high.

    She used to always say mom I can't believe you never had surgery, well she can't say that anymore.



  • Gordon Charles
    Gordon Charles Member Posts: 91
    if you had a nickel for every stitch...

    I got tired just reading it...your conclusion is glorious !

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member

    if you had a nickel for every stitch...

    I got tired just reading it...your conclusion is glorious !

    " I forgot a couple

    " I forgot a couple colonoscopies. Do they count?"

    Yes. They invaded your body so IMO, they do count. Especially if a polyp was removed. And I too love your conclusion.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    APny said:

    " I forgot a couple

    " I forgot a couple colonoscopies. Do they count?"

    Yes. They invaded your body so IMO, they do count. Especially if a polyp was removed. And I too love your conclusion.


    I have had at least 6 of those and am on a 3 year schedule because of pre cancerous polups. My mother was a 40 plus year survivor of stage 1 colon cancer.

    Are colonoscopies surgery? No. Just a procedure that does not have all the bells and whistles of a neph. The only thing they have in common is the prep.




  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    icemantoo said:


    I have had at least 6 of those and am on a 3 year schedule because of pre cancerous polups. My mother was a 40 plus year survivor of stage 1 colon cancer.

    Are colonoscopies surgery? No. Just a procedure that does not have all the bells and whistles of a neph. The only thing they have in common is the prep.





    Iceman last year I had my 3 year scope done and had 2 large polyps removed that was cancer, dont know if u consider it surgery or not but polypectomy was done and 6 endoclips put in where doc went deep in tissue to get the cancer.  Was blessed it hadnt spread in tissue.  Scope coming up again soon in June.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    brea588 said:


    Iceman last year I had my 3 year scope done and had 2 large polyps removed that was cancer, dont know if u consider it surgery or not but polypectomy was done and 6 endoclips put in where doc went deep in tissue to get the cancer.  Was blessed it hadnt spread in tissue.  Scope coming up again soon in June.

    The votes are in...

    ....and we will count colonoscopies!

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    foxhd said:

    The votes are in...

    ....and we will count colonoscopies!

    I don't mean to hijack the

    I don't mean to hijack the thread but since we're on the topic of colonoscopies, I thought I'd ask. How soon after a partial nephrectomy (or radical) is it safe to have one. I would imagine you want everything to settle down before shoving something else up there, lol.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    APny said:

    I don't mean to hijack the

    I don't mean to hijack the thread but since we're on the topic of colonoscopies, I thought I'd ask. How soon after a partial nephrectomy (or radical) is it safe to have one. I would imagine you want everything to settle down before shoving something else up there, lol.

    Gluton for punishment



    I can think of few things worse than a colonocscoppy fiollowing a neph. When would i be comfortable with it (ha ha so comforting)? After a year. When is it safe? Ask the GI doctor. I waited 3 , 8 and 11 years for my turns.




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Gluton for punishment



    I can think of few things worse than a colonocscoppy fiollowing a neph. When would i be comfortable with it (ha ha so comforting)? After a year. When is it safe? Ask the GI doctor. I waited 3 , 8 and 11 years for my turns.




    Thanks, Iceman. I asked

    Thanks, Iceman. I asked because I'm due. They removed a large benign polyp last April, complete with clamp, so I'm due for a check up. Will ask my doc about it.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,045 Member
    APny said:

    Thanks, Iceman. I asked

    Thanks, Iceman. I asked because I'm due. They removed a large benign polyp last April, complete with clamp, so I'm due for a check up. Will ask my doc about it.

    March is Colonoscopy Month

    The Docs at a regional medical center have made some pretty funny TV commercials; but they've gotten peoples attention.

    I unintentionally had mine, after the mid-January CT found a Gastric Polyp.  My ever vigilant MD said let's do both with one had the Gastroscopy to remove the polyp from my stomach; and then went further into lala land for the colonoscopy, where he found 3, which lasered out.  This was my third Colonoscopy:  2006-2 removed; 2009-0; and 2014-3.  Unless anything shows on a CT, the next will be in 5 years.

    Bummer.     Oh, Bad Joke.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Fifty years ago

    Remember 50 years ago when we thought people in their 50's, 60's and 70's were so old. They couldn't of been talking about the same stuff we are talking about today? Or were they?



  • DSFrey
    DSFrey Member Posts: 69
    APny said:

    I don't mean to hijack the

    I don't mean to hijack the thread but since we're on the topic of colonoscopies, I thought I'd ask. How soon after a partial nephrectomy (or radical) is it safe to have one. I would imagine you want everything to settle down before shoving something else up there, lol.

    I actually just had my partial nephrectomy...

    about 5 weeks ago, and only 3 weeks later I had a colonoscopy with my urologists approval when I asked him. He actually indicated I could have had it earlier that there was no reason for me to wait. But I certainly wouldn't wanted to do it less than 2 weeks out.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Fifty years ago

    Remember 50 years ago when we thought people in their 50's, 60's and 70's were so old. They couldn't of been talking about the same stuff we are talking about today? Or were they?



    DSFrey, thank you. Good to

    DSFrey, thank you. Good to know. Iceman, I was wondering about that myself, lol.

  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    APny said:

    I don't mean to hijack the

    I don't mean to hijack the thread but since we're on the topic of colonoscopies, I thought I'd ask. How soon after a partial nephrectomy (or radical) is it safe to have one. I would imagine you want everything to settle down before shoving something else up there, lol.


    I had one 6 months after my nephrectomy with everyone's blessing. I had been putting it off for awhile when they found my cancer. For some reason after that, I really wanted to get it done to make sure there weren't any suprises going on in there!


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Fifty years ago

    Remember 50 years ago when we thought people in their 50's, 60's and 70's were so old. They couldn't of been talking about the same stuff we are talking about today? Or were they?




    You reminded me of a good one I heard the other day.

    2 cave men are talking. One says to the other one, "I don't get it. Everything we eat is organic, we get plenty of exercise, and the air is crystal clear...but we only live to 30! What's that about?"


  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    a few too many

    Hey fox,

    It sounds like we've both had a few too many dates with the old scapel. 

    Regarding your cervical discectomy, was the recovery as bad as I imagine it will be?  I postponed having an ACDFP (anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with plate) of C5/6, and had a nephrectomy instead.  Now, it's time to give serious thought to making the recommended repairs to my neck.  Besides the bulging discs, I have bilateral pinched nerves that cause significant impaired mobility in my left arm (shoulder actually) and dressing and undressing is difficult, to say the least (my bra is the biggest challenge).  My right entire shoulder blade is numb and has been for several years now.  And of course my neck has very limited mobility with a fair to moderate degree of pain.  Some days are worse than others.  But, the scariest part is the bone spur indenting my spinal column.  Doc says one rear end car crash could easily push that spur to sever the spinal column.  Yikes!!

    Because I am able to tolerate the pain and discomfort, I'm not sure I want to risk surgery.  I'm afraid that I will induce more problems by having surgery.  A cousin of mine is strung out on pain pills following her cervical repair and I certainly don't want that.  I only use my Norco once in a great while and then, only half a pill at a time.  For the most part, I just hurt and/or ache all the time but not enough to justify pain meds.  Doc says I'm pretty tough!

    My delemma the surgery now or wait till I can no longer move and am forced to do it.  Hard choice.  Other than my cousin, I don't know anyone else who's had that kind of surgery, so, I'm curious to know...would you do it again, knowing what you know about it?  Did the benefits out weigh the risks and post-op pain?  I know each case is different, no two the same, yada yada yada...but I am curious.





  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    a few too many

    Hey fox,

    It sounds like we've both had a few too many dates with the old scapel. 

    Regarding your cervical discectomy, was the recovery as bad as I imagine it will be?  I postponed having an ACDFP (anterior cervical discectomy and fusion with plate) of C5/6, and had a nephrectomy instead.  Now, it's time to give serious thought to making the recommended repairs to my neck.  Besides the bulging discs, I have bilateral pinched nerves that cause significant impaired mobility in my left arm (shoulder actually) and dressing and undressing is difficult, to say the least (my bra is the biggest challenge).  My right entire shoulder blade is numb and has been for several years now.  And of course my neck has very limited mobility with a fair to moderate degree of pain.  Some days are worse than others.  But, the scariest part is the bone spur indenting my spinal column.  Doc says one rear end car crash could easily push that spur to sever the spinal column.  Yikes!!

    Because I am able to tolerate the pain and discomfort, I'm not sure I want to risk surgery.  I'm afraid that I will induce more problems by having surgery.  A cousin of mine is strung out on pain pills following her cervical repair and I certainly don't want that.  I only use my Norco once in a great while and then, only half a pill at a time.  For the most part, I just hurt and/or ache all the time but not enough to justify pain meds.  Doc says I'm pretty tough!

    My delemma the surgery now or wait till I can no longer move and am forced to do it.  Hard choice.  Other than my cousin, I don't know anyone else who's had that kind of surgery, so, I'm curious to know...would you do it again, knowing what you know about it?  Did the benefits out weigh the risks and post-op pain?  I know each case is different, no two the same, yada yada yada...but I am curious.





    Saturday Night Fever

    Oh where did my disco? It wasn't the pain. It was the weakness. I did not want to risk permanent disability.