Uh Oh

fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

So, I got scoped poked and prodded on Feb 18th and got the all clear. I had a bit of a heart scare as "scanxiety" reared it's ugly head and sent me to the ER with chest pain. After a full cardiac workup, I've been given that all clear there as well.

Overall, I've been doing Ok at almost a year out of treatment. While I have quite a few of the usual side effects, I'm managing well overall. 

Today, I noticed a hard painless swollen node under my right ear just at the jawline. It's visible just looking in the mirror. I'd estimate it to be at least a centimeter or more right now. Obviously I'm kinda freaking as this is how it all started in August of 2012. I don't poke and prod myself at all so I didn't notice it before and it's only been a month since my last check up. Could the beast have come back that fast and strong?

I sent a note off to my team and I have an appointment with my dentist and GP next week. I don't know what I'm even asking but damn.... with the stats and me being a year out?.... 

Positive thoughts and prayers




  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    T, I doubt that it's anything that would pop up that fast concerning cancer...

    I would however have your ENT check it out versus your anyone else, as he should be your first line of defense (or offense)..., unless your team is made up differently than mine.

    But, it sounds like he's the touchy, feely, pokey guy...

    That will if nothing else give you some comfort and lessen the anxiety...


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    T, i'm sure its nothing but i

    T, i'm sure its nothing but i know the anxiety you are feeling, just went thru that myself.  its a damn shame what cancer still does to us when something new shows up.  I agree with John, see your ent.  He is more familiar with you and what you've been thru.  Praying for you, T.

    God bless you,


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Well...I'm on the same wave length

    as John and Debbie.....might as well get thee to the ENT.  The GP would probably say the same thing, and he's a week away, so by calling him yourself, you'll be a week ahead of the game.  It's only been one month to the day that you were checked over and declared clear.....so my thinking is that this isn't a big deal.....but you know how I'd be.....so I certainly know how you're feeling.  My first thought?  That it could be a tooth.  Not all abcesses hurt, and when they drain themselves they can go to the most unlikely places....even as far as the back of the neck. 

    You know I'm filling you with positive thoughts and prayers....and of course, tucking you into my pocket (while you're in there, do me a favor and chuck that piece of pizza in the trash?) Laughing 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    fingers cross


    Have it checked, then on with the music when it is nothing.

    Anxiety hounds us.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    you know the mantra

    You got the full check very recently and you know it's not cancer until it is proven. Still, unsettling hardly describes the feeling. Wait for the response from JH. I'm sure they will have some advice/action for you. Until then, it isn't cancer and can be one of many other things. Hang in there!

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    I agree...... ENT

    Probably nothing but have it checked anyway best to go with a ENT. You got the good thoughts and prayers 



  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Hold on there....


    I'm also going to agree with the others here...not likely.  Especially since you were just seen.  But you being cautious is what you want to be doing...so your reaction to call your team was the right move.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers to allow you to remain calm while you wait for your doc appt.

    Hang in there...


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Hold on there....


    I'm also going to agree with the others here...not likely.  Especially since you were just seen.  But you being cautious is what you want to be doing...so your reaction to call your team was the right move.

    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers to allow you to remain calm while you wait for your doc appt.

    Hang in there...



    Prayers for another all clear

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Appointment Set

    I got a response from my ENT/Surgeon and I'm heading to Johns Hopkins on Monday. Still waiting to hear if they want a scan or not (last PET was in August 2013) but one way or the other we'll see what's going on then. It's interesting, I didn't stress much the first couple of follow ups as I was so wrapped up in just healing. Now?... Damn if I couldn't use a Xanax!

    Keep me tucked in will ya please?

    Positive thoughts and prayers


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    fishmanpa said:

    Appointment Set

    I got a response from my ENT/Surgeon and I'm heading to Johns Hopkins on Monday. Still waiting to hear if they want a scan or not (last PET was in August 2013) but one way or the other we'll see what's going on then. It's interesting, I didn't stress much the first couple of follow ups as I was so wrapped up in just healing. Now?... Damn if I couldn't use a Xanax!

    Keep me tucked in will ya please?

    Positive thoughts and prayers



    for you T, keep the faith , we'll be going along with you, so hire a limo!! Seriously, best to you


  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218
    fishmanpa said:

    Appointment Set

    I got a response from my ENT/Surgeon and I'm heading to Johns Hopkins on Monday. Still waiting to hear if they want a scan or not (last PET was in August 2013) but one way or the other we'll see what's going on then. It's interesting, I didn't stress much the first couple of follow ups as I was so wrapped up in just healing. Now?... Damn if I couldn't use a Xanax!

    Keep me tucked in will ya please?

    Positive thoughts and prayers


    Glad your getting in...

    To get checked out. Probably nothing to worry about, but after Monday'a appointment you will feel better. Keep us posted T. I know we'll all be thinking of you on Mobday!!!


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Hey T, Glad you called the

    Hey T, Glad you called the ENT and got in. It is probably nothing but I would be in the same boat as you. And if it is infection they can knock it out quick. I am praying it is minor and that you find some peace until Monday.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi T


    I still have a lymph node on the right side of my neck that sticks out; it was the site where the cancer went into the neck. My Oncl man did not want to remove it because of where it was, now after 8 years it still sticks out some and my ENT checks it every time I see her. She said as long as it stays the same there is no problem.


    Praying for you to have a good report on it.

    Tim Hondo

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Appointment Set

    I got a response from my ENT/Surgeon and I'm heading to Johns Hopkins on Monday. Still waiting to hear if they want a scan or not (last PET was in August 2013) but one way or the other we'll see what's going on then. It's interesting, I didn't stress much the first couple of follow ups as I was so wrapped up in just healing. Now?... Damn if I couldn't use a Xanax!

    Keep me tucked in will ya please?

    Positive thoughts and prayers


    T, praying that the anxiety

    T, praying that the anxiety doesn't get too bad.....yeah right, been there, done that.  but i am praying you won't be too scared/worried until the appt.  i wonder if we ever get over that damn fear.  i know all will be fine so be sure to let us know and hang in there.  sending prayers, positive thoughts and good mojo you way.  we're with you.

    God bless you,


  • joannaw81
    joannaw81 Member Posts: 185 Member
    Hondo said:

    Hi T


    I still have a lymph node on the right side of my neck that sticks out; it was the site where the cancer went into the neck. My Oncl man did not want to remove it because of where it was, now after 8 years it still sticks out some and my ENT checks it every time I see her. She said as long as it stays the same there is no problem.


    Praying for you to have a good report on it.

    Tim Hondo

    just believe

    I believe it's nothing. You just had your exams not awhile ago and they were all clear. It's hard to believe there is something there. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Your body produces unusual bumps and your mind tends to run wild with thoughts. Since there wasn't much time since your last touch and feel sesion I'm thinking Monday will strickly be a money maker for J.H. But its money well spent for piece of mind.

    Good luck Monday I will tune in for the all clear news.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Duggie88 said:


    Your body produces unusual bumps and your mind tends to run wild with thoughts. Since there wasn't much time since your last touch and feel sesion I'm thinking Monday will strickly be a money maker for J.H. But its money well spent for piece of mind.

    Good luck Monday I will tune in for the all clear news.


    Systemic issue?

    I'd was due to see my ENT/Surgeon anyway in May so earlier doesn't matter. I have to go back down in May anyway for a swallow study and to see my MO. This issue seems to be systemic as several other nodes (armpit, groin) swelled up and was accompanied by a maddening and relentless entire body itch. The nodes are beginning to reduce in size but the itch is driving me mad! I haven't had a decent nights sleep all week. Hydrocortesone cream and benedryl barely take the edge off. I'll know more on Monday.

    Concerning my mind? I've seemed to have developed some general anxiety since treatment. I was fine for a while and now that I'm coming on a year out, the thought that the beast can come back is much more prevelent. I see my GP next week and will discuss a "chill pill" as it's beginning to get troublesome. 

    Positive thoughts and prayers

  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Systemic issue?

    I'd was due to see my ENT/Surgeon anyway in May so earlier doesn't matter. I have to go back down in May anyway for a swallow study and to see my MO. This issue seems to be systemic as several other nodes (armpit, groin) swelled up and was accompanied by a maddening and relentless entire body itch. The nodes are beginning to reduce in size but the itch is driving me mad! I haven't had a decent nights sleep all week. Hydrocortesone cream and benedryl barely take the edge off. I'll know more on Monday.

    Concerning my mind? I've seemed to have developed some general anxiety since treatment. I was fine for a while and now that I'm coming on a year out, the thought that the beast can come back is much more prevelent. I see my GP next week and will discuss a "chill pill" as it's beginning to get troublesome. 

    Positive thoughts and prayers

    a little PTSD

    A little post traumatic stress disorder goes along with the territory.

    Definitely ask for a little anxiety reducer to go along with the situation.

    Lifting prayers for a good resolution to this.

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Noooo....., not toilet paper....geezzzzz

    Thoughts and prayers your way, and just letting you know that I'm thinking of you today, and Phrannie has you in her pocket..., Tim whispered a prayer..., and Matt says statistically Matt is with you today also..

    Don is looking for the best 420 mix to celebrate the results and after party.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    You're in my thoughts today T

    Praying for a big "nothing to worry about" from your ENT!!!
