update on my brother

First of all thank you for the prayers and warm thoughts directed my brothers way.  He had the biopsy done last tues, (throat and sinus) and came back NO CANCER !  He is still going to have two pretty good sized lymph nodes removed from his neck on the 24th at the V.A.  (assumming neck dissection)  These will again also be sent for path.  My sister in law said they are calling these nodes bronchial cysts ?  They are not in the lungs but must be near the top of the branches.  (you can feel them above his collar bone)    I googled it....and 99.5 % are not cancerous.  After his surgery I'll let you know how he does.  Again, thank you all for the prayers and encouragement.  I have been half out of my mind with worry.  I BELIEVE....and thats what gets me through.  God bless !  Katie

update on myself....doing pretty well.  The 02 and pain meds are keeping me active in the house.  I haven't ventured out except for clinic appointments.  My next onc. appointment is schedualed for April, but may be going in for an ultrasound on my liver yet this month.  Depends on what the onc. decides.  One foot in front of the other always !  LOL !


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    That is good news about your brother.  I can see your stress level reducing.

    Doing pretty well yourself is nice to hear.  Keep your doctors in line and more good reports.

    Best always,


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Wonderful news

    for your brother....no doubt this was a huge relief for everybody. 

    Spring is just around the corner (well, where we can see and feel the ebbing of winter)....so you'll be able to do some putzing outside.....I'm delighted to hear that you're doing pretty damn good and the meds and the O2 are doing their job.  Are they just double checking your liver to make sure that all is well?


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    katie, praising God for

    katie, praising God for brother's good report!!  that will help you feel better physically also.  glad you are doing well also.  warm weather will be here soon and you and your brother can get outside.  very happy for both of you.  keeping you both in my prayers.

    God bless you,


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    katie, praising God for

    katie, praising God for brother's good report!!  that will help you feel better physically also.  glad you are doing well also.  warm weather will be here soon and you and your brother can get outside.  very happy for both of you.  keeping you both in my prayers.

    God bless you,


    Good news!

    Great news for your brother...happy to hear

  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912

    Wonderful news

    for your brother....no doubt this was a huge relief for everybody. 

    Spring is just around the corner (well, where we can see and feel the ebbing of winter)....so you'll be able to do some putzing outside.....I'm delighted to hear that you're doing pretty damn good and the meds and the O2 are doing their job.  Are they just double checking your liver to make sure that all is well?


    pretty sure

    I'm getting quite a bit of pain in the rib area (on the right side).  Hard to explain it's a deep pain under the rib cage, and it could be just chest wall inflammation.  But are going to double check the situation for me.  It never goes completely away but is controlled with the extend pain med.

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    So happy to hear


    So happy to hear about your brothers good report. Prayer works! I know the lymph nodes will be negative as well. Praying for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for your brother.

    Happy to hear you are getting around the house. Praying for continued strength and healing, never give up.



  • Redbanker
    Redbanker Member Posts: 36
    I bet that's a brachial cleft

    I bet that's a brachial cleft cyst that his doctors are suspicious of.  When you're at the starting gate for this with only that troubling enlarged node, this is the benign answer that presents itself and which you so hope is going to be your answer.  Your brother is so fortunate that he's snatched this golden ring.  Congratulations to all.



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Kate

    Glad to hear the news on your brother, but still will keep you both in prayer


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    good news!

    Thanks for the update on your brother and you too. Hang in there!! Don