
suecbeach Member Posts: 9

I was diagnosed two weeks ago and had my mastechtomy one week ago.    Lymph nodes are clear according to the surgeon so am hoping to hear this Wed. that maybe I will not need chemo or radiation but possibly oral cancer drugs.   It is still unreal to me as everything happened so fast.    My husband is in his 5th year fighting stage 4 prostaate cancer so it is very hard on both of us now.    Being in our early 80s makes it more difficult too -- and with no close family in the area I am feeling a little overwhelmed.    Sue


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    I am so sorry to hear of

    I am so sorry to hear of this.  Please know you are welcome here any time you need to vent.  I was overwhelmed at first too and felt like I was in shock.  That is great news about your lymph nodes and I am hoping you don't need chemo or radiation.  I am also so sorry to hear about your husband.  Sometimes it feels like when it rains, it pours.  Gentle (((hugs)))!!!!

  • suecbeach
    suecbeach Member Posts: 9

    I am so sorry to hear of

    I am so sorry to hear of this.  Please know you are welcome here any time you need to vent.  I was overwhelmed at first too and felt like I was in shock.  That is great news about your lymph nodes and I am hoping you don't need chemo or radiation.  I am also so sorry to hear about your husband.  Sometimes it feels like when it rains, it pours.  Gentle (((hugs)))!!!!

    Thank you for your response.

    Thank you for your response.   Right now I am trying to take it one day at a time and NOT project into "what next and/or I need to think about this, etc.)   Getting some strength back daily HAS to help things.   Your "gentle hug" meant a lot to me !!

  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    suecbeach said:

    Thank you for your response.

    Thank you for your response.   Right now I am trying to take it one day at a time and NOT project into "what next and/or I need to think about this, etc.)   Getting some strength back daily HAS to help things.   Your "gentle hug" meant a lot to me !!


    Yup!  That is the right way to think.  Often our worry ends up being a waste of time, as more often than not, what we fret about never happens.

    Your report sounds good.

  • suecbeach
    suecbeach Member Posts: 9


    Yup!  That is the right way to think.  Often our worry ends up being a waste of time, as more often than not, what we fret about never happens.

    Your report sounds good.

    I just realized that I was so

    I just realized that I was so stressed when I typed my original email that I spelled mastectomy wrong!!   Tomorrow will tell what treatment the oncologist will recommend and whatever he says-- I am ready to do --and immediately.   

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    suecbeach said:

    I just realized that I was so

    I just realized that I was so stressed when I typed my original email that I spelled mastectomy wrong!!   Tomorrow will tell what treatment the oncologist will recommend and whatever he says-- I am ready to do --and immediately.   

    Sue ----
    Sorry  for coming on the journey that none of us wanted to be on. Allow 
    yourself time to absorb the information that is being given to you; for you and your husband
    take someone with you if possible to hear when you can't possibly absorb it all.

    I think at this point it is easy to get overwhelmed with all the new things happening in your life.
    It might help to take things one step and one day (sometimes even one hour) at a time.

    You will find many wonderful, caring, uplifting, funny, amazing people along the
    way. Put your seat belt on, raise your arms up, scream and go!!!!

    We are here to support you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam

  • suecbeach
    suecbeach Member Posts: 9
    Unfortunately I didn't get

    Unfortunately I didn't get the news that I was expecting yesterday or praying for.   The mastectomy was done and the tumor was deep and large and even though the lymph glands were clear-- apparently I have a very aggressive form of breast cancer that usually shows up in women from the ages of 20 through early 60s.   Being 81 as I am- is next to impossible and all the doctors are stunned and amazed.   So tomorrow I have my port put in and get a PET scan on Monday and on Wed.-- I will begin my treatments which consist of an infustion once a week for 12 weeks-- then every thrid week for a full year with them doing tests and evalutions along the way.   My heart is heavy from this new developement-- but I want them to begin the treatments asap-- and before those bad cancer cells find another place to attach and to grow.  Very scary.   Thanks so much for your encouragment on this board-- and I am sure that I will have LOTS of questions very soon.   

  • ladybug22
    ladybug22 Member Posts: 646
    suecbeach said:

    Unfortunately I didn't get

    Unfortunately I didn't get the news that I was expecting yesterday or praying for.   The mastectomy was done and the tumor was deep and large and even though the lymph glands were clear-- apparently I have a very aggressive form of breast cancer that usually shows up in women from the ages of 20 through early 60s.   Being 81 as I am- is next to impossible and all the doctors are stunned and amazed.   So tomorrow I have my port put in and get a PET scan on Monday and on Wed.-- I will begin my treatments which consist of an infustion once a week for 12 weeks-- then every thrid week for a full year with them doing tests and evalutions along the way.   My heart is heavy from this new developement-- but I want them to begin the treatments asap-- and before those bad cancer cells find another place to attach and to grow.  Very scary.   Thanks so much for your encouragment on this board-- and I am sure that I will have LOTS of questions very soon.   


    please take care of your self . I am sorry you have to go through this just know we are here to walk with you   Hugs and love just for you


  • suecbeach
    suecbeach Member Posts: 9
    ladybug22 said:


    please take care of your self . I am sorry you have to go through this just know we are here to walk with you   Hugs and love just for you


    This form of breast cancer

    This form of breast cancer has a name--- HER2 and the treatment infusion will consist of Herceptin mixed with another flavor.   Doing my research online only brings more scary thoughts.  Has anyone else had this -- and need to know about their journey.  

  • marilyndbk
    marilyndbk Member Posts: 238 Member
    I just want you to know I

    I just want you to know I think you are amazing.  I have been on this board a long time but do not post much.  I am a 2 time breast cancer survivor.  I was first diagnosed with DCIS in 2001 and had lumpectomy and 35 radiation treatments.

    I had recurrence in the same breast in 2009 and had double mastectomy with reconstruction.  In 2013 I was devastated

    when diagnosed with bladder cancer. I had surgery to remove tumor and then 6 BCG treatments, with scope every 3 months, annual ct scan and maintenance treatments because of the high recurrance rate.  Bladder removal would be

    next step if the cancer returns.  Hoping for no more "store bought parts". 

    This is sometimes a scary journey but I have learned so much from the brave pink sisters on this board and welcome

    you and hope the best for you.  Take care.  Marilyn


  • meandmom
    meandmom Member Posts: 9

    I just want you to know I

    I just want you to know I think you are amazing.  I have been on this board a long time but do not post much.  I am a 2 time breast cancer survivor.  I was first diagnosed with DCIS in 2001 and had lumpectomy and 35 radiation treatments.

    I had recurrence in the same breast in 2009 and had double mastectomy with reconstruction.  In 2013 I was devastated

    when diagnosed with bladder cancer. I had surgery to remove tumor and then 6 BCG treatments, with scope every 3 months, annual ct scan and maintenance treatments because of the high recurrance rate.  Bladder removal would be

    next step if the cancer returns.  Hoping for no more "store bought parts". 

    This is sometimes a scary journey but I have learned so much from the brave pink sisters on this board and welcome

    you and hope the best for you.  Take care.  Marilyn


    We wish the best to you


    My heart is with you on this journey.  Mine begins next month. 

    My mom was 81 when diagnosed with T1N2 stage II and is now 84.  She had a lumpectomy and is going strong.

    We wish the best to you


    Stacey and mom



  • Dee5678
    Dee5678 Member Posts: 37
    meandmom said:

    We wish the best to you


    My heart is with you on this journey.  Mine begins next month. 

    My mom was 81 when diagnosed with T1N2 stage II and is now 84.  She had a lumpectomy and is going strong.

    We wish the best to you


    Stacey and mom



    I am thinking of you and

    I am thinking of you and wishing you the best.  I am certain you'll do well. You have a great attitude and that's an important part of the fight. 

  • Valsa
    Valsa Member Posts: 4
    suecbeach said:

    Unfortunately I didn't get

    Unfortunately I didn't get the news that I was expecting yesterday or praying for.   The mastectomy was done and the tumor was deep and large and even though the lymph glands were clear-- apparently I have a very aggressive form of breast cancer that usually shows up in women from the ages of 20 through early 60s.   Being 81 as I am- is next to impossible and all the doctors are stunned and amazed.   So tomorrow I have my port put in and get a PET scan on Monday and on Wed.-- I will begin my treatments which consist of an infustion once a week for 12 weeks-- then every thrid week for a full year with them doing tests and evalutions along the way.   My heart is heavy from this new developement-- but I want them to begin the treatments asap-- and before those bad cancer cells find another place to attach and to grow.  Very scary.   Thanks so much for your encouragment on this board-- and I am sure that I will have LOTS of questions very soon.   

    Been following your

    Been following your courageous walk!...I have had two mastectomies in 13 months...there are no iron clad guarantees, but taking each day for all it's worth is the best way forward..chin up!

  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    Just wondering how you are

    Just wondering how you are doing and looking for an update and wishing you and your husband the best!

  • SarahClark
    SarahClark Member Posts: 1

    As I was reading your post, It seems like you are just with your husband. You don't have children to assist you with? I am sorry to ask for that, I have great compassion for old people or adults that has a disease and no one takes care for them. I know that God will still comfort youa nd your husband as well.

    Be positive, you can do it! Don't give up. ^^

  • suecbeach
    suecbeach Member Posts: 9
    Thanks so much for all of the

    Thanks so much for all of the encouraging words.   Yes, unfortunately-- it is just my husband and myself- as stubbronly we made the decision to stay on the beach when the rest of our friends moved away-- or died.    But so far we are making it work-- children live in Atlanta but of course are very supportive- or as much as possible from a distance.    Had my second infusion yesterday when they added the taxatere and so far-- no side effects but am trying to prepare myself mentally when- AND IF-- it happens.    Also have explored hiring a driver for infusion days and that may work well too.    Coming home and seeing the Gulf of Mexico out of our windows has always made both of us feel more serene and restores our energy and we are hoping that it continues to work this way.   Thank you again for your responses-- it means a lot to me.   

  • tko683
    tko683 Member Posts: 264 Member
    Sorry to hear...

    I am very sorry to hear that you are dealing with cancer after your husband has dealt with cancer also.  I don't post much on this board anymore but your story caught my attention.  I had breast cancer, her 2 positive, diagnosed when I was 44.  I am now 54.  I had chemo, herceptin, radiation and mastectomy.  It was 3 years worth of treatment but Herceptin works and the side effects are not bad.  My husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer 3 years ago so we are dealing with all this again.  I pray that you can tolerate the Herceptin and that your husband is also on the road to recovery.  Living in a place you love helps!  You have an amazing attitude!


  • KatieLou
    KatieLou Member Posts: 2
    Right there with you

    Hi, I was recently diagnosed with a papillary tumor in situ, which had cancer cells. The other breast also had a lump, which was benign...fibroadenoma.  I have just had the lumpectomy so far, and am meeting with doctors to decide which direction to go for further treatment. At this point it isn't certain whether I will need further treatment, such as chemo. Radiation isn't the best option, since I have implants and not a lot of breast tissue. I am considering mastectomy, probably a double. I had colon cancer surgery and a year of chemo 22 years ago. On Monday I meet with another doctor to get a second opinion, then will have to make a decision, and move forward this month on a plan of treatment. Like it was the first time, it was such a shock to hear the word "cancer" when I totally did not expect it. I dread having the surgery, because I am not a fan of pain, and also am worried about complications. So, it is hard to know for sure what to do. I understand if I have the radiation, my implants will likely need replaced. I would also worry constantly about another lump showing up. It seems like the best option is the mastectomy. We'll see what this second opinion doctor says. SUECBEACH, I feel for you, and I hope you hang in there. We all find that we are tougher than we ever imagined we could be. It is good you find peace in nature; that also helps me. Going for walks also helps relieve stress, or going out with friends to do something fun. Hmmm, believe I will go call a friend!

  • suecbeach
    suecbeach Member Posts: 9
    I was surprised that I really

    I was surprised that I really didn't have all that much pain after my mastectomy-- discomfort maybe-- but not pain.   The "vibrations" from the lymph node area were strange -but they seem to get better each day.   Now I am waiting for the lymphedems under my arm to go down-- as think that will make things more "normal" plus getting a prosthesis bra maybe in May should help.