Checking in

Roar Member Posts: 269 Member

Just checking in- I have been lurking in the shadows popping in and out just reading posts and just wanted to say hi to everyone. I am coming up on 15 months post treatment and have learned to live with the side effects. I am back to my normal weight. Back in the rat race fully. Biggest side effects remain dry mouth especially at night, taste is still not right yet' hearing is really bad and the tingling In My feet. But I refuse to give up- working 70- 80 hours a week - hitting gym- and even manage to help teach at a non for profit martial art dojo. My co worker who was diagnosed with prostate cancer that spread had his operation and is doing fantastic. He will not need chemo or radiation- or at least that is what they are saying now- I guess in a few months after the pet scan we will know for sure. Thanks for the prayers for him. Keep strong all my fellow survivors/ warriors, and keep battling. It's good to be alive - even if life is different than it use to be.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Do't give up yet as for improvements...

    It took all of two years for all of me taste to come back.. Even at five years I tend to dry out a little at night. But not too bad, something that I live with. I have to say, that is about the only thing that I have as a lasting side effect..., other than a thinner beard.



  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    roar, glad you checked in to

    roar, glad you checked in to let us know you're doing ok.  very happy to hear your friend is doing well also.  we always love to hear good news.  thanks for sharing.

    God bless,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good check-in


    You are a glass half full kind of guy, I commend you for that.

    I can tell you, for me, the Tampa 2 year plan wasn’t long enough, so I got an (open ended) extension for as long as it takes.  For dry mouth I still use Xylimelts with good luck.

    Question, where do you find “80 Hour Energy”?


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Good to hear all is well with

    Good to hear all is well with you and your friend. I pray all continues to improve.


  • Grandmax4
    Grandmax4 Member Posts: 723
    It is so good

    to be alive, happy to hear you're doing well, your friend also, keep kickin'


  • patricke
    patricke Member Posts: 570 Member

    Congratulations on getting back into the race of the proverbial rats, that's great news!  Hopefully the side effects that you are still experiencing, will diminish and possibly disappear in time.  For us, time truely is the great healer, and the resiliency of the body never ceases to amaze me.   I do hope that in the process of working the 70 - 80 hour work weeks, that you incorporate the time to sniff a rose or daisy, and check out a moonrise or two.  Your awesome positive attitude will continue pave the way for your continued tremendous recovery!  Keep it movin forward!  I hope that your friend keeps getting good news for the outcome of his treatment and recovery.


  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    thank you all

    SKiffin - i know what you mean about the hair - havent had to shave under my chin in 15 months - Matt- i am truly blessed for a multitude of reasons - i love what i do, i work for a company that stood behind me and my familly in my darkest hours and treats me very well and truly appreciates my efforts - i choose to work the extended hours, as i am in construction and have an A type personality. i can not go home until i clear my desk and email box every night. i like to begin fresh every day. in between projects my company forces me now to take a week or two off and smell the roses. going to florida to see my mom after this one in april,maybe i will stop in and see skiffin.  when i was sick, i found out who my friends were. and i must say some people that i thought were my friends were really only aquantences . i am just happy that all the fatigue after treatment has finally subsided - diet has changed substantially. i juice dailly and eat healthy. i choose to keep my weight down  to 175-180 - was 190 before treatment but do not want the extra weight. i could easilly put it on if i want. thank you to everyone for the prayers and well wishes for my friend and myself. i too , wish and pray for all of you. This place keeps it real for me. i am not as smart as a lot of you in here when it comes to terminology of our disease and associated treatment so a lot of the time i just listen. there is definately a lot to learn in this room and just wanted to say thank you - keep up the fight my friends - and for those of you not in such a great place right now, keep the faith - i will say a prayer for you right now, and i hope you begin to feel better soon - be well everyone- ralph

  • Roar
    Roar Member Posts: 269 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    good check-in


    You are a glass half full kind of guy, I commend you for that.

    I can tell you, for me, the Tampa 2 year plan wasn’t long enough, so I got an (open ended) extension for as long as it takes.  For dry mouth I still use Xylimelts with good luck.

    Question, where do you find “80 Hour Energy”?


    not every week matt

    i work 6 days a week - i have learned to listen to my body - when i feel my battery running low i back off a little - maybe take a full weekend off and only work to about 4pm on a friday. i have also learned not to stress so much. i use to do a lot of yelling at work. radiation cured that and i had to learn how to get what i want without yelling. and in doing so i found i dont stress as much. my wife finnally got the soft spoken man she always wanted. so everything happens for a reason. i will definatley try the Xylimelts - over the counter? your humor and wisdom is always a pleasure to read. I hope your doing well.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Roar

    I was doing that for a while too but just had to stop flying and come in for a landing. Thanks so much on keeping up on how you are doing.


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo