Never thought I'd be here again

So once again we get some frantic news from our Radiologist. Sorry my terms are a bit fuzzy after 3 years. Said she saw something but won't say what it was. Consulted with another doctor and they recommended a pet scan and some other scan again. Needless to say the winds have been knocked out of our sails. She went to see the first two doctors, the ear and an ent who first found the issue. The ent who did her initial biopsy said everything looked the same after 2 years. She's still worried, I'm not, but because she scared I can only be so strong. My heart is broken. I've avoided this board for a while. I didn't want to think of it. but now, I have to look into aflac or something else to help with finances. I just know she's over reacting like she's supposed to do.(the doctor). I just needed a moment to vent in the one place I feel safe commenting. I remember many of the people who comment on this board. They've given me strength and I hope the newcommers are using them as a resourse as well.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    The anticipation of the unknown is exhausting and terrifying.  While it is not easy to not go there it is best to stay positive.  Nothing has proven to be wrong, only an area of concern has occurred.

    I will be keeping good thoughts and prayers that everything works out for the best.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Welcome Back...

    Well, you know enough by now I'm sure like we all say, It's not something until they do a biopsy and then tell you...

    So be supportive, and hopefully it'll turn out to just be a scare..

    Thoughts & Prayers,


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    Welcome Back...

    Well, you know enough by now I'm sure like we all say, It's not something until they do a biopsy and then tell you...

    So be supportive, and hopefully it'll turn out to just be a scare..

    Thoughts & Prayers,



    Prayers that it's just a false alarm. 

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    prayers that the doc is just

    prayers that the doc is just OVERLY concerned and all is fine!

    God bless you,


  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    Going through the same thing..

    Had my usual CT and the radiologist saw some increase in size in a nodule in my lung.  My MedOnc wasn't overly concerned but was proactive enough to have me do a PET in a few weeks.  So, what I'm trying to say to you is once you have cancer, my sense of it is the Doc's are protective of us and if there is something, they want to jump on it right away.  When you think about it dispassionately, they are doing exactly what we'd like them to do.

    Doesn't change the fact, that it scares the crap out of us.

    Hang in there, the odds are good that it's nothing.


  • Viilik70
    Viilik70 Member Posts: 73
    Hang in there

    I have had PET scans after rads and chemo and they show hot looking spots in the area radiated because those spots will never be the same again. I too have had docs freak about them also, but guess what they ended up being nothing and now 5 years from my second rads they still look the same when compared so don't get too freaked out. I know easier said than done when it's you. I pray everything turns out fine and you have plenty more great days ahead : ) hang in there cause you are a fighter like all of us are! God bless and I'm praying for you...

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Robert

    It’s hard but sometimes you just got to do it twice, so that is life. I know how you feel but just keep positive and keep focus on living. I was told in 2006 when my NPC came back a 3rd time that I had 6 mounts to a year at best, I am still here, still working, still playing, still loving, and still raising hell. You will get through it, it is just another bypass in life that some of us have to live. Will keep you both in prayer and welcome back to the family



  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Good thoughts your way......

    As others have said, it's not "c", until they say it's "c". And yes, it's a bit scary when our doctors react this way, but they're being proactive and that's what you want. Unfortunately, we will most likely have that worry in the back of our mind the rest of our lives. Be thankful for those doctors who have their priorities straight......YOU are their priority. If it happens to be anything, then they have caught it early.

    Our thoughts and prayers for peace of mind and that you will get answers very soon.

    Rest easy my friend,


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Praying her concerns are all

    Praying her concerns are all for naught and for your comfort and peace.


  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    bad news

    praying for and expecting good news.  Don't believe the worse until it is confirmed.   Ann

  • robertjuy
    robertjuy Member Posts: 45
    Thank u all. Im sitting in

    Thank u all. Im sitting in the car with my 7 yr old sleeping in the backseat. Wife is getting a cat scan. She'll know the results tomorrow. On friday she'll have a pet scan then a biopsy if needed. 

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    robertjuy said:

    Thank u all. Im sitting in

    Thank u all. Im sitting in the car with my 7 yr old sleeping in the backseat. Wife is getting a cat scan. She'll know the results tomorrow. On friday she'll have a pet scan then a biopsy if needed. 

    rob, saying prayers for all

    rob, saying prayers for all to be good.  please let us know.

    God bless you and your family,


  • Ruben and Jude
    Ruben and Jude Member Posts: 155
    Positive thoughts and prayers

    Positive thoughts and prayers are coming your way. One good day at a time.


  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196

    Hoping you can share some good news soon.

  • robertjuy
    robertjuy Member Posts: 45
    finally can breathe

    My wife has nothing there. After being checked from the ENT that did the first biopsy and the ENT and Stanford. Cat scan came up clear. The white spot is a cyst. I'm so drained after two weeks. and she is as well. The emotional strain plus the strain of a job that is crappy and no time off for health reasons other then flex time is so hard this time around. But we're done for now. If anyone needs info on how to get though chemo then Rad of stage 4 NC. let me know.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    good news


    I am relieved to hear the all is clear signal and yes breathe again,

    Also, it is very nice of you to offer your knowledge to others in the fight.


  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Your first post in this topic is the reason I sometimes avoid the site. Fear of the unknown or in other cases actually getting bad news. For some reason bad news from people I have never met except for words on a website just breaks my heart. Five years ago I would have never had that emotional attachement as I have now because I have battled. For those who have battled other battlers victorys becomes our own. Your last post with the all clear is the reason I love this site. That being said let's celebrate your good news as I know you and your wife will with a wonderful Saturday. You only get one shot at today and it certainly looks like a good prelude to tomorrow.

    Enjoy the day


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    robertjuy said:

    finally can breathe

    My wife has nothing there. After being checked from the ENT that did the first biopsy and the ENT and Stanford. Cat scan came up clear. The white spot is a cyst. I'm so drained after two weeks. and she is as well. The emotional strain plus the strain of a job that is crappy and no time off for health reasons other then flex time is so hard this time around. But we're done for now. If anyone needs info on how to get though chemo then Rad of stage 4 NC. let me know.

    rob, fantastic news that its

    rob, fantastic news that its a cyst and not cancer!!  now take a deep breath and relax.  its time to take it easy and recover from that emotional roller coaster.  i'm sorry about your job, been there and done that  :0(   that's never easy. 

    God bless you,


  • Conquerthis23
    Conquerthis23 Member Posts: 15
    robertjuy said:

    Thank u all. Im sitting in

    Thank u all. Im sitting in the car with my 7 yr old sleeping in the backseat. Wife is getting a cat scan. She'll know the results tomorrow. On friday she'll have a pet scan then a biopsy if needed. 

    congratulations robert!!

    thank god it was a false alarm....may you live each day to the fullest

  • Laralyn
    Laralyn Member Posts: 532
    robertjuy said:

    finally can breathe

    My wife has nothing there. After being checked from the ENT that did the first biopsy and the ENT and Stanford. Cat scan came up clear. The white spot is a cyst. I'm so drained after two weeks. and she is as well. The emotional strain plus the strain of a job that is crappy and no time off for health reasons other then flex time is so hard this time around. But we're done for now. If anyone needs info on how to get though chemo then Rad of stage 4 NC. let me know.

    So glad to hear that!

    I came back today to check and I'm really happy you got good news! :-)