Just more bad news!

Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

I have to go for fresh scans and a round of testing over the next few weeks. After suffering from an incessant cough for over a week I was sent for an X-ray. The result of which shows a new mass in my left lung. I was devasted, I am at a loss, I really don't understand how these growths are manifesting at such speed. From everything being clear in September to this seems implausible.

I am transferring to another team of doctors in Lorient now, I am hoping for a better standard of care there.  I will post again in a few weeks when and if I have a clearer picture.


Djinnie x



  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Oh my Dj... sorry to hear

    Oh my Dj... sorry to hear this...  thoughts and prayers headed your way...


  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476

    So sorry to read this and thinking about how you must feel.Hoping this new team of Doctors will get a treatment plan in place that will be able to stablelize or even rid this disease from your body.

  • CommuterMom
    CommuterMom Member Posts: 120
    Sending love hugs


    Sending love hugs prayers and positive energy your way! <3

  • Gordon Charles
    Gordon Charles Member Posts: 91
    That stinks !

    Dearest Djinnie:  I'm sitting here trying to think of something appropriate but none of it would be acceptable for public consumption.  Be assured that there is an immediate stomach drop when each of us reads your post.  Do not hide.  Do not fight this alone.  We are all here adding our hopes and prayers to yours.  There are too many things about this disease that we have to take on by ourselves.  Please let us continue to be a sounding board and place of refuge when the frustration of the moment tries to consume you. 

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

    That stinks !

    Dearest Djinnie:  I'm sitting here trying to think of something appropriate but none of it would be acceptable for public consumption.  Be assured that there is an immediate stomach drop when each of us reads your post.  Do not hide.  Do not fight this alone.  We are all here adding our hopes and prayers to yours.  There are too many things about this disease that we have to take on by ourselves.  Please let us continue to be a sounding board and place of refuge when the frustration of the moment tries to consume you. 

    Hi Djinnie
    Gordon said it all

    Hi Djinnie

    Gordon said it all so eloquently. I hope the new team of doctors will be very knowledgeable and skilled. Stay strong, but remember there is strength to be offered here, too.

    You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Big Hugs,


  • cancerat46
    cancerat46 Member Posts: 52
    So sorry to hear this

    Djinnie, I'm so sorry to hear this! My thoughts and prayers and support are with you! I'm glad you're seeking a new medical team and taking control of your care that way. Bravo to you for that! About 9 years ago my hubby was very ill from systemic Scleroderma and was getting worse and we just told the doc we need you to refer us to someone with more expertise in this disease. That's a difficult thing to do, confronting a doctor, but we found the right doc and today he is sitting next to me as I type this. So kudos to you for taking control! Big hug to you! Kris

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    so sorry to hear your news;

    so sorry to hear your news; why did they do x-rays instead of scans? Very glad that you are seeking a new team.

    Please know that I am thinking of you


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    {{{{ Djinnie }}}}}

    {{{{ Djinnie }}}}}



    The shock you must be feeling..geez. Maybe once they get a more accurate scan you'll know more from the oncologists. Try really hard not to rush into the future, but stick with today.. its enough to deal with right? Breathe.. breathe.. breathe..

    Like Gordon said so eloquently, you are not going through this alone, WE're here along side you.

    You can feel whatever you need to feel right now.

    Please let us know how you are doing~

    Here's another HUG~


  • Skagway Jack
    Skagway Jack Member Posts: 224 Member
    Keep the faith

    Good call on switching medical teams.  All I can say is I am very sorry you have to contend with this.  Hang in there and fight, fight, fight!  Positive vibs heading your way.


  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    an immediate stomache drop

    Gordon hit the nail on the head...an immediate stomache drop.  It's what I felt. 

    And then, it hit my heart and immediately my heart felt heavy and sad.  I'm sure you are at a loss...right now.  And the devastation you're feeling, well, that just makes you normal.  These are feelings you have to accept and deal with, then, proceed to fight with all your might! 

    I'm happy to hear of your transfer to a new team of doctors.  I just bet they are going to take excellent care of you, with a standard of care you've only dreamed of.  That's my hope and prayer for you and your doctors.

    We are all here for you, Djinnie.  Use us.  Let us be your soft place to fall when you need to vent or just talk, about anything or nothing at all.  It's amazing to me how therapeutic this site can be.  This is my first experience with a support group, of any kind.  Besides the feedback, advice and camaraderiere we share, there's just something about putting your thoughts and feelings on paper (so to speak), typing away at a keyboard, lost in thought.  It does my body good.  I find it to be extremely calming and it almost always makes me feel better.  In fact, do you know how many times I've typed out entire paragraphs, pouring out my heart and soul or venting or asking what I know are stupid questions, only to hit the delete button instead of the send key?  So lame, I know.  But, it helps. 

    Anyway, I'll be anxiously awaiting updates in the coming weeks.  In the meantime, you just keep picturing yourself on the otherside of this fight, stronger and wiser and healthier than ever.  You'll get there.  May have to fight your way there, but if you stay focused and don't back down from the fight, you'll get there.

    Keep your chin up, girl.  You got this! 







  • Suekub
    Suekub Member Posts: 137
    Just another hurdle?

    Djinnie, not sure that I can add anything that hasn't already been said but wanted you to know that positive vibes  are being sent to you from here in the southern hemisphere.

    take care.



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Suekub said:

    Just another hurdle?

    Djinnie, not sure that I can add anything that hasn't already been said but wanted you to know that positive vibes  are being sent to you from here in the southern hemisphere.

    take care.



    Stomach drop

    is accurate. Don't know how to fix that. But the air just leaked from our balloon and we will take care of that. You are regarded as one of the tough members of this forum. With new doctors you will face this and the plan will work. Not just being positive. Being confident. You are a rock. Take care of business and we'll hear from you soon. We'll hold the fort and send karma your way.

  • TillieSOK
    TillieSOK Member Posts: 252
    Well, dammit!  I'm so sorry

    Well, dammit!  I'm so sorry to read this, djinnie.  We are all hoping to be right here for you anytime you need anything...even if it's just to scream obscenities.  I would take this from you and switch places with you in an instant if it would do any good.  You are a strong woman and a fighter.  Take a deep breath and go kick some cancer butt!! (((((((Hugs)))))))

  • kerrie75
    kerrie75 Member Posts: 20
    Thinkinh of you

    I have to say I haven't known you all long but everyone here is one big family.It's a great feeling to know you have all these wonderful people caring and praying for you! I'll be thinking and praying for you.



  • Miashelle1
    Miashelle1 Member Posts: 44
    X x x

    ((( hug )))

    Michelle x x x

  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    Attack with extreme prejudice...


    I know you're down right now, but there is still alot of fight left in you, I feel it in every one of your posts and hear it in your every word.  We're here and we've got your back!



  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    DJ, so sorry to hear this! I

    DJ, so sorry to hear this! I know you will get through this like you have in the past!  Will be praying for you, you are always so  encouraging to us in many ways!  What form of treatment did they start you on? Sending you gigantic hugs! XXX

  • cran1
    cran1 Member Posts: 139
    Sorry to hear D. You are in

    Sorry to hear D. You are in my thoughts. Hang in there.

  • Darron
    Darron Member Posts: 310 Member
    Sorry to hear

    I am so sorry to hear your news. You will be in our thoughts, especially the next few weeks while you wait for the scans.

    Hang in there!

  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311
    Darron said:

    Sorry to hear

    I am so sorry to hear your news. You will be in our thoughts, especially the next few weeks while you wait for the scans.

    Hang in there!



         I hope you remember how you and the others held me together during my year last year.  You really helped keep my spirits up, and I am here for you now!  This is just a bump in the road, and you will get over it.  Take a day and cry and get it all out, then just get control and take up the fight and know that we are all here for you.  Every little piece of information is as important to us as it is to you, please do not forget to keep us informed and to lean on me, they way you let me lean on you!  I am there fighting right along side you, sending strength, prayers, and love!

                                  Love and prayers for good health!
