Smokeyjoe, Joemetz, other MIA



  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    joemetz said:

    JoeMetz is here!

    Greetings everyone.


    sorry i haven't been on here much lately.  It's been a busy couple months.

    Trying to work some more... I work about 2 to 3 days a week and also have been doing some more writing (and working) from home when not busy with the chemo side effects.

    I try to work more, as my business has been busy and needs my attention on some big things going on... plus, it makes me feel better to "accomplish stuff" or to feel "accomplished".

    My two youngest kids have been very busy with high school basketball for my senior and my 7th grader is a serious swimmer and this is peak of her season as well.  the two older sons are each in college and they don't keep us as busy, but still busyness  happening.

    today (feb 22nd) is officially my 50th birthday. And, back in November 2011 when i was dx'd with this cancer battle, no one gave me a flying chance in hell of making it to my 50th. So, this day is a big milestone to me and my wife and family.

    As for the chemo treatments... I've on my 3rd round of Erbitux + Iranotecan (this was just after 3 rounds of FolFuri)... along with about every other possible chemo combination over the past 2 years.  The "round" is a six week cycle... 4 weeks of both, then 2 weeks of Erbitux alone. But, this week... due to extremely low magnesium levels, I am on an Erbitux Break... so we'll restart the treatments next week.

    Magnesium is traveling between .8 to .9... yet last week we got it up to 1.3 which is the highest we've seen in a few months. The side effects of low mag, low hemaglobin and other crap from these two chemo drugs have been wearing me down pretty good. I've lost more weight, and my body seems to require 9 to 10 hours of sleep per day. So, when i add in work and the personal side of life... the time for me on the computer for blogs and CSN is what's taken a back seat in my list of priorities or my list of things to invest my time into.

    honestly, I also had a few difficult months as many old time friends that i met over the past two and a half years here on CSN and other colon cancer blog sites have lost their battles, and i was supper worried/depress/axious and just bumbed out that cancer takes so many lifes... so I told myself i needed to take a break. So, that's another thing that pulled me away from this site.

    I am friends with many of you on FaceBook, and today when i logged into FAcebook i saw a post that you asked about me on CSN so I came here right away to post a quick update.  If you'd like to connect on Facebook or other places... here's where you can find me.: 

    also... even though i might not be here on CSN posting or writing... I am still active and willing to help anyone who needs help or who needs some cheer leading or feedback on anything i can help with.

    virtual hugs to all.





    Wow, what a milestone!

    Funny, isn't it, how many people complain about turning 50?  For those of us at Camp Cancer, getting to rack up another birthday is a thrill...can't imagine any of us complaining about a few wrinkles or gray hairs (not that you seem to have any wrinkles!).

    So a very happy birthday to you, Joe, and I hope you have many more coming in the future!

    Big hugs~AA

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    Sorry I'm a little late but things have been a little hectic here. I hope you're feeling well.
