3 years later

cps Member Posts: 6
edited February 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I believe it was almost three years ago, I joined this site.  Diagnossed stage 3b rectal cancer.  Went through the surgery and chemo, and i'm guessing pretty much the same as everyone else.  Found out after 6 months my wife had a boyfriend and left me after 28 years.  A month later my son who had a scholarship to play volleyball, ended up being a dad and dropped out of college.  i can remember being pretty low at times, my life at that time  didn't really matter, until i met my best friend.  I knew God had sent a beautiful person into my life.  An organic hair stylist by trade, but I never realized the transition she was going to put me through.  First and foremost her love for god, she is a true prayer warrior.  secondly she recreated my diet and in a kind way, she slowly had me eliminate most of the foods I was eating, and lastly staying in shape.  Last summer we rode bikes 20 miles together, I don't believe i could of went a 1/4 mile before i met her. 

  It's been almost 3 years since I was first diagnossed, and I am returning to this site to offer prayer, hopefully some knowledge and support from the people on here. I know every day is a new challenge, and I will never forget all the people that supported me. By the way my name is chuck


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Welcome back for all the good reasons

    It is great to see former forum members return, and with such good news.

    It seems like your cancer journey was made extra hard with family problems, but you survived all and came out a winner in the end. 

    Good for you and for your partner. 

    I am a newly surviving stage 3B, so your story is lifting me up. Thank you!

  • relaxoutdoors08
    relaxoutdoors08 Member Posts: 521 Member
    Being Here 3 Years

    Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Being here and thriving at 3 Years is huge. Prayers for your health and having someone who made a difference in your life.

  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    Welcome back

    cancer takes alot from us, but sometimes we do get that unique gift.

    You sound happy!

    Enjoy life - it is a precious gift.

  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member

    for sharing your happy story, we all need good news here, there is so much sadness.


  • cps
    cps Member Posts: 6
    Thanks everyone

    Like I said she is only my friend, amazing what some people will do. She actually takes care of her aunt with stage 4 cancer.  Just met her by accident or what I thought was by accident. It was so odd, I use to wave to this man every morning on my way to work, I didn't see him for about 5 years.  Lesa lives 100 miles from my home, first time I went to church with her, I was introduced to the pastor, turns out he was the man I waived to all those years. I had no idea.  Having god first in your life seems to be so important.  I wasn't always this way.  Psalm 103 was the first verse I tried to memorize. with chemo brain it was so hard to do. By the way my hands and feet are still knumb, I guess at this point it's something I'll have to live with. I am thankful it could be far wors. I have had a chance to read through many of the comments on here, I see this illness is as nasty and relentless as ever. May god bless all those involved, it affects so many