Hi de Hi Campers!

Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

It has been a little while since I posted! I had a biopsy some weeks ago which confirmed what everyone with half a brain suspected, the cancer had spread. The doctors are concerned about the rapid growth in just a matter of months, also the spread of cancer to my lymph. The consensus of opinion is that this is very rare, I think if another doctor says 'Bizarre' to me again I'll whack him one. It has all been a bit of a shock to the system, after having the all clear on three previous scans. I am dealing with it though, as best as one can under the circumstances, and keeping a positive frame of mind!



  • TillieSOK
    TillieSOK Member Posts: 252
    Hugs and much love and

    Hugs and much love and prayers heading your way!  We've missed you so much. Keep strong!!!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    I know folks have been


    I know folks have been worried about you. Sorry to hear of the news. But I would pay to see you hit a doc who says "bizarre"..how does that make YOU feel?

    So.. what's next for you?

    Keep in touch as we care. I know I am rather new, but I will follow your journey along side you.

    Warmly, Jan

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    top notch tough chick

    We have missed you, Djinnie!

    It hardly seems fair that so much can be put on one person but, you are not just any person.  You are strong. You are determined.  You're a fighter.  You're funny and witty and caring.  You're well versed, very smart and have more than your fair share of experience with cancer.

    So, it sounds like it's time to commence to kicking cancer's ****, yet again!  You will dig down deep and muster everybit of strength and determination you have and you will fight this battle as victoriously as you have everytime before.  All the while, all of us will be encouraging you and supporting you and those of us who pray, will pray for you. 

    I'm pretty sure Fox would say, you are one top notch tough chick! And I'd agree.

    Keep your chin up, my friend.  You got this!!


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

    top notch tough chick

    We have missed you, Djinnie!

    It hardly seems fair that so much can be put on one person but, you are not just any person.  You are strong. You are determined.  You're a fighter.  You're funny and witty and caring.  You're well versed, very smart and have more than your fair share of experience with cancer.

    So, it sounds like it's time to commence to kicking cancer's ****, yet again!  You will dig down deep and muster everybit of strength and determination you have and you will fight this battle as victoriously as you have everytime before.  All the while, all of us will be encouraging you and supporting you and those of us who pray, will pray for you. 

    I'm pretty sure Fox would say, you are one top notch tough chick! And I'd agree.

    Keep your chin up, my friend.  You got this!!


    Yeah, she's tough

    Sometimes you just can't catch a break. Well now it's on to something new for treatment. Sorry about the crappy news. It's a good thing you are on top of this. Karma Djinnie.

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    foxhd said:

    Yeah, she's tough

    Sometimes you just can't catch a break. Well now it's on to something new for treatment. Sorry about the crappy news. It's a good thing you are on top of this. Karma Djinnie.

    DJ.. you know we are all here

    DJ.. you know we are all here for you..  cyber "hugs"..  



  • Darron
    Darron Member Posts: 310 Member
    So sorry to hear the news,

    So sorry to hear the news, but good to see you post again.

    you have been missed.


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Darron said:

    So sorry to hear the news,

    So sorry to hear the news, but good to see you post again.

    you have been missed.


    Yes! Glad you are back!

    We missed you and have been thinking about you. Sorry to hear that you are on to your new challenge.

    But you've kicked cancer's butt before, you can do it again. You are an expert!

    Big Hugs


  • garym
    garym Member Posts: 1,647
    We're all here for you


    We're all here for you and we're all pulling for you! You have always shown a great attitude and encouraged others by your example, so fire it up and fight. Look on the bright side, you might get to enjoy some more of your hubby's cooking!

    Hang in there,


  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    Darron said:

    So sorry to hear the news,

    So sorry to hear the news, but good to see you post again.

    you have been missed.


    A Support Team Like No Other!

    Thanks for all of your supportive comments, much appreciated! Tillie and Ronnie I'm never been one to turn down a hug, thanks:) You are so right Fox about Karma, I have been busy meditating for weeks to adjust to the new circumstances, and to be at peace with myself in order to create a change!

    Twinnie I am hiring you as my motivational life coach! I have bought a bigger spade as I find I need to do a lot more digging. I have faced a lot of difficult challenges in my time but this is the toughest yet! I am still assessing the best way forward right now. I know one thing though, when faced with such challenges there is no escape route, you just have to plant your feet firmly and square up to it. I've got my Doc Martins on!


    Djinnie x

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    garym said:

    We're all here for you


    We're all here for you and we're all pulling for you! You have always shown a great attitude and encouraged others by your example, so fire it up and fight. Look on the bright side, you might get to enjoy some more of your hubby's cooking!

    Hang in there,


    Many Thank's!

    Thanks Gary and Jojo, I hear you Gary, thanks! I also have to say if that's the bright side then I'm worried!!


    Djinnie x

  • Frank302
    Frank302 Member Posts: 71
    Djinnie said:

    Many Thank's!

    Thanks Gary and Jojo, I hear you Gary, thanks! I also have to say if that's the bright side then I'm worried!!


    Djinnie x

    As everyone else has said ,

    You're tough . I know you've been through a lot in the past and I know you have plenty of what it takes to fight and win . You are in my prayers every day . You provide some of my strogest inspiration .

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    Frank302 said:

    As everyone else has said ,

    You're tough . I know you've been through a lot in the past and I know you have plenty of what it takes to fight and win . You are in my prayers every day . You provide some of my strogest inspiration .

    Holy Moly, and all that cr**

    Dj-  Sorry to hear the news.  I saw the post a few days ago, but CSN had chosen to not recognize me and I had to reset my password.

    Now that you've chosen to share, please allow us to help and encourage you on the next leg of the journey. I'm sure you will tackle this challenge as you've done in the past....with determination and a will to live.

    I'd jump and give you a cheer if I thought it might help; but the way my body is acting this week, I'd end up in the hospital or at a chiropractor.  The previously broken ankle with plates and screws doesn't like the cold weather.  And doing the splits was a long ago skill that would probably dislocate a hip today.

    Keep us posted; and we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    Frank302 said:

    As everyone else has said ,

    You're tough . I know you've been through a lot in the past and I know you have plenty of what it takes to fight and win . You are in my prayers every day . You provide some of my strogest inspiration .

    Thanks Frank!

    Hey Frank, thanks for the supportive comments, I appreciate it:)


    Djinnie x

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    donna_lee said:

    Holy Moly, and all that cr**

    Dj-  Sorry to hear the news.  I saw the post a few days ago, but CSN had chosen to not recognize me and I had to reset my password.

    Now that you've chosen to share, please allow us to help and encourage you on the next leg of the journey. I'm sure you will tackle this challenge as you've done in the past....with determination and a will to live.

    I'd jump and give you a cheer if I thought it might help; but the way my body is acting this week, I'd end up in the hospital or at a chiropractor.  The previously broken ankle with plates and screws doesn't like the cold weather.  And doing the splits was a long ago skill that would probably dislocate a hip today.

    Keep us posted; and we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.


    Cheers Donna!

    Hey Donna, I am not surprised they didn't recognize you, I didn't either, love the new pic! The news was a huge blow, particularly as it was a fluke discovery. I just had a scan on the kidney in September which was clear, but I had a scan at my local hospital in December for something else which showed new tumours. It sent my kidney specialist into a bit of a tailspin. Still, it is what it is and you just have to get on with it!    Thanks for the encouragement though Donna:) 

    Djinnie x

  • Eims
    Eims Member Posts: 423
    Djinnie said:

    Thanks Frank!

    Hey Frank, thanks for the supportive comments, I appreciate it:)


    Djinnie x

    you know i am here my friend

    you know i am here my friend x

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Eims said:

    you know i am here my friend

    you know i am here my friend x


    Hey Eims... good to see  you...!
