CT scan alarm-Scared

catluver96 Member Posts: 73
edited February 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Dear friends,

Last week I ended up at urgent care with flu-like symptoms.They sent my husband and I to the ER.

Upon learning I am a tongue cancer survivor, they ordered a CT scan... my very first one.

We were later sent home ...all labs looked good. Suggested that may have a virus. (Did get flu shot a couple of months ago.)

My primary M.D. received reports and called us. Talked with my husband. Told him I was a very sick woman due to two lesions on the scan. This was Friday.

Primary contacted my oncologist, whom  I  was released from the end of chemo. Told there was nothing more he could do for me and my ENT would follow up on my care, which he has.

 My ENT is highly respected, and has followed me closely, with good reports. He also did my surgery.

 My M.D. on the other hand, has always been obsessed with my tongue cancer and afraid it was going to spread. Even mentioned at one time that it could go to my brain. He wanted me to have other scans done like a PET scan, but my ENT said NO, it was not helpful for my type of cancer. Primary M.D. backed off. We've noticed that he did not call the ENT doctor first, but the oncologist who I have not seen for over a year. Who we are seeing later this morning. I'm up at 2:30 in the morning thinking about stuff.

 How did it all get so crazy so fast? I started out with an orthopedic referral for some back and leg pain. Became sleep deprived due to that pain. Then got sick... Fatigue and vomiting. Now talk of possible brain tumor? Everything was going pretty good  before this.

 Expecting to hear from ENT this morning as well. He's the man...the specialist here. The one who has taken very good care of me.

 I visit here often and feel connected. For that I thank you all.



  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    Unknown Boogymen

     Can scare the bee-jesus out of you. You are not doing anything the rest of us have not done, that is run wild with worst case scenarios.  Considering what you have posted there is nothing concrete there, Don't read into things, as hard as that is to practice in real life.  Ct scans find lesions all the time, they may or may not have been there before diagnosis and may have nothing to do with your cancer. Your Primary Physician  may have only had contact information for your oncologist and did not exclude your ENT on purpose. The brain spread talk is common and I think we all hear it at some time during our treatment. At the present moment it's all just idle supposition.  Talk to your ENT this morning and make a follow up  plan where the two of you can discuss the CT results or perhaps schedule another test. ER doctors and Primary doctors although well intended are not experts in interpreting Head and Neck Cancer. Wishing you a good outcome!!!!

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    I wish I had a trick up my sleeve to ease the fear....but one thing is for sure.....like you said, the ENT is the MAN!!  He will be looking at the scans this morning, and be getting back to you.  He's not "obsessed" with your tongue cancer,  and what the PCP sees as lesions, could be radiation damage.

    Sending you prayers, good mojo, crossing my digits..........and tucking you into my pocket.  It ain't cancer till somebody who KNOWS says it is!!!!


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Second Opinion

    Your doctors are reading a report, do they have the scans to look at?  I always wait after my scans to get a hard copy--we have so many doctors, my reports rarely say there is a problem and I have had 3 mets since my primary in 2010.  In 2012 I had a doctor (chemo man) say that there would be nothing I would be able to do after chemo and rad--I had a tumor at skull base and mets on nerve in  face--referred to another set of specialists and ended up with Cyberknife.  Cyberknife is very directed, no skin burned no mouth sores.  The only side effect of Cyberknife was fatigue for 2 weeks!  Are you going to a cancer center at a large hospital or are your doctors all local fellows?  I would make sure that I am working with someone that has dealt with this type of cancer often.  As we say here, it's not cancer until it is confirmed.  Not something any of us want to do again, but it is doable to fight on again.  Hopefully just glitches in the road.  Keep us informed.

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    KTeacher said:

    Second Opinion

    Your doctors are reading a report, do they have the scans to look at?  I always wait after my scans to get a hard copy--we have so many doctors, my reports rarely say there is a problem and I have had 3 mets since my primary in 2010.  In 2012 I had a doctor (chemo man) say that there would be nothing I would be able to do after chemo and rad--I had a tumor at skull base and mets on nerve in  face--referred to another set of specialists and ended up with Cyberknife.  Cyberknife is very directed, no skin burned no mouth sores.  The only side effect of Cyberknife was fatigue for 2 weeks!  Are you going to a cancer center at a large hospital or are your doctors all local fellows?  I would make sure that I am working with someone that has dealt with this type of cancer often.  As we say here, it's not cancer until it is confirmed.  Not something any of us want to do again, but it is doable to fight on again.  Hopefully just glitches in the road.  Keep us informed.


    Hopefully, the news will be better than anticipated and options manageable. There are several of us successfully doing battle more than once. Try not to let your mind wander. Get the facts first to make the most educated decision possible.

    Best wishes and prayers sent your way.



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    in a tizzy

    Hi Vicki,

    You are got thrown into the middle of a spinning scenario. Please go back to basics of Cancer 101. It is NOT cancer until it is diagnosed. The proper specialists need to evaluate your scan and examinations to make a proper assessment. All the rest is just creating unnecessary chaos. Hang in there and just go one step at a time based on the FACTS. Best, Don

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    vicki, so sorry you have to

    vicki, so sorry you have to go thru this fear but i definitely agree with the others, it's not cancer until the doc says it is.  i don't blame you for being scared but as hard as it is, do your best to NOT let your thots run away with you.  as someone above mentioned, the lesions could be something left from rads.  praying that you can calm down a little and that the lesions are nothing more than one more gift from rads.  be sure to let us know what you find out, we'll be waiting to hear the good news.  think positive.

    God bless you,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    I am having good thoughts about your health and thinking you are fine.

    Positive mojo your way,
