Doesnt sound right.

beatlemike Member Posts: 55 Member
edited February 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I was still waiting for my colin polyp biopsy and gave the nurse a call. She said I should be recieving it in the mail but would tell me the results on the phone. She said that they removed a 40 cm polyp and it was shown to be benign. Benign is a wonderful word but I said do you mean 40 mm and not 40 cm? She said no it was 40 cm. I said isnt that very large and she said it was. I am happy it was benign but 40 cm is almost 15 inches I think. That doesnt sound right to me. Could they remove a 40 cm polyp during a colonospy? Waiting to get results of biopsy in the mail and if it says 40 cm I will call them back.


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    40 cm is almost 16 inches, that is huge. I'm thinking you're right, she made a mistake. It's probably 40 mm. A lot of people aren't very good with the metric system in the USA, so mabe she just screwed up. Are you in the USA?


  • beatlemike
    beatlemike Member Posts: 55 Member


    40 cm is almost 16 inches, that is huge. I'm thinking you're right, she made a mistake. It's probably 40 mm. A lot of people aren't very good with the metric system in the USA, so mabe she just screwed up. Are you in the USA?


    yes in the United States

    Yes, I am in United States. The description of the procedure they gave me after the colonscopy  said 40 cm polyp removed but I thought I was reading it wrong. The one she was reading off of was the biopsy results which also said 40 cm. I wouldnt think they could remove something that big in a colonscopy. I wasnt sore or having any problems afterwards. They just told me not to take any asprin or ibprofren for 2 weeks.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Go straight to the top

    I think I would be scheduling a talk with your Oncologist and get this cleared up once and for all. Or maybe talk to your GI Doc. At least someone with Dr. in front of their name. 

    Maybe ask for permision to record your call or visit whichever you do. I would definitely want to know for sure just what size your polyp was.

    I don't understand all this about getting the report in the mail. Is this normal procedure? I had a viist from my Oncologist in the hospital two days after my resection. It just seems so frustrating to be dealing with something this serious and waiting for important information to arrive in the mail. 

    And CONGRATULATIONS on it being benign. That at least is GREAT news.