Clovergirl Member Posts: 48

I had my follow up doc appointments yesterday. Saw everyone.  Colo rectal surgeon did the anascope, had a CT scan and saw both Rad and chemo Dr.  I've been going every three months.  This was the 9 month post treatment visit.  My CT scan was good and they are still saying NED.  Of course I could not be happier about that.  However, I'm a little edgy about my blood work.  Both ONC's did not seem concerned but my Neutraphils were high, and both my Lymphacites and ABS Lymp's were low.  When I originally was diagnosed those numbers were that way also.  After treatment and for both of my previous follow ups before this one those numbers were normal and back in normal range.  Now this time they aren't.  The docs said blood work can vary for a year or so after treatment.  This is bothering me though.  I'm thinking about calling the chemo ONC about it today.  Has anyone else had blood work be a little whacky?


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I'm almost 5 1/2 years post-treatment and I still have some abnormal blood counts.  My med onc never gets excited about my numbers and told me that perhaps they will always be a little out of range. 

  • Clovergirl
    Clovergirl Member Posts: 48
    mp327 said:


    I'm almost 5 1/2 years post-treatment and I still have some abnormal blood counts.  My med onc never gets excited about my numbers and told me that perhaps they will always be a little out of range. 

    Thanks mp

    I was hoping someone would say just that!

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    Thanks mp

    I was hoping someone would say just that!


    I was told the same as Martha. Our normal range will vary from the "normal-normal" range, and is common to fluctuate for several years......maybe always. My onc reminded me that though very important, it is only one of several tools used to measure our follow-up health and would be more of a concern when combined with other questionable test results.

    Stay well!

  • TraceyUSA
    TraceyUSA Member Posts: 316
    Me too

    I'm almost one year post treatment and all of my numbers have not returned to normal either.  I have expressed concern to my doctors and have been told it's ok but never given an expanation.  Prior to treatment, my labs were always in the normal range.  The last labs I had done, my Lymphocytes and Absolut Lymps were low like yours and my Monocytes were high, MPV & RDW were low.  From what the others on this board are saying, this must be another one of the "new normals" for us.