28yrs old and needing advice

I just recently had a uterine biopsy done. I am very nervous because I just called to see why my results were taking so long and if they hand them. The lady answers and tells me a nurse can give me the results to just hold on. The nurse answered and says yes she can give me the results to let her look up my report. That's when her tune changed. She fubbled her words "well ok so ok well I see that the doctor sent it off to a second outside lab for a second opinion. I'm not at liberty to tell you the results of the first test. The doctor will have to speak directly to you regarding that. I'm sorry I cant help you but he will call you. Your biopsy is in shipping to the other lab now." 

So now I'm panicking. I have endometriosis and pcos so the obgyn ringer isn't new to me but the scare of cancer is. My ob told me my uterus is one solid mass and it had grown in size. It is very painful.  So painful that I can barely walk at times. I have had a lot of discharge, but no period for 6 months. No birthcontrol. This is following a period that uad lasted 2 1/2 months.  I'm so scared of these results. Did any of you have your biopsies send out to second laboratories for second opinions? And also are any of my symptoms matching any of yours? I know I am very young and this is not something that usually strikes people of my age. But I am so terrified. I have two young children and I just can't grasp this. Please any feed back is much appreciated. 


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    I am hesitant to respond to your question and add to your fear but I did have the same thing happen to me (not the symptoms, but the send off to a second lab).   I did have endometrial cancer.  I spent 2-3 more anxious days waiting for the results.  It was hard.  I wish it had been handled differently and I had been told that it was cancer and they were verifying the type.  Who has more of a right to be kept in the loop than the lady the uterus belongs too.

    i am a great deal older than you.  At your young age I'm hoping there's another explanation.  At any rate, I am nearly 1 1/2 years post treatment and have no evidence of disease.  I feel for you andwill be waiting to hear your results.  If not cancer, we'll celebrate with you.  If it is, we'll help you deal with it.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,515 Member
    Mary, take a breath

    I know that is easier said than done, but this is a step at a time thing.

    I will say my gyn's office told me it was cancer, who sent me to a gynecological oncologist (and BTW, if you have cancer, and you don't know that yet - ask for this kind of doctor to help you!).  My gyn/onc said he didn't trust anyone but his pathologist and had to wait for that report.  It came back the same thing, cancer. 

    As soon as I got that confirmation I did go to an angel in my life who had battled agressive breast cancer.  I asked her "how do you wrap your brain around this?"  She said to me, "You don't, not today".  There are STILL days I can't wrap my head around all of this and it has been over a year, clear of cancer. 

    The waiting is the hardest part.  You are seeing that, but let give you one more tip:  Push for information.  Be an advocate for YOURSELF!  You already are since you are out here seeking information.  I found this site late in my treatment and the women here are wonderful.

    Take a breath, find out what you are really dealing with.  We are here and will help.

  • TAyers
    TAyers Member Posts: 86 Member
    I had a lot of watery


    I had a lot of watery foul smelling discharge when I was diagnosed. I pray it is your endometriosis Causing this. I was 45 when diagnosed with uterine papillary serous. Let us know how to help?