Asparagus- A cancer cure?



  • 54


    My brother today has an unrestored 54 F100 my grandfather had on the Kansas farm. It was the first year for the overhead V8.  It had a windshield washer -- the resevoir from the factory was a mason jar screwed on to the firewall !  I suppose this has not much to do with asparagus curing cancer, so enough about cars for now.

    54 f100

    I am very familiar as I have restored several early 50s trucks. It was a 252 cubic inch OHV V-8 with cork main seals. Most of them leaked oil like a seive. It had an oil bath air filter, a cannister oil filter and vacuum powered wipers.

  • unknown said:

    54 f100

    I am very familiar as I have restored several early 50s trucks. It was a 252 cubic inch OHV V-8 with cork main seals. Most of them leaked oil like a seive. It had an oil bath air filter, a cannister oil filter and vacuum powered wipers.

    Meant for Max. Somehow ended up here.

    Sorry Max


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    unknown said:

    54 f100

    I am very familiar as I have restored several early 50s trucks. It was a 252 cubic inch OHV V-8 with cork main seals. Most of them leaked oil like a seive. It had an oil bath air filter, a cannister oil filter and vacuum powered wipers.

      I can remember my 1948 chevy pick-up had the cannister oil filter, oil bath air cleaner(washable)filter and the vacuum hose attached to the manifold for the wipers. Also the starter button was on the floor next to the accelerator pedal that was of course operated with your foot. The ignition switch was in the dash. 3 speed on the column. Battery box was under the floor on the passenger side. 6 volt too.

  • Foods


    I agree with all you have written on this topic. I was listening to a health show on the radio about a year ago. The guest was a nutrition writer/expert, who is also into "holistic health." She had come down with late-stage cancer, and her oncologist recommended immediate chemo. She decided on "herbal treatments" instead, coupled with yoga-meditation, in which she "visualized the elimination of the cancer cells from her body."  She was soon much worse and began chemo in the hospital soon thereafter, and gained full remission.

    Jim Fixx, the Run for Your Heart author who preached how to keep a healthy heart into old age via exercise and diet, died at the age of 52, while running !  Of a heart attack !  His arteries were mostly massively clogged, and he was the world's authority on "how to avoid coronary heart disease !"

    People in our "junk food" USA now live longer than they have ever lived before, although obesity is a huge epidemic.  I am perplexed when some authors complain that women get poorer health care in the US than men, when women on average consistently live about five years longer than men.  I can't  "do that math"  in such a way that the statistics woprk out.

    My grandma out on the Kansas farm used to have a rhyme about eating our vegtables (frersh from the garden in their yard):

    "Eat first what you don't like, then what you do." My grandpa always replied" Eat what you like, and stick the rest in your pocket."
    PS: He outlived grandma by many years.

    People cling to nutrition theories for a sense of control; they want to feel like life is not random, like they can do something. It is a psychological mechanism that yields comfort.  I eat as healthy as I am comfortable with, have never smoked in my life, etc.  

    But it is still the luck of the draw....



    I have never been an exercise nut but about 15 years ago I started doing the vitamin thing. I had a very active job and traveled around the world almost constantly. It required stamina. I started getting sick, mostly digestive problems. doctors could find nothing wrong. One of my "hippie chick" friends recommended meditation, vitamins, restricted diet etc. ( she is now dead from cancer). I stopped eating airline food, even on the long flights to Asia and Africa. I took vitamins ( D, multi, the "antioxdants", CO Q-10' fish oil etc.)  i stopped eating meat other than on special occasions. None of that helped. Then I was put on statins and triglycerides and cholesterol fell in line. I have often wondered if that Diet may have contributed to my illness, especially the bleeding in my stomach. I suspect a better explanation is that I have had the lymphoma for many years and that the symptoms I had were caused by cancer and not diet Or vitamin deficiencies. As you said, it was my attempt to feel in control but was likely just a waste of money.

  • Radar


    I was stationed on a surface vessel for about a year, and my GQ station was on the superstructure, standing just behind a navagational radar twirling round and round.  I did some research on it and every engineer stated that it would be harmless.  They may have been correct, since larger yachts used the same model, usually mounted near the flying bridge.  Who knows .  Maybe that is another reason why I have what the dog food commercial describes as a "high-pro glow ?"



    Yes the duty cycle is very short so the actual radiation omitted would be small. These pulses are intense but generally are only a few millionths of a second long. Those wavelengths would probably have more of a warming effect then anything else. They are not strong enough to ionize. However a longterm exposure could do damage.

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    illead said:


    They could care less.  Hey that's a good idea about Wilson tho Laughing Sorry again for the flagging.  Even when you mind your manners, you can't win for losing.



    We'll quit worrying, but we're still going to wear our CoolCool


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    illead said:


    We'll quit worrying, but we're still going to wear our CoolCool


    To Becky

    Regarding "going to wear our."

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member

    To Becky

    Regarding "going to wear our."

    Now that was cool!

    You crack me up.  Bill & I are not techy, takes us too long to figure out how to send a click on, but a feel good video is if you google Ray Wylie Hubbard on Letterman, think you'll like it.

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    illead said:

    Now that was cool!

    You crack me up.  Bill & I are not techy, takes us too long to figure out how to send a click on, but a feel good video is if you google Ray Wylie Hubbard on Letterman, think you'll like it.

    Max, we did it


    Hope this worked, we had to take an additional step to make it an active link, it didn't quite work your way, guess our computer is "wonky"Laughing  But now we know how to do it, at least Bill does.  This song is a tad risque but it's fun and makes you smile.


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    illead said:

    Max, we did it


    Hope this worked, we had to take an additional step to make it an active link, it didn't quite work your way, guess our computer is "wonky"Laughing  But now we know how to do it, at least Bill does.  This song is a tad risque but it's fun and makes you smile.


    What is This?????

    What is this stuff ??? Let me get my flagging hat on. I don't see anything related to LYMPHOMA here, do you? I see the red lights flashing now. Oh, My Goodness, well I never!!!......LOLCool. Just joking. I loved the video. Wish I knew how to download stuff to the site. If I flip the computer to on and it don't work then I am not on the computer that day or the next either. If any of you dare you can tell me how to do it. Ha Ha!!!  John

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    COBRA666 said:

    What is This?????

    What is this stuff ??? Let me get my flagging hat on. I don't see anything related to LYMPHOMA here, do you? I see the red lights flashing now. Oh, My Goodness, well I never!!!......LOLCool. Just joking. I loved the video. Wish I knew how to download stuff to the site. If I flip the computer to on and it don't work then I am not on the computer that day or the next either. If any of you dare you can tell me how to do it. Ha Ha!!!  John

    Thanks John

    Bill and I are still made our day.  I tried to have Bill dictate to me what he did but it was getting way out of hand.  The simpler he tried to make it sound the worse it got.  It was about to make me Yell.......Laughing.  Max knows and I'm sure he or someone else can explain better than we can.  Bill and I are like Frick and Frack!


  • COBRA666
    COBRA666 Member Posts: 2,401 Member
    illead said:

    Thanks John

    Bill and I are still made our day.  I tried to have Bill dictate to me what he did but it was getting way out of hand.  The simpler he tried to make it sound the worse it got.  It was about to make me Yell.......Laughing.  Max knows and I'm sure he or someone else can explain better than we can.  Bill and I are like Frick and Frack!


    Jokes and Humor

    Frick and Frack,

      This is what I mean about getting off the Lymphoma subject whenever possible. Doesn't matter if it's jokes and humor, politics, our hobbies, Etc. Our lives are not run by Lymphoma. I know it's a Lymphoma board, but if we talk Lymphoma on every post it will become very depressing. I don't think we need that. Of course that's my opinion and like something else, everybody has one. John