Checking in 14 months post treatment.

Hard12Find Member Posts: 218 Member

Hey Freinds,

Just checking in 14 months post treatment, adjusting to my new normal, still struggling with taste and swallow, hearing, and PTSD, but definately feeling better over all. I lurk on here pretty regular but only post when I feel I have something to add. Trying to get where I don't think about cancer every minute of every day.....have a ways to go.

Mostly I wanted to say to any newbies, that this disease is beatable, its a hell of a fight, but doable, so don't ever give in.....fight it untill hell freezes over then fight it on ice......

Best wishes to all here, and thank you to my many friends that helped along my journey.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Hey Jim....

    nice that you checked in!  I'm only 3 months ahead of you, and taste and saliva are still in short supply here, too....but are better than they were, huh?  I think we all get a case of PTSD in one degree or another.....I don't escape any day that cancer isn't in the top 5 things I think about. 

    Hugs and best wishes back to you.....


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    hey, Jim, love your comment

    hey, Jim, love your comment on hell and ice.  great encouragment for the newbies.  thank you for cking in.  i hope things continue to get better for you.

    God bless you,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    14 months


    Congratulations on the most memorable and forgettable 14 months.  It is best to not dwell on the how and why, but almost impossible to not think about it.  Too many things are different.  Happily, the fight was worth it.

    I am at 22 months and can measure improvements to taste, saliva and energy compared to 14 months.  I hope the improvement train keeps chugging forward for all of us.


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    14 months


    Congratulations on the most memorable and forgettable 14 months.  It is best to not dwell on the how and why, but almost impossible to not think about it.  Too many things are different.  Happily, the fight was worth it.

    I am at 22 months and can measure improvements to taste, saliva and energy compared to 14 months.  I hope the improvement train keeps chugging forward for all of us.


    Hey. look who showed up :)

    Glad to see you checked in ....glad your new normal is bearable :)


    Keep us posted and keep checking in .



  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    Tim6003 said:

    Hey. look who showed up :)

    Glad to see you checked in ....glad your new normal is bearable :)


    Keep us posted and keep checking in .




    Good to hear from you and well wishes on the remainder of your recovery.

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member


    Thanks for checking in. Always nice to hear back from veterans. Your status confirms that every one "returns" to a different place and that is par for the course. Hang in there, time heals much.


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Your check-in....


    I remember you coming on as a newbie the same time I was on here announcing my loved one with his dx. He was dx Aug 12, 2012 and started tx around the beginning of Oct and done the end of Nov we are real close in our time....14-15 months. He has come a long ways...still dealing with some (minor) issues. ie..canker sores(resolved), neck/shoulder/back nerve pain (still trying to resolve). I say minor because after dealing with the cancer dx and tx, these things really are minor.

    I think we all (including us caregivers) try not to think about cancer every minute of every day....but, it's tough. I find that when we talk about it, we talk very casual about it and move onto something else. We don't spend our time with in depth discussions, although I know it's on his mind more than he would admit to me. If you ever talked to a survior that has been around for years and ask them how they keep from thinking about it, they will tell you they really don't stop the thoughts, they are just less frequent then they were. I think that is the best we can really hope for. The thoughts and fears are in everyone's mind that deals with this, so you're not alone. It's just the way you choose to move along in your life with what has happened.

    It sounds like you are doing the best you can physically and emotionally and it's normal for what you went through. I pray that you will get comfort each day with each of those issues. Time will help...hang in there, you're not alone!

    Glad you checked in with us. I don't always post as much as I did, but I'm on here everyday reading and helping out when I can. It's nice to have somewhere to go where everyone understands what you've gone through.

    God Bless,


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    One Thing...

    I think once you hear those words, you have cancer...

    It's hard not to think about it at least a few times during the day...

    I'm five years out, and it's still very real and on my mind at least once a day...

    Congrats and continue to progress...


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Skiffin16 said:

    One Thing...

    I think once you hear those words, you have cancer...

    It's hard not to think about it at least a few times during the day...

    I'm five years out, and it's still very real and on my mind at least once a day...

    Congrats and continue to progress...


    counting csn?

    I was thinking I don't hink about cancer everyday,, then remembered I visit CSN everyday. Had to erase that sentence. LOL

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:

    counting csn?

    I was thinking I don't hink about cancer everyday,, then remembered I visit CSN everyday. Had to erase that sentence. LOL


    Good point...

    I also visit usually once, if not more CSN nearly every day...

    But other than CSN, cancer seems to come to thought or conversation daily...


  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218
    Skiffin16 said:

    One Thing...

    I think once you hear those words, you have cancer...

    It's hard not to think about it at least a few times during the day...

    I'm five years out, and it's still very real and on my mind at least once a day...

    Congrats and continue to progress...


    I took a bit of a break...

    but ultimately came back to CSN.

    I'm with John, once you've heard the most dreaded word some things will just never be the same. I visit atleast once a day, sometimes several times a day. I want so badly to forget the ugly, gruesome "C" word; to go back to life as I knew it...but at the same time I DON'T want to forget. We are warriors...we (Survivors, caregivers, etc.) have been through a journey together that will bond us forever in one way or another. The people I have met here have become a huge part of my life whether it was my intention or not...I love you all. I love you for sharing your secrets, for sharing your fears, for sharing your strengths and for sharing your weakness. 

    Stand proud,
