Not So Garden Variety Anymore...

fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member

Other than side effects, I've been bug free for over a year. Suprisingly, I haven't had a stomach bug or cold since before my diagnosis in Nov. 2012.... That is until yesterday.

OMG! I have a cold and I don't ever remember them ever being this debilitating! Is this normal for a simple garden variety cold to knock my socks off like this? It's not the flu as I've had my shot but I have shivers, aches and pains, sneezing, and all the typical cold symptoms but it feels like X5 worse as compared to before Jack. Add to that the lymphedema is really bad, swollen tongue and back of throat etc... Ugghhhhh.... Just taking OTC Dayquil...

Just seeing if this is unusual.



  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    Could be. .

    flu bug not in flu shot this year.  Before 'c' I would get horrible respritory problems and sinus problems and cough.  Even with flu  shot.  What they put in the shot is what they think will hit us, sometimes another strain.  With fever, I would contact doc just to make sure.  Even after a year, I feel that we are still low on the immune scale.  We used to call it the 'creepy crud' at school!  If my own children had cough and green nose like some of the children at school, they would need antibiotics.  I don't kinow how those kids made it through without seeing a doctor.  Of course they usually passed it on to the teachers also.  I am thinkful this season that I am retired!  Better to be cautious.

  • Duggie88
    Duggie88 Member Posts: 760 Member

    Have to say I've been pretty lucky these past four years I had a stomach thing going on New Years Day and 1 minor sore throat in 4 years. I have to admit that I thought alot about how a nasty cold would effect my throat after the overhaul I had but knock on wood, it remains to be seen.

    Get well soon


  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218
    Take care T!

    I second that it still could be the flu...and it never hurts to let the Dr. in on whats going on after all you cancer survivors have been through. I actually ended up calling our Dr. last night for Pat. Our Dr. is pretty convinced that Pat is dealing with a Flu bug. It's nasty this year!

    Hope you're on the mend soon!


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    KTeacher said:

    Could be. .

    flu bug not in flu shot this year.  Before 'c' I would get horrible respritory problems and sinus problems and cough.  Even with flu  shot.  What they put in the shot is what they think will hit us, sometimes another strain.  With fever, I would contact doc just to make sure.  Even after a year, I feel that we are still low on the immune scale.  We used to call it the 'creepy crud' at school!  If my own children had cough and green nose like some of the children at school, they would need antibiotics.  I don't kinow how those kids made it through without seeing a doctor.  Of course they usually passed it on to the teachers also.  I am thinkful this season that I am retired!  Better to be cautious.

    No Fever

    I don't have a fever but feeling like poop :( Runny nose, sneezing, post nasal drip etc. Typical "cold" like symptoms but far worse then I remember a cold being. I stayed home from work and slept most of the day. Feeling a bit better but dang! If I don't feel any better by tomorrow I'll call the doc. 

    I guess I'm not as resilient as I was prior to Jack. Just wondered if anyone else gets hit harder now with the typical bugs that go around.



  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    No Fever

    I don't have a fever but feeling like poop :( Runny nose, sneezing, post nasal drip etc. Typical "cold" like symptoms but far worse then I remember a cold being. I stayed home from work and slept most of the day. Feeling a bit better but dang! If I don't feel any better by tomorrow I'll call the doc. 

    I guess I'm not as resilient as I was prior to Jack. Just wondered if anyone else gets hit harder now with the typical bugs that go around.



    I guess

    I guess that I am not the one to answer the question.  I have been fighting a sinus infection for a year.  After the orbital exenteration I had an abcess in my sinus, surgery and then once a month an infection.  I started using a new product in my sinus rinse and haven't had an infection in 2 months.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Even tho you're all the way

    across the country from me, bugs know no boundries.....Huby had what you're describing, and it knocked him flat.  Maybe this cold virus is a super bug?  I could feel my body fighting it (runny nose, sore throat) but never got it full fledged.  I had a CBC a couple weeks ago, and I don't know the results of that yet....but the CBC I had at one year out still had low WBC's.....and the Doc wasn't at all surprised or concerned because it can take a while to get them up (a long while, it appears).  You body isn't up to it's old self, yet.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Just A Mean Bug...

    I also didn't get sick at all for nearly two years post Tx... Actually I still very regular get a bug, and if so, usually not more than a day or two..., same as before Tx.

    Whcih kinda pretty much sucked as I hardly ever get sick, then the one time I do... It's STGIII H&N Cancer..., man..

    I'd say check with your GP, and see what's up... Could be time for a Z-Pak or something...



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Bug me not

    Hi “T”,

    From what I have read (at the H&N forum) you are not unusual.  Me I am still dodging bugs, I have one living in the house right now, my wife is sick.

    I hope you are on the mend soon.


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    As other stated, just because

    As other stated, just because you got the shot doesnt mean no flu. I do not get the shots because every time I do I get the flu not included in the shot and i get it bad. Jim has gotten his every year since treatment and so far has stayed flu free. Hoping and praying you get well soon.


  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Go see your doctor

    Especially if your RBC is low. I am slowly recovering from several PE's in my lung and some fluid accumulation on the other side. My doc thinks a bad cold I had just after Christmas may have had something to do with the fluid accumulation.

    long story short, don't blow off simple cold symptoms.

    Take care


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    No Fever

    I don't have a fever but feeling like poop :( Runny nose, sneezing, post nasal drip etc. Typical "cold" like symptoms but far worse then I remember a cold being. I stayed home from work and slept most of the day. Feeling a bit better but dang! If I don't feel any better by tomorrow I'll call the doc. 

    I guess I'm not as resilient as I was prior to Jack. Just wondered if anyone else gets hit harder now with the typical bugs that go around.



    T, sorry you are feeling so

    T, sorry you are feeling so bad.  Sometimes it takes sleep to help us feel better so sleep as much as you need to but if you continue to feel this bad, call the doc.  saying a prayer.

    God bless you,


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    Over the hump

    After a day of sleep and plenty of Day and Niquil I think I'm over the hump. Still feeling pretty rough but the nose stopped running like a faucet and the congestion cleared. Not the flu for sure. Just a Not So Garden Variety cold due to a compromised physical self from good 'ol Jack.

    Thanks for the replies. A little reassurance went a long way :)


  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    fishmanpa said:

    Over the hump

    After a day of sleep and plenty of Day and Niquil I think I'm over the hump. Still feeling pretty rough but the nose stopped running like a faucet and the congestion cleared. Not the flu for sure. Just a Not So Garden Variety cold due to a compromised physical self from good 'ol Jack.

    Thanks for the replies. A little reassurance went a long way :)



    Glad that you are feeling a bit better.  Rest, hydrate and stay away from crowds.  (My sister refers to her grandson as 'the germ!')

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Nose Running...

    Hmmm, there you go..., just like me... Abi-Normal.

    My nose runs, and my feet smell...dohhhh!!!
