Asparagus- A cancer cure?

I received a e-mail from a friend yesterday entitled "Asparagus-Who Knew" The article talked about was called "Asparagus For Cancer" printed in the Cancer News Journal,December 1979. I'm going to Google it to see if that article still exists. It implies that eating cooked asparagus can help a person with lymphoma,bladder cancer,lung cancer,skin cancer,kidney stones, and other cancers.Asparagus should be cooked-fresh or canned can be used.Asparagus contain a good supply of protein called histones which the article says are active in controlling cell growth. They call it a "cell growth normalizer. The article also states that the US National Cancer Institute reports that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione which is considered one of the body's most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidents. Has anyone else read this article? If so, what's some reactions to its findings. I'm basically a skeptic but will research this further to get a clearer picture of its possibilities. God bless each of you as you continue your journey-may health be yours. Steve
Just Googled Asparagus for cancer
I just Googled Asparagus for cancer and found quite a bit written about the subject. You can form your own opinion after reading the articles there. At the least asparagus contain quite a bit of good stuff for a healthy body. Whether it cures cancer is debateable but I do find it an interesting debate. More medical data needs to be explored before it can be said that asparagus can cure cancer. In the meantime I'll continue eating lots of fruits and vegetables including asparagus as I'm in remission of 4th stage lymphoma.
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Hi Steve, I have been a "health food nut" all my life, eating lots and lots of vegetables, including asparagus. I exercised, kept my weight down, didn't smoke or drink, and in general did everything I could to be healthy. But I still got cancer.
I have successfully used alternative medicine including herbs, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, even food to cure many ailments in myself and family. Even my pets. I have always believed in trying the least invasive things first.
But I never had a second thought about taking chemo when I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. I didn't have time to see if some herb or vegetable would work--this was a matter of life and death and it was time to bring out the big guns.
I had 4 (four!) friends who believed just as strongly as I did/do in alternative and complementary medicine, who were diagnosed with cancer. They all refused chemo and used a variety of alternatives instead. They all died in a relatively short time.
Chemo is big tough medicine for a big tough disease. It is caring so much about life and those who love you to be willing to put yourself through the wringer.
I am very thankful for all the continued research to put an end to this disease once and for all.
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Hi RocquieRocquie said:Asparagus
Hi Steve, I have been a "health food nut" all my life, eating lots and lots of vegetables, including asparagus. I exercised, kept my weight down, didn't smoke or drink, and in general did everything I could to be healthy. But I still got cancer.
I have successfully used alternative medicine including herbs, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, even food to cure many ailments in myself and family. Even my pets. I have always believed in trying the least invasive things first.
But I never had a second thought about taking chemo when I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. I didn't have time to see if some herb or vegetable would work--this was a matter of life and death and it was time to bring out the big guns.
I had 4 (four!) friends who believed just as strongly as I did/do in alternative and complementary medicine, who were diagnosed with cancer. They all refused chemo and used a variety of alternatives instead. They all died in a relatively short time.
Chemo is big tough medicine for a big tough disease. It is caring so much about life and those who love you to be willing to put yourself through the wringer.
I am very thankful for all the continued research to put an end to this disease once and for all.
Like you I too am a health nut-I juice vegetables,fruits, etc,-take vitamins and try to stay away from sugar and fatty foods yet still was diagnosed with 4th stage lymphoma in 2011. I spent a year and a half in and out of the hospital and medical rehab fighting this dreaded cancer coming close to dying from a terrible staph infection as well plus 16 days with c-diff. I had to learn to walk all over again with blood clots in both legs from lying in a hospital bed too weak to walk. Yes 8 rounds of chemo has brought me to today where I am in remission thank God and still am reading about possible cancer cures so was interested in the asparagus article. Did you google it and read what the article had to say? Wouldn't it be awesome if by eating one food lymphoma could be cured? In my opinion, I believe that it takes eating many different vegetables and fruit to maintain a healthy body. Vitamins also help our immune system to ward off disease and virus's so like you I believe in natural resources whenever possible. I'm so thankful that chemo stopped my lymphoma and now I'm trying to maintain myself by continuing to eat right,exercising,and having a positive outlook on life. I have a beautiful 3 year old granddaughter that I adore and another one due in a few months so have to stay healthy to see them grow up (smiles) God bless you Rocquie and keep you healthy and joyful. Hugs,Steve
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Health nut
Interesting conversation. I have always been slim, fit, very active and eaten a good diet high in fruits and vegetables. I also have used vitamins and food supplements for many years. I have relatives who are just the opposite. Even though they are older than me and overweight (several smoke) I have cancer and they do not. My brother is a microbiologist. He recommends to not overdo the fresh fruit and vegetables, especially those which are imported, as they may contain chemicals. Canned vegetables and fruit contain BPA from the lining of the can. Bottled water has BPA. Best advice is don't eat a lot of ANYTHING and don't make the assumption that all fruits and vegetables are good for you. Avoid bottled water and fruit juices. Really, other the vitamins you get in a small serving, fruit juice is no better than soda. It raises triglycerides and can contribute heavily to heart disease and diabetes. Also we must accept the probability that some cancers are naturally occuring, either genetic or otherwise. I am amused by the paleo "caveman" diet. The average caveman appears to have lived about 25 years!
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Cancer CuresRocquie said:Asparagus
Hi Steve, I have been a "health food nut" all my life, eating lots and lots of vegetables, including asparagus. I exercised, kept my weight down, didn't smoke or drink, and in general did everything I could to be healthy. But I still got cancer.
I have successfully used alternative medicine including herbs, vitamins, homeopathic remedies, even food to cure many ailments in myself and family. Even my pets. I have always believed in trying the least invasive things first.
But I never had a second thought about taking chemo when I was diagnosed with Lymphoma. I didn't have time to see if some herb or vegetable would work--this was a matter of life and death and it was time to bring out the big guns.
I had 4 (four!) friends who believed just as strongly as I did/do in alternative and complementary medicine, who were diagnosed with cancer. They all refused chemo and used a variety of alternatives instead. They all died in a relatively short time.
Chemo is big tough medicine for a big tough disease. It is caring so much about life and those who love you to be willing to put yourself through the wringer.
I am very thankful for all the continued research to put an end to this disease once and for all.
I am all for anything that can cure this stuff. I hear of alternative medicnes all the time, but like you say they never work. They have the same thing about arthritis cures as well. I do appreciate it when someone finds something that may put a dent in this disease. So many famous people have tried the alternative medicines,( Michael Landon, Patrick Swayze, Jack Klugman, etc.) Needless to say they are no longer with us. Anything was worth a try and their cancers were organ related. I still feel they are the deadliest. This is just my opinion of course. I do appreciate it when someone finds something, no matter what it is that could help all the sufferers. So Tall Floridian, Thanks for the info. I have known people that never smoked a day in their life and wound up with cancer as well. The odd part is one of them was a dietician as well as not a smoker. She died of breast cancer in her late 30's. I guess what I am trying to say is I believe that cancer is in our body from the time we are born and time sets it off. I believe this is why the drs. ask us if we have a history of cancer in the family. The treatments we have today are getting closer and closer to curing it after it shows up. Of course this is my opinion as well. John
BTW: This is not a political statement unless people want it to be, but Federal spending cuts, imposed insurance regulations all to fund this failed health care plan has really hurt the research and attention to really sick people. There has been a few on here that know what I am saying. Some have been turned away or had their appts. cancelled to later dates and seen their co-pays rise.
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JohnCOBRA666 said:Cancer Cures
I am all for anything that can cure this stuff. I hear of alternative medicnes all the time, but like you say they never work. They have the same thing about arthritis cures as well. I do appreciate it when someone finds something that may put a dent in this disease. So many famous people have tried the alternative medicines,( Michael Landon, Patrick Swayze, Jack Klugman, etc.) Needless to say they are no longer with us. Anything was worth a try and their cancers were organ related. I still feel they are the deadliest. This is just my opinion of course. I do appreciate it when someone finds something, no matter what it is that could help all the sufferers. So Tall Floridian, Thanks for the info. I have known people that never smoked a day in their life and wound up with cancer as well. The odd part is one of them was a dietician as well as not a smoker. She died of breast cancer in her late 30's. I guess what I am trying to say is I believe that cancer is in our body from the time we are born and time sets it off. I believe this is why the drs. ask us if we have a history of cancer in the family. The treatments we have today are getting closer and closer to curing it after it shows up. Of course this is my opinion as well. John
BTW: This is not a political statement unless people want it to be, but Federal spending cuts, imposed insurance regulations all to fund this failed health care plan has really hurt the research and attention to really sick people. There has been a few on here that know what I am saying. Some have been turned away or had their appts. cancelled to later dates and seen their co-pays rise.
Interesting concept, that we may be born with cancer and something to think about. There is a lot of evidence and my oncologist believes that pesticides can cause lymphoma. I know I sure have been exposed to a lot of it in my life. And I'm sure you know that lymphoma is on the rise.
I am very fortunate that I have excellent private insurance through my husband's employer so I haven't become embroiled in the Affordable Healthcare Act debate. I do hope everything gets smoothed out so all people can get the health care they need.
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Paleounknown said:Health nut
Interesting conversation. I have always been slim, fit, very active and eaten a good diet high in fruits and vegetables. I also have used vitamins and food supplements for many years. I have relatives who are just the opposite. Even though they are older than me and overweight (several smoke) I have cancer and they do not. My brother is a microbiologist. He recommends to not overdo the fresh fruit and vegetables, especially those which are imported, as they may contain chemicals. Canned vegetables and fruit contain BPA from the lining of the can. Bottled water has BPA. Best advice is don't eat a lot of ANYTHING and don't make the assumption that all fruits and vegetables are good for you. Avoid bottled water and fruit juices. Really, other the vitamins you get in a small serving, fruit juice is no better than soda. It raises triglycerides and can contribute heavily to heart disease and diabetes. Also we must accept the probability that some cancers are naturally occuring, either genetic or otherwise. I am amused by the paleo "caveman" diet. The average caveman appears to have lived about 25 years!
GKH, I am also amused by the paleo diet craze. Especially when I see recipes for paleo pie crust, paleo brownies, paleo ice cream. Ha-ha-ha.
And yes, I believe you are right and that variety is very important in our diets.
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Cancer - Chicken or EggRocquie said:John
Interesting concept, that we may be born with cancer and something to think about. There is a lot of evidence and my oncologist believes that pesticides can cause lymphoma. I know I sure have been exposed to a lot of it in my life. And I'm sure you know that lymphoma is on the rise.
I am very fortunate that I have excellent private insurance through my husband's employer so I haven't become embroiled in the Affordable Healthcare Act debate. I do hope everything gets smoothed out so all people can get the health care they need.
I tend to agree with John. Some of the stuff I've read recently seems to indicate that abnormal cells are created by our bodies all the time. Our immune system normally identifies those cells and "kicks them out of Dodge". However, at some point in our lives, our immune system gets screwed up and either can't recognize those abnormal cells or doesn't get rid of them. This gives them a chance to multiply and shazaam! Cancer.
I can see both situations being true. Maybe our bodies normally get rid of abnormal cells however certain external influences (pesticides, virus, whatever) temporarily or permanently inhibit our immune system giving the cancer a chance to grow and get a foothold.
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I See it AlreadyCOBRA666 said:Cancer Cures
I am all for anything that can cure this stuff. I hear of alternative medicnes all the time, but like you say they never work. They have the same thing about arthritis cures as well. I do appreciate it when someone finds something that may put a dent in this disease. So many famous people have tried the alternative medicines,( Michael Landon, Patrick Swayze, Jack Klugman, etc.) Needless to say they are no longer with us. Anything was worth a try and their cancers were organ related. I still feel they are the deadliest. This is just my opinion of course. I do appreciate it when someone finds something, no matter what it is that could help all the sufferers. So Tall Floridian, Thanks for the info. I have known people that never smoked a day in their life and wound up with cancer as well. The odd part is one of them was a dietician as well as not a smoker. She died of breast cancer in her late 30's. I guess what I am trying to say is I believe that cancer is in our body from the time we are born and time sets it off. I believe this is why the drs. ask us if we have a history of cancer in the family. The treatments we have today are getting closer and closer to curing it after it shows up. Of course this is my opinion as well. John
BTW: This is not a political statement unless people want it to be, but Federal spending cuts, imposed insurance regulations all to fund this failed health care plan has really hurt the research and attention to really sick people. There has been a few on here that know what I am saying. Some have been turned away or had their appts. cancelled to later dates and seen their co-pays rise.
This whole medical situation is adversely affecting my wife and I. We have medicare with her State retirees supplement policy. Already our local hospital has notified they will not accept us for treatment after March 1. My ophthalmologist, retina specialist, my cardiologist, my wife's gynecologist and her PT have all said they will no longer accept Medicare after March 1. Got my finger crossed on the oncologist. My last treatment is in 2 weeks. I will need to find a new hospital for the scan. Also I was told that if I need cataract surgery then I should get it now as new standards may make it more difficult. Also, just like UK and Canada, doctors expect that in the future medicare will likely only allow cataract surgery on 1 eye Per person. please do take this as a a political statement "the government is taking $850 billion out of medicare and that is a move against older folks who have paid into it since its inception". They also raised mine and my wives medicare premiums to $240 each. So medicare plus our retiree insurance add up to more than we were paying before retirement, for less coverage and fewer treatment options. I see it as only getting worse.
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This whole medical situation is adversely affecting my wife and I. We have medicare with her State retirees supplement policy. Already our local hospital has notified they will not accept us for treatment after March 1. My ophthalmologist, retina specialist, my cardiologist, my wife's gynecologist and her PT have all said they will no longer accept Medicare after March 1. Got my finger crossed on the oncologist. My last treatment is in 2 weeks. I will need to find a new hospital for the scan. Also I was told that if I need cataract surgery then I should get it now as new standards may make it more difficult. Also, just like UK and Canada, doctors expect that in the future medicare will likely only allow cataract surgery on 1 eye Per person. please do take this as a a political statement "the government is taking $850 billion out of medicare and that is a move against older folks who have paid into it since its inception". They also raised mine and my wives medicare premiums to $240 each. So medicare plus our retiree insurance add up to more than we were paying before retirement, for less coverage and fewer treatment options. I see it as only getting worse.
Again this is not a political statement, but this is the point I tried to make several months ago. I was hoping people would contact their crooked politicians about voting against all this FAILED HEALTHCARE. Instead I got feedback from a few stating I did not know what I was talking about because we had someone in office that was going to save us all. It was getting a little obnoxious at times. It went as far as being flagged and sent to Greta. I then was told by Greta I was not to post anything that may offend other people. I do believe that is called infringment on freedom of speech. It appears it's the same person flagging me every time. It's not as secret as they think. I figured, What the hell, you can lead a horse to water, but you certainly can't make them drink. I'll probably get flagged for this and maybe even removed. If that happens I wish you luck and hope we can all get thru this mess. John
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Again this is not a political statement, but this is the point I tried to make several months ago. I was hoping people would contact their crooked politicians about voting against all this FAILED HEALTHCARE. Instead I got feedback from a few stating I did not know what I was talking about because we had someone in office that was going to save us all. It was getting a little obnoxious at times. It went as far as being flagged and sent to Greta. I then was told by Greta I was not to post anything that may offend other people. I do believe that is called infringment on freedom of speech. It appears it's the same person flagging me every time. It's not as secret as they think. I figured, What the hell, you can lead a horse to water, but you certainly can't make them drink. I'll probably get flagged for this and maybe even removed. If that happens I wish you luck and hope we can all get thru this mess. John
This type of post scares the heck out of most people and they avoid it like the plague and don't know why. All except for the hero flagger of course. Look close and you will see the skid marks. It never affects most people until their pocketbook starts getting lighter as you and I already know. LOL .. John
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George BurnsRocquie said:Paleo
GKH, I am also amused by the paleo diet craze. Especially when I see recipes for paleo pie crust, paleo brownies, paleo ice cream. Ha-ha-ha.
And yes, I believe you are right and that variety is very important in our diets.
In the late 1980's I was fortunate enough to attend a reception in Las Vegas with George Burns. He gave a little comedy spiel and talked about Gracy. Aftrwards we mingled and talked. My wife asked him (paraphrase) what do you eat that you live so long, even smoking cigars. His reply was a stroke of genius. " my advice is to eat absolutely anything you want. But only eat half of it". Good advice I would say!
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Ageunknown said:George Burns
In the late 1980's I was fortunate enough to attend a reception in Las Vegas with George Burns. He gave a little comedy spiel and talked about Gracy. Aftrwards we mingled and talked. My wife asked him (paraphrase) what do you eat that you live so long, even smoking cigars. His reply was a stroke of genius. " my advice is to eat absolutely anything you want. But only eat half of it". Good advice I would say!
Mr. Burns lived to be just a few months short of 100!
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Fear is not a big motivatorCOBRA666 said:YIKES !!!!
This type of post scares the heck out of most people and they avoid it like the plague and don't know why. All except for the hero flagger of course. Look close and you will see the skid marks. It never affects most people until their pocketbook starts getting lighter as you and I already know. LOL .. John
Fear is not a big motivator for me. I think greta is probably very nice. I love this forum. It helps me in my struggle against cancer. However I can easily live without it. I really miss Girliefighter. She was an inspiration to me! Hope she rejoins us soon.
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Same hereunknown said:Fear is not a big motivator
Fear is not a big motivator for me. I think greta is probably very nice. I love this forum. It helps me in my struggle against cancer. However I can easily live without it. I really miss Girliefighter. She was an inspiration to me! Hope she rejoins us soon.
It's the same with me. I have found things have really changed since I first started posting back in May of 2010. Don't really know what it is. We could joke as well as be serious. We could get anything off our chest that we had a mind too. Either you agreed or didn't agree. It was no big deal one way or the other. It was a group that seemed to always be there no matter what. Never had anyone flagged that I can remember. Some of the topics were so off the wall and sometimes down right funny to boot. A couple of the old group are still here and at times will chime in and they remember as well. I have a few of them on my friends list and write them every so often. I read some of the other cancer threads on the other boards and nobody ever joked there. It was so depressing at times. I miss the old group, but most have gone on to other things. I can not blame them for that. It seems so many posters here now get the answers they want and disappear. There are still some regulars such as yourself, but for the most part it's a hit and miss thing anymore. How can there ever be a tight group like that? I have thought about this for quite a while. Just look at the posters and make the call for yourself. I get on here and read the post everyday. If you go up to the right hand corner where it says csn members and click on you can type in the members name and then click their name and see when the last time they have logged in. Try it and you will be surprized. John
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One Day at a timeCOBRA666 said:YIKES !!!!
This type of post scares the heck out of most people and they avoid it like the plague and don't know why. All except for the hero flagger of course. Look close and you will see the skid marks. It never affects most people until their pocketbook starts getting lighter as you and I already know. LOL .. John
I agree but try to take things in stride. Only other board I have looked at is the Mayo board. I found it very depressing with very little helpful or interesting info. Life is what you make it, nothing more. I have to ask - did you fly Cobras?
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Cobra Nameunknown said:One Day at a time
I agree but try to take things in stride. Only other board I have looked at is the Mayo board. I found it very depressing with very little helpful or interesting info. Life is what you make it, nothing more. I have to ask - did you fly Cobras?
. No. I have 2 Shelby Cobra cars. I tried to use 66 cobra for the years of the cars. It would not let me so I tried cobra 66 and still would not let me. I added another 6 and it went thru and now I am stuck with it. John
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CobraCOBRA666 said:Cobra Name
. No. I have 2 Shelby Cobra cars. I tried to use 66 cobra for the years of the cars. It would not let me so I tried cobra 66 and still would not let me. I added another 6 and it went thru and now I am stuck with it. John
I'm glad to know this, John. I have always wondered, "Why would such a nice man refer to himself as 'SnakeDevil'?
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Thank You !!!Rocquie said:Cobra
I'm glad to know this, John. I have always wondered, "Why would such a nice man refer to himself as 'SnakeDevil'?
Both cars are 1966 Shelby Cobras. I have one of them posted on my picture page. I never gave it a thought when I was first signing in to get registered on the site. It came up that someone else had the name 66cobra and then when I tried cobra66 the same thing came up. I just pressed another 6 and it accepted it and then I was stuck with it. After I looked at it I thought, Damn that looks evil as Heck. First thing I thought of was that movie, "The Omen" and that evil little kid. Glad I didn't punch in Sweetie Pie...LOL John
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We're still here
Just wanted to say hi. I got tired of seeing all my yakking and figured everyone else was too, np (just being female
), but I read the posts everyday. It is so nice to have you back John, you were sorely missed. Sorry about the flagging problems, can't people just decide to read or not to read? Can't figure that out. Oh well. It's a little past on this posting but I wanted to say something about the pesticide thing. Bill's Mantle Cell is very rare and mainly targets men from 60-65. Bill was 62 at dx in 2011. They still don't know much about it, but in my research I have found discussions on possibilities of it being caused by pesticides. The earmark of MCL is chromosome damage. We have both lived in the agricultural Sac Valley all our lives. As a kid Bill always played in the orchards where parathion and malathion were used without regulation plus who knows what else. Also the mosquito abatement man would make runs through the neighborhoods fogging the whole street with DDT. Most of the kids, including Bill, would chase the jeep down the street and play in the fog. My parents had a few more brain cells and made us go in the house, much to our chagrin, (the smell was wonderful). We live in a small twin city area with the closest town 25 miles away and we have a giant state of the art cancer center out of UC Davis that is very busy and well spoken of in the medical field around the country.
Just sayin, Becky
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