Social Security disability

foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

There has been limited discussion about this in the past. I know Iceman has a different take on this. But,...

I want to make sure that people know that kidney cancer is considered a disability. As such, you can get monthly income which is at a higher rate than just social security normal payments. (it is for me anyway.) The key is that you can no longer do the job you used to do...Iceman may clear this up....For me, it was no longer considered safe for me and my patients. As a physical therapist, I did much hands on. This included lifting and guarding of patients on stairs etc. Because of the many mets and constant pain I was in, I was told to call Social Security and inquire. I forget the details now but after I talked to a woman in our local office, she arranged another phone interview with someone else. A week or so later, I was getting benefits. And several months later I was eligible for medicare. It has been a lifesaver.

Like I say I forget the details but it was VERY easy to do. Only 2 phone calls. They did the rest. I think I filled out some form on the internet with assist from the second person I talked to. I was told that a medical review team would review my application. But it happened so fast that I think they just approved it based on diagnosis. I believe you become eligible 2 years after diagnosis.

Anyway, I think it is good info that everyone should be aware of. Others may have more information. I tend to live day to day, looking forward to tomorrow. I don't think to much about the past. So I forget details.

I'm sure some of you are not aware of your eligibility.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Social Security Disability

    Social Security Disability is available to thise of us who are permanently diabled from work after 6 months of disability. While it does not apply to most of us (as we can still work after a Kidney Cancer diagnosis)  it can be fast tracked if you have Stage 4 Kidney Cancer and can not work.  Medicare kicks in 22 months after disability or age 65 whichever is earlier. It is there if you need it. At least that is how I understand it.



  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Social Security Disability

    Social Security Disability is available to thise of us who are permanently diabled from work after 6 months of disability. While it does not apply to most of us (as we can still work after a Kidney Cancer diagnosis)  it can be fast tracked if you have Stage 4 Kidney Cancer and can not work.  Medicare kicks in 22 months after disability or age 65 whichever is earlier. It is there if you need it. At least that is how I understand it.



    Thanks guys...!!  This is the

    Thanks guys...!!  This is the road I had planned to go down..  I waited until after Jan 1st due to a change in my work benefits as well.  I am lucky enough to have two qualifying diseases..  

    On the Social Security payments, you get more on disability than you earned based on age.  So the fact that I am 60 I get more than I would if I retired at 60.  But it is slightly less than I would at 65.  Not a big deal...,  I was under the impression I would be eligible for Medicare after 6 months. 

    Out here in California we have SDI which is State Disability Insurance, plus I have additional disability insurance from work that I pay for.  So I most likely will have more money than if I were working.. which is good and sad in a way.. (it promotes fraud..).  But, I also have a pension at some time.  Not sure I can collect my pension and Social Security.. we will see...

    I will be making the phone call or do the on line paperwork next week, after I get the results from today's Echo Gram of my heart..


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Disability and Social Security



    It is my understanding that you can collect disablity and PENSION.




  • dhs1963
    dhs1963 Member Posts: 513
    icemantoo said:

    Disability and Social Security



    It is my understanding that you can collect disablity and PENSION.




    My disability plan

    My disability plan will augment the social security such that my total income would be 2/3 my current base.

  • nyisles
    nyisles Member Posts: 30
    dhs1963 said:

    My disability plan

    My disability plan will augment the social security such that my total income would be 2/3 my current base.

    I got mine

    Diagnosed in March 2013 (stage IV kidney cancer), applied for Social Security Disability in mid October and got payment in mid December. Now I have to go for my SSI interview for the supplemental check.

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    nyisles said:

    I got mine

    Diagnosed in March 2013 (stage IV kidney cancer), applied for Social Security Disability in mid October and got payment in mid December. Now I have to go for my SSI interview for the supplemental check.

    Besides my "normal"

    Besides my "normal" disability plan, I have a second supplimental insurance plan ( I pay extra for) that pays 2/3rds of my salary, plus Social Security benefits means I end up with the same total amount.  However I think the insurance is not taxable, so I end up ahead.  I need to check on it...



  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    good info

    Thanks for the info, Fox!

    Being that I'm only 49 and for the most part, relatively healthy, I don't think I'll need these benefits anytime soon but it's good to know. 

    Because I was a homemaker for many years while raising my children, I probably haven't paid enough into social security to be worth much by way of benefits, anyway.  So, I need everybit of the next 10-15 years, healthy enough to work so I can contribute more to my benefits.  Not that I LIKE paying 15% off the top of my check, for SSB, but I know it is necessary.

    Ron, I hope your echo resulted in a good report!



  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member

    good info

    Thanks for the info, Fox!

    Being that I'm only 49 and for the most part, relatively healthy, I don't think I'll need these benefits anytime soon but it's good to know. 

    Because I was a homemaker for many years while raising my children, I probably haven't paid enough into social security to be worth much by way of benefits, anyway.  So, I need everybit of the next 10-15 years, healthy enough to work so I can contribute more to my benefits.  Not that I LIKE paying 15% off the top of my check, for SSB, but I know it is necessary.

    Ron, I hope your echo resulted in a good report!



    Ironically, I got my SSDI in

    Ironically, I got my SSDI in 4 months due to an agency called ALLSUP. They are noted to get you an answer in 4 months. You have to be on LTD first. I was. But they usually deny most applications. Yes under 50 is more challenging.


    I wouldn't think Kidney cancer would qualify unless you have mets that keep you from working or challenge your ability to work. Its not much money to live on. Had to wait 2 years for Medicare, even went without ins when my cobra ran out. Now with Obamacare I wouldn't be the same.


    FLOSSER Member Posts: 17
    My Husband got it

    My husband ,Matt, had to wait 6 months after filing even with stage IV kidney cancer but he did apply as soon as he realized that he could not go back to work. A company he worked for 3 days paid him short term disability for 6 months. That helped until the SSD kicked in.

    His twin sister, Mary, was not as lucky. She had colon cancer & survived 7 years. By the time she felt too ill to work (from home) and applied for the SS disability she did not live the 6 months to collect so she never got a drop of what she paid in.

    Mary has been gone 2 years 9 mos, Matt just 4 months -I miss them both so much. I still check in on all your posts and pray for you all daily. Fox you keep going strong!! SUZ

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    FLOSSER said:

    My Husband got it

    My husband ,Matt, had to wait 6 months after filing even with stage IV kidney cancer but he did apply as soon as he realized that he could not go back to work. A company he worked for 3 days paid him short term disability for 6 months. That helped until the SSD kicked in.

    His twin sister, Mary, was not as lucky. She had colon cancer & survived 7 years. By the time she felt too ill to work (from home) and applied for the SS disability she did not live the 6 months to collect so she never got a drop of what she paid in.

    Mary has been gone 2 years 9 mos, Matt just 4 months -I miss them both so much. I still check in on all your posts and pray for you all daily. Fox you keep going strong!! SUZ

    Suz, I realize you don't know

    Suz, I realize you don't know me for this simply connection on this site. But after reading about your husband and his sister's plight, I wanted to offer you a VIRTUAL HUG! Know that you touched me in such a way I now cannot get you off my mind so I will offer you the wish for some comfort and healing, with nice "surprises" along the way...


    Here's my gentle HUG to you!



    FLOSSER Member Posts: 17
    Jan4you said:

    Suz, I realize you don't know

    Suz, I realize you don't know me for this simply connection on this site. But after reading about your husband and his sister's plight, I wanted to offer you a VIRTUAL HUG! Know that you touched me in such a way I now cannot get you off my mind so I will offer you the wish for some comfort and healing, with nice "surprises" along the way...


    Here's my gentle HUG to you!



    Thanks for the virtual hug

    Thanks Jan, I'll take all the hugs. Each day is a gift , still doing the Lords work every day so that I can get to see Matt & Mary again some day. I am glad to read today that Fox had such great results. One Dr told my husband that he thought kidney cancer had a good chance of being curable in the next 5 years with all the good drug trials available. I pray for this & each of you everyday. Matt said I would be "ok" and I know he is watching over us. Thank you again, SUZ

  • Gamecocks
    Gamecocks Member Posts: 30
    FLOSSER said:

    Thanks for the virtual hug

    Thanks Jan, I'll take all the hugs. Each day is a gift , still doing the Lords work every day so that I can get to see Matt & Mary again some day. I am glad to read today that Fox had such great results. One Dr told my husband that he thought kidney cancer had a good chance of being curable in the next 5 years with all the good drug trials available. I pray for this & each of you everyday. Matt said I would be "ok" and I know he is watching over us. Thank you again, SUZ

    SS disability

    i now have stage 4, in clinical trial on Afinitor, at MD Anderson. applied at local SS office mad was told that since I am 66 YOA I did NOT qualify despite being terminal. Had I been diagnosed a year earlier, I could have qualified at age 65...crap.

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Gamecocks said:

    SS disability

    i now have stage 4, in clinical trial on Afinitor, at MD Anderson. applied at local SS office mad was told that since I am 66 YOA I did NOT qualify despite being terminal. Had I been diagnosed a year earlier, I could have qualified at age 65...crap.

    Step 1

    Hi all..!!  I made the first step today.  I opened a disability claim with my company's insurance.  So next Monday Feb 3rd is my last work day.  I start on short term disability as of Feb 4th.  Luckily, my company provides such insurance, and even better that I made an increase in the coverage for a few pennies a day.  I will get 2/3rds of my full pay from the insurance.  Then I will get state SDI as well.  Plus I will apply for S.S. benefits, probably in about 6 months..  It won't matter how long the S.S. approval goes, as long as it gets implemented in the next year or so.  I do not know what it will be like not working... I had worked since I was 10 years old.. way back when dinosaurs roamed... heh..!!

    Be Well All..!!!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    GSRon said:

    Step 1

    Hi all..!!  I made the first step today.  I opened a disability claim with my company's insurance.  So next Monday Feb 3rd is my last work day.  I start on short term disability as of Feb 4th.  Luckily, my company provides such insurance, and even better that I made an increase in the coverage for a few pennies a day.  I will get 2/3rds of my full pay from the insurance.  Then I will get state SDI as well.  Plus I will apply for S.S. benefits, probably in about 6 months..  It won't matter how long the S.S. approval goes, as long as it gets implemented in the next year or so.  I do not know what it will be like not working... I had worked since I was 10 years old.. way back when dinosaurs roamed... heh..!!

    Be Well All..!!!


    Way to go, Ron! Good for

    Way to go, Ron! Good for you!!! Gamecocks, i am sorry it didn't work for you. That's the kind of luck I have. lol



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Way to go, Ron! Good for

    Way to go, Ron! Good for you!!! Gamecocks, i am sorry it didn't work for you. That's the kind of luck I have. lol



    No idea

    Ron, you have no idea how much I enjoy not working. I almost never think about work or miss it. Even though I had a great career going on. All I ever wanted was just one year to enjoy being off before I died. Now things are looking  better. I remind myself that I am stage 4 and that things can go down hill quickly. That keeps me from feeling guilty when I am feeling good. I don't have much money but I don't care. My personnal expenses are way down. I don't need much anymore. I am very thankful for social security disability. I wonder how I ever got anything done when I was working.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    GSRon said:

    Step 1

    Hi all..!!  I made the first step today.  I opened a disability claim with my company's insurance.  So next Monday Feb 3rd is my last work day.  I start on short term disability as of Feb 4th.  Luckily, my company provides such insurance, and even better that I made an increase in the coverage for a few pennies a day.  I will get 2/3rds of my full pay from the insurance.  Then I will get state SDI as well.  Plus I will apply for S.S. benefits, probably in about 6 months..  It won't matter how long the S.S. approval goes, as long as it gets implemented in the next year or so.  I do not know what it will be like not working... I had worked since I was 10 years old.. way back when dinosaurs roamed... heh..!!

    Be Well All..!!!


    Glad to hear you applied for

    Glad to hear you applied for this benefit,  Ron. Well deserved!

    But know that when your short term disabilty moves into LTD, they will ask that you apply automataically for SSDI. I think it is required. Also do not forget that agency ALLSUP who gets results in 4 months for SSDI applicants. Let them help you.

    Good luck in your endeavors..and enjoy NO MORE WORK!!

    Warmly, Jan

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Glad to hear you applied for

    Glad to hear you applied for this benefit,  Ron. Well deserved!

    But know that when your short term disabilty moves into LTD, they will ask that you apply automataically for SSDI. I think it is required. Also do not forget that agency ALLSUP who gets results in 4 months for SSDI applicants. Let them help you.

    Good luck in your endeavors..and enjoy NO MORE WORK!!

    Warmly, Jan

    Thanks "guys"...  OK one

    Thanks "guys"...  OK one thing important here is the awareness that Cancer is a registered disability with the Gvmnt.  My cousin did not apply when she could of... boooo.   That is one of the important things this forum does.. share info..!

    Yes, I am not concerned about money for now... 5 years down the road, well.. see if I am around by then... then worry about it.. heh..

    Time for me to head to my first work meeting this week... only a few more days and I am done..!!


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    GSRon said:

    Thanks "guys"...  OK one

    Thanks "guys"...  OK one thing important here is the awareness that Cancer is a registered disability with the Gvmnt.  My cousin did not apply when she could of... boooo.   That is one of the important things this forum does.. share info..!

    Yes, I am not concerned about money for now... 5 years down the road, well.. see if I am around by then... then worry about it.. heh..

    Time for me to head to my first work meeting this week... only a few more days and I am done..!!


    OK getting more info.   I

    OK getting more info.   I will get 100% full pay for 3 months.  The following 3 months may be less, not sure yet, the person I talked to did not know.  But told me I would go to 55% of pay for the second 3 months.  Then go to permanent disability and the main insurance kicks in.   So I will apply for Soc Secuirty ASAP on Monday.  That gives me time to start the approval process.  

    Interesting, at yesterday's meeting I got my 35 year award plaque.  Hard to leave I must say...lots of emotions.. but onward..!!  3 more workdays, just 3...

    Be Well All..!!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    GSRon said:

    OK getting more info.   I

    OK getting more info.   I will get 100% full pay for 3 months.  The following 3 months may be less, not sure yet, the person I talked to did not know.  But told me I would go to 55% of pay for the second 3 months.  Then go to permanent disability and the main insurance kicks in.   So I will apply for Soc Secuirty ASAP on Monday.  That gives me time to start the approval process.  

    Interesting, at yesterday's meeting I got my 35 year award plaque.  Hard to leave I must say...lots of emotions.. but onward..!!  3 more workdays, just 3...

    Be Well All..!!


    Wow. - it is happening all so

    Wow. - it is happening all so fast! I am glad that this is falling into place quite nicely for you! I am sure there are lots of emotions, Ron! It's been a part of your life for 35 years! (I reach my 35 years in October). My sister is retiring Friday as well. Her party is tomorrow night. I am making a speech and am a little nervous - but more jealous than anything! hahahaha

    Enjoy your last few days!




  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Wow. - it is happening all so

    Wow. - it is happening all so fast! I am glad that this is falling into place quite nicely for you! I am sure there are lots of emotions, Ron! It's been a part of your life for 35 years! (I reach my 35 years in October). My sister is retiring Friday as well. Her party is tomorrow night. I am making a speech and am a little nervous - but more jealous than anything! hahahaha

    Enjoy your last few days!




    Hi all.. So my boss just

    Hi all.. So my boss just announced that I am retiring. Too late to change my mind. Thanks for your support.. Love you all.. Ron