Surgery went well home now

Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member

sorry for the delay in posting. No computer. Surgery was 30th 3 hours all lap incisions YEAH!!

Had some fun hallucinations  and confusion with all pain meds. Having no pain. But can never take my anti inflammatory for my multiple sclerosis again. Seems one kidney cannot handle such a drug. This could affect my future walking & sitting. Won't even think about t hat now.

Thanks for support!



  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    All done and Dusted!

    Hi Jan, Good to see you back, I am so glad everything went well with the lap surgery! I am sorry to hear about the issue with the MS meds though! but as you say cross that bridge when you come to it. You have enough to concentrate on for the time being! Take good care of yourself:)

    Djinnie x

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Djinnie said:

    All done and Dusted!

    Hi Jan, Good to see you back, I am so glad everything went well with the lap surgery! I am sorry to hear about the issue with the MS meds though! but as you say cross that bridge when you come to it. You have enough to concentrate on for the time being! Take good care of yourself:)

    Djinnie x

    Glad it is over. Now to move

    Glad it is over. Now to move forward. Rest up and let it all heal. Ron

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    GSRon said:

    Glad it is over. Now to move

    Glad it is over. Now to move forward. Rest up and let it all heal. Ron

    So happy to hear that it is

    So happy to hear that it is done and went well. Focus on feeling better again - you are well on your way!

    Take care!


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    So happy to hear that it is

    So happy to hear that it is done and went well. Focus on feeling better again - you are well on your way!

    Take care!


    Kidney gone

    Jan, one thing that MS doesn't need is a secondary diagnosis.It can capitalize on your being weakened and compromised. With the tumor gone, it can't hide and now the immune system has a greater chance of working to help you. I'll bet after recovery from nephrectomy, you will be stronger than ever.

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    foxhd said:

    Kidney gone

    Jan, one thing that MS doesn't need is a secondary diagnosis.It can capitalize on your being weakened and compromised. With the tumor gone, it can't hide and now the immune system has a greater chance of working to help you. I'll bet after recovery from nephrectomy, you will be stronger than ever.



    The worst is over . Relax and enjoy the NFL playoffs. Easy on drinks for awhile.



  • tonib
    tonib Member Posts: 33
    Glad everything went well!

    Glad everything went well!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    foxhd said:

    Kidney gone

    Jan, one thing that MS doesn't need is a secondary diagnosis.It can capitalize on your being weakened and compromised. With the tumor gone, it can't hide and now the immune system has a greater chance of working to help you. I'll bet after recovery from nephrectomy, you will be stronger than ever.

    I can always count on your

    I can always count on your new perspective Fox.  It's the Gitelmans that prevents me from taking the anti inflammatory med. It's that rare kidney disorder that cannot  allow that med with only one kidney.

  • TillieSOK
    TillieSOK Member Posts: 252
    Jan4you said:

    I can always count on your

    I can always count on your new perspective Fox.  It's the Gitelmans that prevents me from taking the anti inflammatory med. It's that rare kidney disorder that cannot  allow that med with only one kidney.

    Glad everything went well and

    Glad everything went well and now all you have to do is to heal and gain your strength back. You've handled the hard part.  Welcome to the club no one wants to join....

  • Darron
    Darron Member Posts: 310 Member

    You will be amazed how much you improve every day!

    Glad it went well.

  • Eims
    Eims Member Posts: 423
    Sleep is now your best

    Sleep is now your best friend......take your time recovering and listen to your body x

  • Minnesota Girl
    Minnesota Girl Member Posts: 119
    Welcome home!

    So glad you wound up with the lap surgery. I know you were worried about it. Take all the time and rest you need to recover. Even with the lap, this is still MAJOR surgery. As my husband liked to remind me, the doc reached through the front of my body to pull out something from the back. If no one has mentioned it, keep a pillow nearby to hold against your tummy if you cough or laugh - it helps!

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member

    Welcome home!

    So glad you wound up with the lap surgery. I know you were worried about it. Take all the time and rest you need to recover. Even with the lap, this is still MAJOR surgery. As my husband liked to remind me, the doc reached through the front of my body to pull out something from the back. If no one has mentioned it, keep a pillow nearby to hold against your tummy if you cough or laugh - it helps!

    thanks for the good thoughts

    thanks for the good thoughts and recommendations. Never thought of this as reaching from the front to pull out something from the back. i no longer need a pillow to hold my side but found ice was the best medicine! I remember asking for ice and the RN in the hospital gave me   a look like I was crazy. 


    I just cannot seem to SLEEP, not tired enough. only sleep an hour or two then wake up. I am up all the time.


  • Frank302
    Frank302 Member Posts: 71
    Jan4you said:

    thanks for the good thoughts

    thanks for the good thoughts and recommendations. Never thought of this as reaching from the front to pull out something from the back. i no longer need a pillow to hold my side but found ice was the best medicine! I remember asking for ice and the RN in the hospital gave me   a look like I was crazy. 


    I just cannot seem to SLEEP, not tired enough. only sleep an hour or two then wake up. I am up all the time.


    Hi Jan

    I'm glad you are home and getting along well .

    Is it possible that your problem of not sleeping could be related to the fact that you can no longer take the anti inflamitory meds you were taking before your sugery ? I used to take meds for arthritis and had to stop them after losing a kidney and I couldn't sleep well either . Over time I've begun sleeping better but still not as well as I used to .

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Frank302 said:

    Hi Jan

    I'm glad you are home and getting along well .

    Is it possible that your problem of not sleeping could be related to the fact that you can no longer take the anti inflamitory meds you were taking before your sugery ? I used to take meds for arthritis and had to stop them after losing a kidney and I couldn't sleep well either . Over time I've begun sleeping better but still not as well as I used to .

    Hi Frank,
    I had to be off

    Hi Frank,

    I had to be off anti inflammatory med before and this never  happened. I had lap surgery 2 years ago and this never happened then either. Who knows why I cannot sleep. Going to try Meletonin tonight.

    Seems I had quite the side effects after last week's pain med halllucinations, being hyperverbal do had to go off all of them.

    Hope you are doing well, thanks


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Hi Frank,
    I had to be off

    Hi Frank,

    I had to be off anti inflammatory med before and this never  happened. I had lap surgery 2 years ago and this never happened then either. Who knows why I cannot sleep. Going to try Meletonin tonight.

    Seems I had quite the side effects after last week's pain med halllucinations, being hyperverbal do had to go off all of them.

    Hope you are doing well, thanks


    Sleeping Problems

    I had a lot of sleeping problems once I was diagnosed and for several months after my nehprectomy. I think it was because of anxiety. My doctor gave me Xanax and another time Ativan. They are addictive, so he said one at bedtime and that's it. I found the Ativan the most helpful. I still use it but only once in awhile, and only 1 at bedtime. I was careful not to get in a habit of taking it every night because they can be habit forming. I'd try to sleep for awhile, and if I really couldn't, then I'd take it. If I used it a couple nights in a row, I'd make myself not use it.

    Recently (after over a year post nephrectomy), I'm sleeping through the night and falling asleep easily more often than back a few months ago.


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    todd121 said:

    Sleeping Problems

    I had a lot of sleeping problems once I was diagnosed and for several months after my nehprectomy. I think it was because of anxiety. My doctor gave me Xanax and another time Ativan. They are addictive, so he said one at bedtime and that's it. I found the Ativan the most helpful. I still use it but only once in awhile, and only 1 at bedtime. I was careful not to get in a habit of taking it every night because they can be habit forming. I'd try to sleep for awhile, and if I really couldn't, then I'd take it. If I used it a couple nights in a row, I'd make myself not use it.

    Recently (after over a year post nephrectomy), I'm sleeping through the night and falling asleep easily more often than back a few months ago.


    I had trouble sleeping as

    I had trouble sleeping as well. I ended up taking a gravol for a couple nights and since then I have been pretty good.

    Good luck! It's no fun, and you need to sleep to get better!



  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    Jan4you said:

    Hi Frank,
    I had to be off

    Hi Frank,

    I had to be off anti inflammatory med before and this never  happened. I had lap surgery 2 years ago and this never happened then either. Who knows why I cannot sleep. Going to try Meletonin tonight.

    Seems I had quite the side effects after last week's pain med halllucinations, being hyperverbal do had to go off all of them.

    Hope you are doing well, thanks


    late to the game

    Hi Jan, I was so happy to 'hear' everything went well and it sounds as though you are recovering as expected. All good news!! 

    I agree with what Fox said about you having a stronger immune system now that the cancer is gone and perhaprs your body will do a better job regulating your MS.  I only say that because I have an autoimmune disease, pustular psoriasis, aka palm and sole disease.  Granted, it's not MS but it is no picnic!  I've suffered great pain with it.  There are times I can barely use my hands.  Sometimes walking is pure torture.  It flares up in varying degrees of severity, sometimes only on my hands, sometimes only on my feet and more often than not, both.  Dermatologist say's it's stress induced, whether it be physical or emotional.  Cancer is apparently a HUGE stressor on the immune system because I have had very few flare-ups since my neph and the ones I have had, were mild. 

    Until I read what Fox said to you, I never really thought about it.  I just knew that for some reason, the past several months, my palms and soles have been better than they've ever been, since diagnosis, almost 11 years ago.  Apparently the stress on my system from the cancer was worse on my psoriasis than the coaster of emotions I've been riding. 

    I only tell you this to offer hope, not to imply in any way that my psoriasis can be compared to MS.  It can't.  I get that.  I am sure your doctor's will find other ways to manage your treatment, but hopefully, ridding your body of cancer will be a big help.

    I learned something from you that I did not know regarding anti-inflamatories with 1 kidney.  I take Mobic, for my neck, as needed.  I've never been told that I shouldn't take it but you can bet I'm going to google it. 

    Hope you slept better last night! 



  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member

    late to the game

    Hi Jan, I was so happy to 'hear' everything went well and it sounds as though you are recovering as expected. All good news!! 

    I agree with what Fox said about you having a stronger immune system now that the cancer is gone and perhaprs your body will do a better job regulating your MS.  I only say that because I have an autoimmune disease, pustular psoriasis, aka palm and sole disease.  Granted, it's not MS but it is no picnic!  I've suffered great pain with it.  There are times I can barely use my hands.  Sometimes walking is pure torture.  It flares up in varying degrees of severity, sometimes only on my hands, sometimes only on my feet and more often than not, both.  Dermatologist say's it's stress induced, whether it be physical or emotional.  Cancer is apparently a HUGE stressor on the immune system because I have had very few flare-ups since my neph and the ones I have had, were mild. 

    Until I read what Fox said to you, I never really thought about it.  I just knew that for some reason, the past several months, my palms and soles have been better than they've ever been, since diagnosis, almost 11 years ago.  Apparently the stress on my system from the cancer was worse on my psoriasis than the coaster of emotions I've been riding. 

    I only tell you this to offer hope, not to imply in any way that my psoriasis can be compared to MS.  It can't.  I get that.  I am sure your doctor's will find other ways to manage your treatment, but hopefully, ridding your body of cancer will be a big help.

    I learned something from you that I did not know regarding anti-inflamatories with 1 kidney.  I take Mobic, for my neck, as needed.  I've never been told that I shouldn't take it but you can bet I'm going to google it. 

    Hope you slept better last night! 



    Hello and thanks for your

    Hello and thanks for your very informative responses. Today I am feeling the lack of sleep!  Gladly, I still do not use any pain meds, they were messing me up.  Just feel like my body is "waking up" more since Gen Anes.

    My generalized weakness is back so I am resting more. I have this rare kidney disorder called Gitelman's. Tubles i(?) in kidneys cause electrolytes to spill believing my body is in "fight or flight. Gitelman's is why I cannot take Anti inflammatory drugs.

    All my disorders, incl MS have been stable. Never thought how having cancer growing, albeit slowly, could affect you. Never consider that affect. My hope is that my Gitleman's will be half as bad now LOL maybe?

    Continued wellness, Jan