Sore tongue doesn't begin to say it.

I have toncil cancer with at least 2 lymph nodes affected. I am getting 8 doses of chemo and 40 of radiation. I have had 5 chemo treatments and around 18 radiation treatments, so I am in my fifth week starting Monday.
My tongue is killing me! Thanks to the radiation, I have thrush and my whole mouth is a sewer. I will lose at least two teeth, but that is the least of my worries.
I have sores on my tongue so that I can barely swallow. I have been given a course of pills and now i have the 'magic mouthwash', which does almost nothing. I can barely get down one bottle of Boost per day, plus about 4 onces of water. Many days, I can't do that much. I am having huge problems with eating anything. I don't even try unless it is a liquid. It hurts to open my mouth and I can't talk much. Everything, including water, tastes like soap, so I tend to gag when I put anything in my mouth. I am hungry, I just can't swallow, because the tongue hurts so much. I've tried Ice Cream, yogert, mashed potato soup, broth, --- I can't get anything down.
Help! I've told the doctor, but all I get is, 'well you have to consume 5 bottles of Boost per day'. HA! I can't even finish one! I am down to about 180 calories per day and I don't think that fasting is a good idea at this point in my treatment. (BTW, the tongue hurts even when I am not swallowing, just it's worse when I try to eat. I cannot swallow at all unless I am sitting up a little, reclining so to speak and sometimes it's a little panicy)
Is there anything they can do for my poor tongue? I can live without tasting, although it is not fun, but The pain is truly overwhelming.
Tongue pain!!
So sorry to hear about your tongue pain. That happened to my husband as well. One thing that gave him a tiny bit of relief was a numbing liquid that his doctor gave him. He put it on a Q-tip and put it directly on his tongue. Mostly though, he quit eating and got a PEG tube so he wouldn't lose any more weight. The PEG tube isn't fun but it saved him because, like you, the pain on his tongue was excruciating.
He is so much better now - 40 days post radiation and ready to have the tube removed - tongue sores lasted until 10 days after the last radiaiton treatment.
Good luck!
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Welcome to our little group, sorry you had to meet us this way. Are you on medicine for the thrush? I was on Nystatin during treatment and for a while after. My doctor gave me a prescription for lidocaine viscous solution 2%. I could not swallow the stuff but put it in my mouth and swished it about, then spit it out. It numbed me enough to be able to put some food in my mouth. You do need nurishment as well as hydration. I had to go in for iv hydration a few times during my last go around with cancer. Someone recently mentioned a laser that the dentist used for sores on the tongue. This is a battle but you will win. Stay in touch.
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Sore tongue
Revbyrd, sorry you are going through this but you've got a lot of support this site. I had the same thing as you, started in my tonsil and multiple lymp nodes affected. the first time I had Thrush my tongue hurt so bad I thought it was going to kill me and I didn't know what it was. I'm not sure how long you've been on the medicine for the Thrush but after a few days the thrush part should get better and mine still hurt w/o Thrush but when I had thrush it was 10x worse. The magic mouthwash helped me but it took a few days. I also the the thrush lozenge the radiation oncologist prescribed as well.
You should also consider getting a Peg tube as you can eat, take your meds, and more importantly, stay hydrated. I know you're almost finished with treatments but it will help in the weeks post treatment as you start to heal. You'll probably be really sore for several weeks following treatment and the first couple of weeks will most likely be some of the toughest times you will face.
sipping constantly on water seems to help some as it least it stays moist, which seems to be less painful than dry.
Good luck and I hope the thrush gets under control quickly,
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Boy have a double
double doozer going on here. Thrush all by itself will make oral intake of anything a misery.....throw mouth/tongue sores on top of that and I can tell you I'm amazed you can get anything down....even the water. And's imperative that you get more than 180 calories in per day....and a hell of a lot more water. Magic mouthwash didn't work for me, mouth was so shedded and painful, that the MM put me to my knees, as did the 2% Lidocaine.
I'd be getting a little ticked at my Dr......I think you need a PEG tube you don't have to cringe everytime your stomach growls, knowing you'll have to once again try to get some food down the old hatch. One thing that became very apparent to me during treatment was these Drs. have NO clue of the reality of what having mouth sores and thrush is like, they only know that this can happen. It's perfectly legit to TELL your Dr. "I know I'm not getting enough nutrition or hydration in a day and I want a feeding tube in order to help my body get through this treatment".
I'm surprised the Dr. hasn't addressed the thrush....hell, getting rid of that could ease the pain by 75% or more. For thrush they tried Nystatin (it's topical) on me, but it didn't work so they then gave Diflucon (which cures it from the inside out)...I had to have the Diflucon so I could just pour it down my tube and not have to put anything in my mouth.....
You still have 1/2 of your treatment left to do, and things aren't going to get better until they are over....if you can't get one Dr. to listen to you, then go the other.....if the Onc won't hear your pleas, then talk to your RO.....and then talk to your ENT.....they all have prescription pads and telephones.....It's not against the rules to play them off each other if you have to.
Until you can talk to your Doc's and get them listention to you......try L-Glutamine powder mixed in was the only thing I could get into my mouth when I had the horrible sores that didn't can't OD on it, so you can swallow it, and you can get hydration in that way.....also, rinse with the soda/salt mix is soothing, and it promotes healing.
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Sorry to hear you are facing so much pain.
As others mentioned, it looks like in your case it is very important to get a gastric tube (PEG) inserted a.s.a.p. Not fun, but totally doable and could be lifesaving. Have you been presented with this option before you even started the treatment? Please keep in mind that the (mouth) condition will continue to deteriorate, the worst will probably be around the time you finish the radiation and even 1-2 weeks after. Then it will slowly (but surely) improve. Others went through this without tube, but again, it seems you need it.
Tube or not, you still have (at least) to keep hydrated and keep swallowing.
(Mouth) thrush can also be treated; doesn’t mean you’ll get rid of the pain, but it improves your condition.
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PEG TUBEcorleone said:Sorry to hear you are facing so much pain.
As others mentioned, it looks like in your case it is very important to get a gastric tube (PEG) inserted a.s.a.p. Not fun, but totally doable and could be lifesaving. Have you been presented with this option before you even started the treatment? Please keep in mind that the (mouth) condition will continue to deteriorate, the worst will probably be around the time you finish the radiation and even 1-2 weeks after. Then it will slowly (but surely) improve. Others went through this without tube, but again, it seems you need it.
Tube or not, you still have (at least) to keep hydrated and keep swallowing.
(Mouth) thrush can also be treated; doesn’t mean you’ll get rid of the pain, but it improves your condition.
I can't believe that you doctors haven't INSISTED that you get a PEG tube, and like, pronto! The symptoms you are experiencing are quite common but most of us got PEG tubes before we experienced the level of pain and inability to swallow that you have. You have got to stay hydrated or you'll end up in the hospital. A PEG tube is simply a must for you.
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3 things
Simple to understand, not so easy to check off.
You don't mention what is happening with meds. You need narcos at this point to get the pain under control. Then you can eat and drink easier.
hydrocondone, oxy condone, morphine will help with the pain. 420 CBD heavy can help too. Orally, liquid lidocaine and magic mouthwash, baking soda/salt solution will give you relief for enough time to get some food and liquid down.
Of all, you HAVE to get fluids in ASAP! If you don't manage, get saline via IV now. Dehydration is not something to mess with.
There are many pro PEGgers here but also some who prefer to hold off as something as a last resort. Many have struggled through without needing one.
Get this addressed first thing in the morning. The pain and hydration issues need to get attention now.
good luck, don
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Feeding tubedonfoo said:3 things
Simple to understand, not so easy to check off.
You don't mention what is happening with meds. You need narcos at this point to get the pain under control. Then you can eat and drink easier.
hydrocondone, oxy condone, morphine will help with the pain. 420 CBD heavy can help too. Orally, liquid lidocaine and magic mouthwash, baking soda/salt solution will give you relief for enough time to get some food and liquid down.
Of all, you HAVE to get fluids in ASAP! If you don't manage, get saline via IV now. Dehydration is not something to mess with.
There are many pro PEGgers here but also some who prefer to hold off as something as a last resort. Many have struggled through without needing one.
Get this addressed first thing in the morning. The pain and hydration issues need to get attention now.
good luck, don
Sounds like you need a PEG or G-tube along with meds to clear up the thrush. Healing lasers by a dentist were recently mentioned as a solution to the mouth sores. Maybe a fentynl (?) patch. There are things to help, insist on trying them.
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The Docs did give me somephrannie51 said:Boy have a double
double doozer going on here. Thrush all by itself will make oral intake of anything a misery.....throw mouth/tongue sores on top of that and I can tell you I'm amazed you can get anything down....even the water. And's imperative that you get more than 180 calories in per day....and a hell of a lot more water. Magic mouthwash didn't work for me, mouth was so shedded and painful, that the MM put me to my knees, as did the 2% Lidocaine.
I'd be getting a little ticked at my Dr......I think you need a PEG tube you don't have to cringe everytime your stomach growls, knowing you'll have to once again try to get some food down the old hatch. One thing that became very apparent to me during treatment was these Drs. have NO clue of the reality of what having mouth sores and thrush is like, they only know that this can happen. It's perfectly legit to TELL your Dr. "I know I'm not getting enough nutrition or hydration in a day and I want a feeding tube in order to help my body get through this treatment".
I'm surprised the Dr. hasn't addressed the thrush....hell, getting rid of that could ease the pain by 75% or more. For thrush they tried Nystatin (it's topical) on me, but it didn't work so they then gave Diflucon (which cures it from the inside out)...I had to have the Diflucon so I could just pour it down my tube and not have to put anything in my mouth.....
You still have 1/2 of your treatment left to do, and things aren't going to get better until they are over....if you can't get one Dr. to listen to you, then go the other.....if the Onc won't hear your pleas, then talk to your RO.....and then talk to your ENT.....they all have prescription pads and telephones.....It's not against the rules to play them off each other if you have to.
Until you can talk to your Doc's and get them listention to you......try L-Glutamine powder mixed in was the only thing I could get into my mouth when I had the horrible sores that didn't can't OD on it, so you can swallow it, and you can get hydration in that way.....also, rinse with the soda/salt mix is soothing, and it promotes healing.
The Docs did give me some medicine for the Thrush, but it didn't kill it and they don't want to give me any more. That said, I do have the MM, but that is not helping all that much. I tried garggling with soda and salt -- pain through the roof!
I really do not want a feeding tube, but I am getting desperate. I am forcing myself to drink more water - at least a glass a day, aiming for two a day. A friend bought me some bendy-straws. I can put the straw in the middle of the back of my tongue and sometimes that really helps.
Except for this, my spirits are pretty good. I have a few issues that I am tring to take care of, such as transportation. I am pretty much bed-bounnd because of another condition which I had long before the cancer. BUt I have my cats and dogs to snuggle with and when I feel up to it, I do some artwork, which feeds my soul.
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donfoo said:
3 things
Simple to understand, not so easy to check off.
You don't mention what is happening with meds. You need narcos at this point to get the pain under control. Then you can eat and drink easier.
hydrocondone, oxy condone, morphine will help with the pain. 420 CBD heavy can help too. Orally, liquid lidocaine and magic mouthwash, baking soda/salt solution will give you relief for enough time to get some food and liquid down.
Of all, you HAVE to get fluids in ASAP! If you don't manage, get saline via IV now. Dehydration is not something to mess with.
There are many pro PEGgers here but also some who prefer to hold off as something as a last resort. Many have struggled through without needing one.
Get this addressed first thing in the morning. The pain and hydration issues need to get attention now.
good luck, don
I am planning onI am planning on insisting to talk with the doc on Monday.
Actually, I don't have a very good track record with talking to doctors. I started having a sore throat 8 years ago and I complained to every single doctor I saw. None of them even looked in my throat. This last summer I kept on dreaming I was choking and when I woke up - I was! So I finally called a specialist on my own and that's when they found the cancer, golf-ball sized in my throat. Stage 4 by the time I caught it. I admit I am somewhat ticked at the doctors who couldn't even be bothered to look at my throat. Maybe it would have been caught much sooner.
Ah, well, at least I had the good sense to call the doc on my own.
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sore brain and body
Welcome to the H&N forum, at my last count it was 7 for a PEG and 2 against a PEG. I say (the obvious) you either get the calories by mouth or you invest in a PEG. I had 2 PEGs so I am no stranger to them.
As for mouth & tongue & throat discomfort I had great success with Magic Mouth Wash, it was a potent vintage. If your MM is weak ask for a stronger concoction (there is a variety of strengths). I also had the liquid Lidocaine for direct application. Additionally, I swished and spit soda/salt mixture all day long and managed to drink lots of water. Never had Thrush so I’ll leave solutions for that to others.
You do have an ace up your sleeve, you have cats & dogs to cuddle with, virtually no medicine can compete with that.
You have still got a few visits before you can rest, hand in there and be as tough as you can be. Keep your team informed of your status and good luck with the nutrition, hydration and discomfort.
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Get that PED tube in fast. I
Get that PED tube in fast. I had mine installed before treatment started and that was the only thing that kept me going. I lost 50 pounds during my treatment. Ice tea was about the only thing i could take in by mouth and now after the treatments, I'm still an ice tea drinker.
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Try calling your localrevbyrd said:
I am planning onI am planning on insisting to talk with the doc on Monday.
Actually, I don't have a very good track record with talking to doctors. I started having a sore throat 8 years ago and I complained to every single doctor I saw. None of them even looked in my throat. This last summer I kept on dreaming I was choking and when I woke up - I was! So I finally called a specialist on my own and that's when they found the cancer, golf-ball sized in my throat. Stage 4 by the time I caught it. I admit I am somewhat ticked at the doctors who couldn't even be bothered to look at my throat. Maybe it would have been caught much sooner.
Ah, well, at least I had the good sense to call the doc on my own.
American Cancer Association for rides. They have volunteers who will provide transportation to and from treatments (at least they had them here, and this is a very small town in NW Montana).
Don't fight the feeding tube idea too hard....the sooner it's put in, the better you will feel....getting one glass of water down a day ain't enough (more like 64 ozs per day or more).....and you need a ton of calories to keep your body going. You don't want to have to spend your days hooked up to a TPN trying to get the nurtrition and hydration you need, when a tube is SO much easier.
I don't know what type of Boost you're drinking, but there is one called Boost has 540 calories in it, instead of 360....every calorie counts!
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Feed Tuberevbyrd said:The Docs did give me some
The Docs did give me some medicine for the Thrush, but it didn't kill it and they don't want to give me any more. That said, I do have the MM, but that is not helping all that much. I tried garggling with soda and salt -- pain through the roof!
I really do not want a feeding tube, but I am getting desperate. I am forcing myself to drink more water - at least a glass a day, aiming for two a day. A friend bought me some bendy-straws. I can put the straw in the middle of the back of my tongue and sometimes that really helps.
Except for this, my spirits are pretty good. I have a few issues that I am tring to take care of, such as transportation. I am pretty much bed-bounnd because of another condition which I had long before the cancer. BUt I have my cats and dogs to snuggle with and when I feel up to it, I do some artwork, which feeds my soul.
Dear, hang in there for better days are ahead.
However, I am like the one lady just suggest maybe you better talk with them about putting in the feeding tube. That was the last thing I wanted but now have to admit may not be here today if I didn't get the tube inserted. Your just not getting enough calories and the tube sure is better than the other option if you no what I mean. Once you get use to it they are not all that bad. My prayers are with you and all of us on this site will try to help you the best we can. By the way mind was stage 4 with last treatment back in latter part of 06. Roger
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Saw the doc today. He gaveCivilMatt said:sore brain and body
Welcome to the H&N forum, at my last count it was 7 for a PEG and 2 against a PEG. I say (the obvious) you either get the calories by mouth or you invest in a PEG. I had 2 PEGs so I am no stranger to them.
As for mouth & tongue & throat discomfort I had great success with Magic Mouth Wash, it was a potent vintage. If your MM is weak ask for a stronger concoction (there is a variety of strengths). I also had the liquid Lidocaine for direct application. Additionally, I swished and spit soda/salt mixture all day long and managed to drink lots of water. Never had Thrush so I’ll leave solutions for that to others.
You do have an ace up your sleeve, you have cats & dogs to cuddle with, virtually no medicine can compete with that.
You have still got a few visits before you can rest, hand in there and be as tough as you can be. Keep your team informed of your status and good luck with the nutrition, hydration and discomfort.
Saw the doc today. He gave me two prescriptions to see if we can get the tongue better. I honestly think I could eat if the tongue did not hurt so much. Also, no rads for three days. Still have to go in for IV hyration and a CT scan.
when I came home I tried some broth, heated up a little. And I could swallow it! The heat actually feels good. I got almost 3/4 of a cup down. And I will take in more later tonight.
I am very tired and need to nap.
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revbyrd said:
Saw the doc today. He gave
Saw the doc today. He gave me two prescriptions to see if we can get the tongue better. I honestly think I could eat if the tongue did not hurt so much. Also, no rads for three days. Still have to go in for IV hyration and a CT scan.
when I came home I tried some broth, heated up a little. And I could swallow it! The heat actually feels good. I got almost 3/4 of a cup down. And I will take in more later tonight.
I am very tired and need to nap.
revbyrd, great news about the broth! that's your starting point. hopefully you will move on to better things soon. keep up the good work. when you are tired listen to your body and nap. you should never feel bad about needing a nap. it's part of recovery. sweet
God bless you,
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Fantasticrevbyrd said:Saw the doc today. He gave
Saw the doc today. He gave me two prescriptions to see if we can get the tongue better. I honestly think I could eat if the tongue did not hurt so much. Also, no rads for three days. Still have to go in for IV hyration and a CT scan.
when I came home I tried some broth, heated up a little. And I could swallow it! The heat actually feels good. I got almost 3/4 of a cup down. And I will take in more later tonight.
I am very tired and need to nap.
Great news on the IV saline and the broth. That is huge. You keep pushing liquids down the gullet! Once you feel OK with the thin stuff, try to mix up a diluted solution with whey protein powder. Experiment with various thickness and various liquids. As warm seems good, try warm water first. If you do better with less thin fluids, some do, then try warm mile. Or cold or whatever. If you can get sufficient liquid and nutrition orally, that is the best way for certain. If you are at risk of not being able to maintain minimal weight then the PEG is your friend.
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Yesterday was awful! I endedrevbyrd said:Saw the doc today. He gave
Saw the doc today. He gave me two prescriptions to see if we can get the tongue better. I honestly think I could eat if the tongue did not hurt so much. Also, no rads for three days. Still have to go in for IV hyration and a CT scan.
when I came home I tried some broth, heated up a little. And I could swallow it! The heat actually feels good. I got almost 3/4 of a cup down. And I will take in more later tonight.
I am very tired and need to nap.
Yesterday was awful! I ended up at the clinic for SEVEN hours. I was dead when I finally got home.
They started with a couple of CT scans, so no food or water before. OK, then they wanted to hydrate me. Four hours for that. Then they had promised me a ride home. Nope, no ride. Didn't know what I was talking about. Had to call a friend who had to get dressed from her pajamas. At 6:30 pm, I had my first food and water for the day! I really don't think that was a good idea!.
Anyway, I drank almost 2 cups of broth last night and then crashed. Had a lovely sleep. Woke up feeling tons and tons of gratitude. I have a warm, safe place to be (My bed), I have dogs to love, cats to cuddle and I have a beautiful room that I have arranged for my own convenience. I am so very lucky.0 -
My husband knows what you're going through
My husband had the same problem, refused to take the tube feeding even though he had a peg tube. He lost 70 pounds during the course of his treatments. Eventually he began taking the tube feeding because he was starving, and it kept him alive. He wanted to eat he just couldn't. He stayed so hungry when he slept he used his hands and moved them to his mouth as if taking a bite of food and then he went through the chewing motion. That's hungry. I'm so sorry you're going throughh this. He was in agony with the pain in his mouth, sores, thrush, blisters, no taste, couldn't eat, burned up. When he didn't get the fluids in him his blood pressure dropped, he dehydrated, and had to have ivs for hydration. I know it's hard, but food through the tube was the best answer and kept him alive. God be with you and lessen your pain and agony.
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