Snow Friends check in here

I'll start ... snowing lovely fluffy flakes all day to add to the 6-8" already on the ground. Snow will continue over the next few days and Tuesday our high temperature is expected to be 0 degrees, is that even possible?
One thing I do have on hand is a good deal of firewood, food, bottled water, and batteries for flashlights and lanterns because we often have power outages when the snow gets heavy and limbs fall on the power lines. The area is very wooded and as nice as that is ... trees and limbs will fall. I have water trickling from the faucets to keep the lines from freezing at night. So, my son and I can have a bit of light, food, and fire ... but, no power to the well means no water, toilets, showers, or our telephone because it is a digital line. When our power goes out and I go outside I can always hear generators humming in the distance on neighboring properties. Those generators are so expensive though that I keep procrastinating. I am keeping my fingers crossed the power stays on. Cell phones are very valuable because I can charge them up in the car. Playing Scrabble on my iPhone has kept me sane through a few blackouts.
My poor little Cavalier Spaniel has to endure all kinds of indignities because I put a snow suit, snow boots, and snood hat on him when he goes outside so he does not come back in covered in snowballs. A couple of times a day I wil let him run wild without all this silly stuff on but only when I feel like de-snowballing him.
Our home is set far back in the woods from a dirt road. The secondary dirt roads often do not get plowed so we will be here in the white, soft, quiet world for a while. The river is frozen over and I can see the deer and critters walking across it. It is rather comforting as everything is forced to just stop.
Where I am in Michigan, it will not be so bad and I do have the luxury of just sitting here and waiting it out. My concern is for folks who are not feeling well or are in the midst of treatment in areas that will be harder hit. If everywhere you look your world is white and you have recently learned what a 'polar vortex' is ... check in.
Peace. ~ Cynthia
To help you stay warm.
Hi Cynthia:
I, too, am watching the snow fall here in southeastern Michigan. The pine trees look beautiful and the bird feeder is full. I did have a good laugh this week, New York got snow and oh my, with all the news reports you would have though they are the only ones who got snow. Lets see we had 9" last week and or so and should get about another 12" or so today. If we were New York they would be calling out the National Guard.
I got a nice pot of chicken soup, coffee, some snacks, a nice blanket and cable so all is good.
My niece lives in your town and we are really not so far away from each other, gotta make a date and do lunch and meet. If I calculate correctly it is only about 30 miles or less.
Take care and stay warm the bitter cold is on the way.
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NH has finally broken the
NH has finally broken the zero degree mark - it's currently 31 out! Yippee!! ;D When it was -9 on Friday, I told my friend in Florida that she should come up for a visit - she told me that she feared that she'd shatter in pieces when she stepped outside - what a wuss. ;D The news media here made it seem like the end of world was approaching when most of us only got 8" of snow - seriously?? Didn't they ever hear of the Blizzard of '78 ?? - Now THAT was a storm to end all storms! The younger generations just aren't as hardened as us ol'timers. (Never thought I'd actually BE one of those old timers....) ;D LOL!
Here's hoping for a quick warm up to my Michigan friends!
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Blizzard of '78 .. yes
Blizzard of '78 .. yes indeed!! What a storm! Out of school for WEEKS!!!! Walking to the village store dragging the sled behind to drag the few groceries home. Which I might add was a very, very long walk!
I was just saying the other day while looking at the beautiful glistening trees drapped with ice and snow how I remember spending many days on top of mountains in below zero temps and skiing down like it was nothing!
Ice skating across the pond (with sandwich baggies on our feet for warmth) and being scared something awful when the pressure cracks started their tremendous rumble.
Best of all ... getting out the bar of Dial soap and soaping up the sled blades on the old wooden sleds with red blades ... jumping on our sleds, on our bellies and flying downhill in the woods and dodging trees all the way down!!!! Then walking all the way back up to do it all over again!!! Whoooo hooooo!!! Who needs a snow mobile when ya got one of them!
Our children missed lots of good times.
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I live in theLivinginNH said:NH has finally broken the
NH has finally broken the zero degree mark - it's currently 31 out! Yippee!! ;D When it was -9 on Friday, I told my friend in Florida that she should come up for a visit - she told me that she feared that she'd shatter in pieces when she stepped outside - what a wuss. ;D The news media here made it seem like the end of world was approaching when most of us only got 8" of snow - seriously?? Didn't they ever hear of the Blizzard of '78 ?? - Now THAT was a storm to end all storms! The younger generations just aren't as hardened as us ol'timers. (Never thought I'd actually BE one of those old timers....) ;D LOL!
Here's hoping for a quick warm up to my Michigan friends!
south, and any mention of the "s" word sends everyone rushing to the nearest store for milk and bread. LOL!
We are under a winter weather advisory tonight.. Rain, sleet, snow, wind gusts up to 45 mph. Wind chill is supposed to be -7°.
We are also on a well, so if we lose power no water. But we do have limited solar energy, a generator, gas heat, and about 50 gal of water,
So all is good. Last check it was 50° and partly cloudy. Go figure
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I rememberhippiechicks said:Blizzard of '78 .. yes
Blizzard of '78 .. yes indeed!! What a storm! Out of school for WEEKS!!!! Walking to the village store dragging the sled behind to drag the few groceries home. Which I might add was a very, very long walk!
I was just saying the other day while looking at the beautiful glistening trees drapped with ice and snow how I remember spending many days on top of mountains in below zero temps and skiing down like it was nothing!
Ice skating across the pond (with sandwich baggies on our feet for warmth) and being scared something awful when the pressure cracks started their tremendous rumble.
Best of all ... getting out the bar of Dial soap and soaping up the sled blades on the old wooden sleds with red blades ... jumping on our sleds, on our bellies and flying downhill in the woods and dodging trees all the way down!!!! Then walking all the way back up to do it all over again!!! Whoooo hooooo!!! Who needs a snow mobile when ya got one of them!
Our children missed lots of good times.
good times like that here in Michigan. There was a local city park, Rouge Park, that had tobaggan runs. We would walk up those stairs dragging the tobaggan in the lane next to us. As many as could would get on that tobaggan and down we would go. Now these tobaggan runs were on a high hill and they were made of ice, not snow, so you really flew down the hill. Can you imagine a city doing that now? And guess what, no helmets. Now, kids are on tricycles and they have helmets on. Then there were the ice skating rinks. We would spend all day outside in the cold having a teriffic time and building teriffic memories. You could put your skates on a shelf while you were sledding and they were there when you got back - things sure have changed. Kids today sure do miss out on a lot of good times and exercise. And yes, I remember soaping up the sleds and stuff with soap to make them go faster and smooth as silk.
Thanks for the memories - Tina
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Yup!! I have those very samehippiechicks said:Blizzard of '78 .. yes
Blizzard of '78 .. yes indeed!! What a storm! Out of school for WEEKS!!!! Walking to the village store dragging the sled behind to drag the few groceries home. Which I might add was a very, very long walk!
I was just saying the other day while looking at the beautiful glistening trees drapped with ice and snow how I remember spending many days on top of mountains in below zero temps and skiing down like it was nothing!
Ice skating across the pond (with sandwich baggies on our feet for warmth) and being scared something awful when the pressure cracks started their tremendous rumble.
Best of all ... getting out the bar of Dial soap and soaping up the sled blades on the old wooden sleds with red blades ... jumping on our sleds, on our bellies and flying downhill in the woods and dodging trees all the way down!!!! Then walking all the way back up to do it all over again!!! Whoooo hooooo!!! Who needs a snow mobile when ya got one of them!
Our children missed lots of good times.
Yup!! I have those very same memories from '78. I walked about two miles with my dog and sled to the grocery store, only to find it closed!! We were snowbound for over a week with little food and often no heat since we didn't have electricity until they finally dug us out with a large front loader. And the sledding, oh yes, those Flexible Flyer sleds were so much fun! My mother used to use an old candle to wax up the blades. My friend and I would drag it up my street, which was a hill, and we'd slide down for what seemed 1/4 mile!
We also used to skate on the ice in the local park when the city flooded it with a fire hose. I can't imagine parents today letting their kids slide down a busy street alone - and WITHOUT helmets!! And who remembers having wool knitted gloves and having them get soaking wet with little ice snowballs attached to them within 10 minutes of going outside - but STILL keeping them on so that we didn't have to go in again?
There weren't any Gortex gloves around then!
The poor kids today, they really are missing out on so many of our former joys in life. I'm glad that I was born when I was - thanks for the memories....
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I am so jealous!thxmiker said:Send some snow our way! We
Send some snow our way! We are in a heat wave. Mid 50's and the weather is avoiding us. lol We have had snow during Christmas teh last 2 years.
Enjoy it while you have it!
Best Always, from the Mountains in the AZ! mike
We don't even have all of our ski areas open yet, and there's no snow in the forecast. You can send some to Mike, and still have some left over for me!
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Yes we have been hit as well. Hoping that the storm brings beauty but mainly safety. I'm just worried about my kids that have to travel to work. Please stay safe everyone.
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is melting today. Last night we had icy roads. Today it's going to be in the high 40s or low 50s. Tonight it is going to freeze up and tomorrow it's going to be single digits. I worry about my family driving in this crazy, icy weather because they don't do a very good job here sanding the roads. Getting my brother back and forth to his doctor appointments this week is going to be a challenge. Be safe out there.
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Hoping everyone is warm and safe today ...
we have made it through the night without losing power and I am very thankful for that. Too much snow for pup to get through so we did plow a pee-poop path this morning. I just read that Chicago is colder than the South Pole ... wowsa ... don't know if I should have another cup of hot chocolate or a couple of shots of tequila.
I am so glad folks checked in last night.
Tina: We are so close to one another ... I don't get out much because I care for our adult special needs son. My friends tease me and say that there are occasional sitings of me in the community, sort of like BigFoot or something lol. I vow to set this as a goal though ... that we do meet
I love that you are keeping your bird feeder full. Black-oiled sunflower seeds are much in demand here right now and I am keeping suet out also. Here's a trick: smear peanut butter on a tree trunk and poke peanuts in it, the squirrels love it. Your story of the Rouge Park toboggan run sounded like so much fun and so wholesome. North Texas where I grew up did have snow, but not heavy every year. When it did snow we went nuts and stayed outside until they dragged us in. My mother made snow ice cream with vanilla extract and condensed milk, so sweet tasting. I don't know if I would feel comfortable using snow today ... is it even safe to ingest?
Cyn: I wondered what things were like up in your area. Have you had any more snow? The Blizzard of 1978 I missed entirely because I was in San Francisco where you only had to worry about the fog from the bay or the herb you were smoking ... oh and earthquakes. Hiking two miles with your dog and a sled to get food to a store that was closed, that's a kid with some spunk! But, even though you remember '78, you aren't a real ole timer yet
Hope that beautiful kitty is helping keep you warm.
Ketziah35: You asked for pictures to use for relaxation exercises ... don't know if the wintry one enclosed with this message is comforting or not, you might want to stick with the fire in the fireplace image. Thanks for the brownies, hot chocolate and wine ... especially the wine. How is the ice down south today? I do understand that the bitter cold is coming your way as well. Stay safe.
mukamom: Your family is so smart to have invested in a generator so that your electricity, heat, and especially your well will keep functioning. I am interested in what kind of solar energy you have intriguing. In my next life, I want to live totally off the grid and be some type of survivalist I think. It would be so nice to be totally self-sufficient. Stay warm.
hippiechicks: Your forum name has always intrigued me. My son always teases me and calls me an 'old hippie'. Skiing and ice-skating on old wooden sleds sounds like so much fun. I guess young kids today do miss out on a great deal don't they? Maybe parents just don't encourage the old-fashioned things as much or say no enough, I don't know. My son is almost 26 so it has been a long time since I had a little one around.
Mike: I bet those mountains in Arizona are beautiful snow or no snow, but if you really want some I am sending it your way.
AA: Yep, I am sending some your way too. But remember; be careful what you asked for
Kim: I too hope your kids stay safe ... being a Mom means always being concerned doesn't it ... no matter how big they get. I also hope you stay safe.
Uncle Buddy: That high 40's-50's and then single digits can wreck havoc and create very icy road conditions ... does your brother have many doctor appointments this week? Can anything be postponed for a bit? Something to consider and driving could be dangerous.
One last thing folks: Remember that in very, very cold weather exposed skin can get frostbite in five minutes so be very careful. Also, if you have pets that have to go outside be cautious as the pads of their feet and their noses can be damaged from exposure as well.
Peace. ~ Cynthia
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At the other end of the world
I am having a hard time surviving the weather here in Australia. I am on ly around fifteen kliometers from the coast and we normally get a sea breeze every day in summer. It is rare to get temps over 33 celcius but we have had our hottest year on record and this year is worse. .Last weekend was the hottest since records stared with 38 c on saturday and 43.6 on sunday. It was mighty unpleasant . Ron.
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Wow!!!ron50 said:At the other end of the world
I am having a hard time surviving the weather here in Australia. I am on ly around fifteen kliometers from the coast and we normally get a sea breeze every day in summer. It is rare to get temps over 33 celcius but we have had our hottest year on record and this year is worse. .Last weekend was the hottest since records stared with 38 c on saturday and 43.6 on sunday. It was mighty unpleasant . Ron.
That's really hot. Here in the states we're having record cold temps in many states. Today was in the 50s and it's going below 0 tonight, crazy weather. We had single digits yesterday and probalbly single digits tomorrow. Stay cool, Ron.
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-8 degrees with wind chilldevotion10 said:Hoping everyone is warm and safe today ...
we have made it through the night without losing power and I am very thankful for that. Too much snow for pup to get through so we did plow a pee-poop path this morning. I just read that Chicago is colder than the South Pole ... wowsa ... don't know if I should have another cup of hot chocolate or a couple of shots of tequila.
I am so glad folks checked in last night.
Tina: We are so close to one another ... I don't get out much because I care for our adult special needs son. My friends tease me and say that there are occasional sitings of me in the community, sort of like BigFoot or something lol. I vow to set this as a goal though ... that we do meet
I love that you are keeping your bird feeder full. Black-oiled sunflower seeds are much in demand here right now and I am keeping suet out also. Here's a trick: smear peanut butter on a tree trunk and poke peanuts in it, the squirrels love it. Your story of the Rouge Park toboggan run sounded like so much fun and so wholesome. North Texas where I grew up did have snow, but not heavy every year. When it did snow we went nuts and stayed outside until they dragged us in. My mother made snow ice cream with vanilla extract and condensed milk, so sweet tasting. I don't know if I would feel comfortable using snow today ... is it even safe to ingest?
Cyn: I wondered what things were like up in your area. Have you had any more snow? The Blizzard of 1978 I missed entirely because I was in San Francisco where you only had to worry about the fog from the bay or the herb you were smoking ... oh and earthquakes. Hiking two miles with your dog and a sled to get food to a store that was closed, that's a kid with some spunk! But, even though you remember '78, you aren't a real ole timer yet
Hope that beautiful kitty is helping keep you warm.
Ketziah35: You asked for pictures to use for relaxation exercises ... don't know if the wintry one enclosed with this message is comforting or not, you might want to stick with the fire in the fireplace image. Thanks for the brownies, hot chocolate and wine ... especially the wine. How is the ice down south today? I do understand that the bitter cold is coming your way as well. Stay safe.
mukamom: Your family is so smart to have invested in a generator so that your electricity, heat, and especially your well will keep functioning. I am interested in what kind of solar energy you have intriguing. In my next life, I want to live totally off the grid and be some type of survivalist I think. It would be so nice to be totally self-sufficient. Stay warm.
hippiechicks: Your forum name has always intrigued me. My son always teases me and calls me an 'old hippie'. Skiing and ice-skating on old wooden sleds sounds like so much fun. I guess young kids today do miss out on a great deal don't they? Maybe parents just don't encourage the old-fashioned things as much or say no enough, I don't know. My son is almost 26 so it has been a long time since I had a little one around.
Mike: I bet those mountains in Arizona are beautiful snow or no snow, but if you really want some I am sending it your way.
AA: Yep, I am sending some your way too. But remember; be careful what you asked for
Kim: I too hope your kids stay safe ... being a Mom means always being concerned doesn't it ... no matter how big they get. I also hope you stay safe.
Uncle Buddy: That high 40's-50's and then single digits can wreck havoc and create very icy road conditions ... does your brother have many doctor appointments this week? Can anything be postponed for a bit? Something to consider and driving could be dangerous.
One last thing folks: Remember that in very, very cold weather exposed skin can get frostbite in five minutes so be very careful. Also, if you have pets that have to go outside be cautious as the pads of their feet and their noses can be damaged from exposure as well.
Peace. ~ Cynthia
-8 degrees with wind chill tomorrow. I have yet to wear socks this year lol. I have a blanket in the car though. I used to live in buffalo, ny. This means I am traumatized by snow and ice issues. My wine rack Is filled with wine, chili cornbread and brownies frozen in the freezer 7 books uploaded to the nook all no later than dec 1. Oh I have an assortment of teas hot chocolate coffees etc I do not play with having to rush to the store. I have homemade chick noodle soup challah bread and apple pie in the freezer too. Oh and My coping mechanism for loss of power is to start sampling my international beer collection
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Picturedevotion10 said:Hoping everyone is warm and safe today ...
we have made it through the night without losing power and I am very thankful for that. Too much snow for pup to get through so we did plow a pee-poop path this morning. I just read that Chicago is colder than the South Pole ... wowsa ... don't know if I should have another cup of hot chocolate or a couple of shots of tequila.
I am so glad folks checked in last night.
Tina: We are so close to one another ... I don't get out much because I care for our adult special needs son. My friends tease me and say that there are occasional sitings of me in the community, sort of like BigFoot or something lol. I vow to set this as a goal though ... that we do meet
I love that you are keeping your bird feeder full. Black-oiled sunflower seeds are much in demand here right now and I am keeping suet out also. Here's a trick: smear peanut butter on a tree trunk and poke peanuts in it, the squirrels love it. Your story of the Rouge Park toboggan run sounded like so much fun and so wholesome. North Texas where I grew up did have snow, but not heavy every year. When it did snow we went nuts and stayed outside until they dragged us in. My mother made snow ice cream with vanilla extract and condensed milk, so sweet tasting. I don't know if I would feel comfortable using snow today ... is it even safe to ingest?
Cyn: I wondered what things were like up in your area. Have you had any more snow? The Blizzard of 1978 I missed entirely because I was in San Francisco where you only had to worry about the fog from the bay or the herb you were smoking ... oh and earthquakes. Hiking two miles with your dog and a sled to get food to a store that was closed, that's a kid with some spunk! But, even though you remember '78, you aren't a real ole timer yet
Hope that beautiful kitty is helping keep you warm.
Ketziah35: You asked for pictures to use for relaxation exercises ... don't know if the wintry one enclosed with this message is comforting or not, you might want to stick with the fire in the fireplace image. Thanks for the brownies, hot chocolate and wine ... especially the wine. How is the ice down south today? I do understand that the bitter cold is coming your way as well. Stay safe.
mukamom: Your family is so smart to have invested in a generator so that your electricity, heat, and especially your well will keep functioning. I am interested in what kind of solar energy you have intriguing. In my next life, I want to live totally off the grid and be some type of survivalist I think. It would be so nice to be totally self-sufficient. Stay warm.
hippiechicks: Your forum name has always intrigued me. My son always teases me and calls me an 'old hippie'. Skiing and ice-skating on old wooden sleds sounds like so much fun. I guess young kids today do miss out on a great deal don't they? Maybe parents just don't encourage the old-fashioned things as much or say no enough, I don't know. My son is almost 26 so it has been a long time since I had a little one around.
Mike: I bet those mountains in Arizona are beautiful snow or no snow, but if you really want some I am sending it your way.
AA: Yep, I am sending some your way too. But remember; be careful what you asked for
Kim: I too hope your kids stay safe ... being a Mom means always being concerned doesn't it ... no matter how big they get. I also hope you stay safe.
Uncle Buddy: That high 40's-50's and then single digits can wreck havoc and create very icy road conditions ... does your brother have many doctor appointments this week? Can anything be postponed for a bit? Something to consider and driving could be dangerous.
One last thing folks: Remember that in very, very cold weather exposed skin can get frostbite in five minutes so be very careful. Also, if you have pets that have to go outside be cautious as the pads of their feet and their noses can be damaged from exposure as well.
Peace. ~ Cynthia
Beautiful. What a beauty to behold but it still looks so cold. Reminds me of a winter day you just don't want to go out into
. Stay safe.
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These bitter temperatures are the worse I've seen in a long time - so much for global warming
. Actual temp is -12 and windchill is -36 in Detroit Metro. May God please provide for the homeless tonight. I'm feeling so bad for anyone left out in this cold weather.
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Kim ~ I too have been so worried about those who may not haveAnnabelle41415 said:Wow
These bitter temperatures are the worse I've seen in a long time - so much for global warming
. Actual temp is -12 and windchill is -36 in Detroit Metro. May God please provide for the homeless tonight. I'm feeling so bad for anyone left out in this cold weather.
shelter. I know they set up warming shelters and those who are familiar with where some of the homeless camps and sleeping areas are have gone searching for folks. It is just extremely concerning, isn't it ... May they all have guardian angels. ~ Cynthia
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West Michigan (Marshall / Battle Creek)
As you probably already know. I'm in West Michigan. On my ride into work this morning (from Marshall to Battle Creek) my truck thermomitor registered -17 degrees f. It is COLD! I too live in a rural area as well. And our house is a 1000 feet off the road. I'm not liking my plow bill this year at all. But I have to admit that the snow is beautiful. And to think that every one of those snow flakes are unique (no two are the same) is truly amazing.
Light and Love to you today! Stay warm!
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