my latest updates

Update on my fight:
Last week through a series of scans, it appears that cancer has spread into my liver and to my rib and hip bones. 
I’m am currently receiving radiation for my ribs & hip. 
We will look at our options for the liver tumor (4.5 cm in size). My oncologist says that it is critical that we get the liver tumor shrunk in order for me to try to participate in any more clinical trials.
We are hurting but, we are not without hope. Our hope is in God. “And he said, the things which are impossible with men are possible with God.” Luke 18:27 
I think I’d be a mess if it wasn’t for my Faith, Family & Friends. Thank you all for your support. 
All we need right now is your prayers.

Here is a xray of my lungs last Friday, the white is fluid. So we had an emergency procedure to drain some of the fluid.  They started off by only taking one liter, What a huge difference it made, previously I was using 02 a fair amount (anytime I did anything, walk from one room to another).

I think they are going to schedule me to drain more fluid next week.

Funny story I’m currently waiting in the cancer clinic for other test results

So I’m casually texting with my dear my cousin who is a respiratory therapist and she knew I had fluid on the lungs, (from an older scan) so she is explaining the process to me and she is like, you really get it done…

The next thing I know my nurse comes into my room and says you are getting a pleural effusion.  I’m like “huh”? She then shows me the x-ray and proceeds to wheel me to the other part of the hospital for the procedure.


So of course my phone loses service, end of conversation. So after the procedure was done, I sent her a text and said something the effect, sorry for just dropping totally out of conversation but I got it done! We were both pretty tickled.  image


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Nick my man....

    You definitely have my prayers and are in my thoughts...

    Hang on to that faith brother, stay positive and know you are blessed...


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    dear nick, i'm so sorry that

    dear nick, i'm so sorry that problems keep finding their way to you.  saying many prayers for you to get well.  also praying for strength for your family.  please keep us posted. 

    God bless you, Nick!


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Bless you


    I am sorry to read about your condition.

    My thoughts  and prayers are with you.


  • j4mie
    j4mie Member Posts: 218
    Sending prayers

    Praying for you and your family Nick. I'm happy to hear that you are breathing better now that some fluid has been drained. 


  • KB56
    KB56 Member Posts: 318 Member

    Nick, I read your CSN profile and it looks as though you have been fighting the fight for a long time.   i was diagnosed in April 2013 with tonsil cancer, and then had the chemo/radiation, so I can only relate to a small fraction of what you have been through.  I admire your strength and wit, and fighting spirit as you continue the battle.   As you said in your profile, you fight not for yourself but for your wife and three children and may their strength and love give you all the strength you need.  

    I am am sending all the prayer and positive energy I can muster to you as you continue to fight.   

    All the best,



  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member


    Thanks for the update even though it is not so rosy. I have been wondering(worrying) about you as you have not posted for awhile. You are one tough dude and have an incredible spirit in facing the struggles you face each day. Hang in there and keep up the good fight. Only the best wishes for you and your loved ones. Don

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    You are an amazing strong and full of faith....a cancer azz-kicker.  Keeping you tucked in my pocket, and sending prayers and positive thoughts.....oh, and a big hug, too!!

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    You are definately in my

    You are definately in my prayers. Be strong in the Lord.


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Prayers and only positives !


    Faith and hope, yes I too strongly BELIEVE in both of these.  You are a wonderful, strong young man !  Keep up the good fight Nick, and my thoughts go with you and your family at this time !  Hugs sent !  Katie

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Prayers and only positives !


    Faith and hope, yes I too strongly BELIEVE in both of these.  You are a wonderful, strong young man !  Keep up the good fight Nick, and my thoughts go with you and your family at this time !  Hugs sent !  Katie

    Heartfelt prayers

    Heartfelt prayers coming your way. Your faith and spirit are an inspiration to all of us. I remind you of my cousin who had mets melanoma including liver. He did a clinical trial and today, 8 years later, remains cancer free. Faith and prayers, Nick, faith and prayers.

    God Bless,


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913


    You are in my thought and prayers...I'm sending those prayers mixed with some MOJO! Stay're putting up a good fight. God bless you and your family.
