Chime in - if you wish

My husband has sme serious back issues now. Spinal Stenosis, lumbar fracture and a bulging disc.

He was fine before cancer treatment, after that he has had a slew of health problems. The latest is the back.

I am blaming the chemotherapy drugs for the bone deterioration. Here is a list of health problems from the past 3 years.

BOT Cancer - Rads & Cisplatin then Carboplatin and something else I think Taxol - at least 3-4 hospital stays during treatment

Hear Valve Infection - IV antibiotics for 3 weeks

Full body inflammatory disease - 1 year of steroids

back problems



  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    The Gift that just keeps giving


    One thing about Cancer treatment, if the Cancer doesn’t kill you the treatment will. But everyday I look up and thank God for one more day and one day at a time.


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    arndog64, sorry to hear your

    arndog64, sorry to hear your husband is not doing so well.  especially the back pain, i can relate to that only i don't think mine is from tx.  i'm praying for a better and pain free 2014 for him.  let us know how he's doing.  have you seen a spine doctor.  sometimes they are more help than an orthopedic (sp).  good luck.

    God bless you,


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Chime Time


    At 21 months post, I am still adjusting to the new-normal.  My body has not thrown in the towel, yet, but it is a slow, back in forth duel on taste, saliva, neck pain, slight headache, rather thick watery eyes, edema, fatigue, all of which I had none of before.

    Now if back problems arise, I’ll let you know as that would be the frosting on the cake.

    Doing alright in Albany, Oregon (36 degrees),


  • arndog64
    arndog64 Member Posts: 537
    CivilMatt said:

    Chime Time


    At 21 months post, I am still adjusting to the new-normal.  My body has not thrown in the towel, yet, but it is a slow, back in forth duel on taste, saliva, neck pain, slight headache, rather thick watery eyes, edema, fatigue, all of which I had none of before.

    Now if back problems arise, I’ll let you know as that would be the frosting on the cake.

    Doing alright in Albany, Oregon (36 degrees),


    My husbands spirits are

    My husbands spirits are great. He is just rolling with the punches. Right now, he is doing the shots. The first one helped a little for about 2 weeks.

    I see surgery in his future. It's just making that big decision to have someone mess with your back and spinal column. He's afraid he will never be the same again after surgery.

    I think I have heard more horror stories regarding back problems than good stories. We shall see.  Thanks for caring everyone..


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    arndog64 said:

    My husbands spirits are

    My husbands spirits are great. He is just rolling with the punches. Right now, he is doing the shots. The first one helped a little for about 2 weeks.

    I see surgery in his future. It's just making that big decision to have someone mess with your back and spinal column. He's afraid he will never be the same again after surgery.

    I think I have heard more horror stories regarding back problems than good stories. We shall see.  Thanks for caring everyone..


    not trying to sway your

    not trying to sway your decision but i've heard horror stories also.  my sister for one, had bad back pain, had surgery, been worse off ever since.  just make sure you have a damn good doctor, get recommendations for medical sites and any friends who may have gone thru it already.  wishing your husband the best.

    God bless you,


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    arndog64 said:

    My husbands spirits are

    My husbands spirits are great. He is just rolling with the punches. Right now, he is doing the shots. The first one helped a little for about 2 weeks.

    I see surgery in his future. It's just making that big decision to have someone mess with your back and spinal column. He's afraid he will never be the same again after surgery.

    I think I have heard more horror stories regarding back problems than good stories. We shall see.  Thanks for caring everyone..


    Horror Stories..

    Like mentioned above...

    I believe that I have heard far more horror stories after back surgery than before...


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    arndog64 said:

    My husbands spirits are

    My husbands spirits are great. He is just rolling with the punches. Right now, he is doing the shots. The first one helped a little for about 2 weeks.

    I see surgery in his future. It's just making that big decision to have someone mess with your back and spinal column. He's afraid he will never be the same again after surgery.

    I think I have heard more horror stories regarding back problems than good stories. We shall see.  Thanks for caring everyone..


    Living through the Pain

    I have two bulging disk at the L4 & L5 and had a lot of pain from it. My doctors has me on Tramadol for the pain, if it gets really bad he will give me an injection. It takes time to heal and I am on light duty and have been for the last 14 years. He told me that Surgery would only give me a 50/50 chance of a full recovery. I did not like the odds so he has been just treatment me for it as I need. I have found help by going to a Chiropractor, but you have to be carful when going to a Chiropractor after Cancer treatment to the Head & Neck. My Chiropractor will not adjust anything above the shoulders do to radiation. But he does have a new device I call it a little Jack Hammer that he uses on my Neck and back bone. To me it is not as good as an old time adjustment but is does help. Just be carful and make sure your Chiropractor knows how to work on people with H&N cancer.


    God Bless

    Tim Hondo

  • MarineE5
    MarineE5 Member Posts: 1,035 Member
    Spinal Stenosis


    I can only add a few things that have helped me with my Spinal Stenosis. First, I did have it before my Radiation, but found it to be worse afterwards, why? I am not sure. I had a Pet Scan done for my Surgeon of H & N and then after viewing the Scan was directed to a Back Surgeon. I was told that I had very bad Spinal Stenosis. What he said was bad didn't seem to bother me much at the time. He said I should be in pain, but I wasn't. Some discomfort in my lower back and aching legs are a sign.

    I did some reading on it as I am with many on the surgery part of this on the Back. My Dad had surgery on his back back in the 60's and he was never able to stand up straight again. Back to what I read. We need to make our Core stronger, stomach that is, so some sort of exercise is in order to make those stomach muscles stronger and take the pressure off of the back. I hate crunches, so I now lay on my back and do leg exercises to tighten my stomach. I do a standing crunch, where I cross my arms and bend over half way and straighten up doing 15 reps.

    I also read that having a recliner to sit in verses a regular chair is better for a person with Spinal Stenosis as the pressure is not on the Disc so much when resting in a recliner. My wife took me to a store a couple of years ago and got me a nice one and it has helped.

    My Best to Both of You and Everyone Here

  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    As Marine E5 said, work those

    As Marine E5 said, work those core muscles. I know of one person who had successful spine surgery and numerous who had bad. I have back problems and the doc always sends me to physical therapy. They give me core exercizes to do and the pain goes away until I stop exercises. Praying for pain relief.
