Ready to get this done-surgery tomorrow the 30th!!

Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member

Ready, set, go, be gone Tumor! Seems like I've been waiting forever.

Drinking my magnesium citrate..yum!

How long can I expect to be in hospital? Doc said 1-3 days? 

Oh how I hope he can do this lap incisions & not open. I had abdominal lap incisions before, but mostly above navel. I did very well post surgery. But I also have a vertical incision below navel. Oh well I am 2nd surgery of day @ 2pm the 30th. Praying for my doc today! Can't wait to tell u oh how it went.




  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    Good luck

    sending you only good wishes; post as soon as you are able.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    You should be on your road to recovery by the time next year rolls along.The surgery is anything  but fun, but is needed to get rhat little bugger out. A couple of days in the hospital, a week on the couch and gradually feeling ok by about 6 weeks although not yet ready for strenuous stuff. No 2 recoveries are identicak, but this scenerio is the mean for those of us with small tumors.


    And than the scans which are very important for you because of possable issues with your other Kidney.


    Please save the New Year celabrating for aother few weeks at least.



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    I have been thinking about

    I have been thinking about you, Jan. 

    I am sure you have spent New Years Eve better ways before! I was in the hospital 3 nights. Hoping for you that it is lap surgery. Hang tough, take care of yourself. Hope you will be feeling great in no time!

    Keep us posted!

    You are in my thoughts and prayers!




  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240

    Jan I will be praying for you and all will come out well with your surgery.  good luck to you.  I was in hospital for 3 nights when i had my surgery and done well. Post and let us know as soon as u r able.  

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    brea588 said:

    Jan I will be praying for you and all will come out well with your surgery.  good luck to you.  I was in hospital for 3 nights when i had my surgery and done well. Post and let us know as soon as u r able.  

    Jan, wishing you an easy

    Jan, wishing you an easy recovery... and holler at us when you are up to it...  take the drugs... they do help...


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    GSRon said:

    Jan, wishing you an easy

    Jan, wishing you an easy recovery... and holler at us when you are up to it...  take the drugs... they do help...


    good for you!

    I'm happy that you are having surgery. We (that means you) can recover from ANY cut job. Our bodies have a knack for healing. So, I don't worry about the procedure. I also expect some discomfort but I say ,"Bring it on!!!" What an opportunity to move forward. Do well my friend. Happy New Year!

  • tonib
    tonib Member Posts: 33
    Will keep you and your docs

    Will keep you and your docs in my prayers!

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    Surgery Day!

    Hi Jan, the long wait is over at last, I know what that's like I waited six endless weeks! All the best with the surgery today, I am sure they will manage to do the lap incision. I have had several laporoscopic surgeries,my recent Surgeon advised me that they may have to revert to open. Fortunately they found a whole area that had not been mined yet. I am sure your Surgeon will too!

    We will be thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers today. What a good clean start to the New Year and new beginnings:)


    Djinnie xx

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    you'll do fine

    Jan, so glad your wait is almost over!   

    I was in hospital 2 nights.  Mine was a lap.  If you end up having an open procedure, I think your stay will be longer.  I didn't feel a thing during surgery, of course but waking up was a different story.  No pain or discomfort in regards to the incision but my back was hurting pretty bad.  Nothing the pain meds can't handle tho, so absolutely use them.  Overall, it really was a relatively easy surgery to recover from.  I've had MUCH worse.  You will do fine, you'll see.

    I'll be lifting you in prayer and anxiously awaiting your post-op post.  No hurries tho, just focus on recovery and drinking plenty of water and doing a whole lot of absolutely nothing for a good while.


    Send hugs your way


  • Eims
    Eims Member Posts: 423
    New year and New start Jan,

    New year and New start Jan, you can do this and sending lots of get well wishes x


  • Frank302
    Frank302 Member Posts: 71
    Eims said:

    New year and New start Jan,

    New year and New start Jan, you can do this and sending lots of get well wishes x


    Hi Jan

    I'm thinking about you and rooting for you on your big day . I'm sure all will go well .

    I had a lap kidney removal . My surgery was early in the morning , I spent one night in the hospitol and was home late the next day .

    I would have done only one thing differently . I had over 100 miles to travel from the hospitol to home and if I had it to do over again I would  take a extra pain med when I left the hospitol . Getting out of the car was a little on the rough side . After that some pain meds for five days and I was good to go . In a kind of subdued way for a couple of weeks . 

  • karl2012k
    karl2012k Member Posts: 6

    Hi. I was in hospital for a day , I went in at 7.30 went in for operation radical nephrectomy 9 am in surgery for 5 hrs, then on ward and was discharged at 7 pm. It was painful. However I was determined to go home. I took painkillers every 4 hrs the following morning I was putting washing in and cleaning wooden floor, very slowly. I was in pain for about 5 days then back in gym in 2 weeks. I had a radical nephrectomy to remove my kidney, my adrenal gland lymph nodes as it had metasizised and removal of surrounding fat.

    my only bad experince was the surgeon who treated me was so arrogant he got the type of camer /cancers wrong so I transferred hosp to cancer hospital and received ongoing treatment and support. Excellent hosp the Christie hospital. Where I wS actually diagnosed with 3 types of cancer stage 3 , that was just over 2 years ago, stay positive you will beat it. I can never be given the all clear but cancer will not beat me. 

    Good luck stay positive and get up and about as soon as you can , we are all different listen to your body. I wish you all the luck and wish you a very speedy recovery. Xx

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    thinking of you

    Jan, I hope you are resting well, knocked out on good meds right about now.  I'm sure surgery went well and you will have an uneventful recovery. 



  • cran1
    cran1 Member Posts: 139
    Hope the surgery went well

    Hope the surgery went well Jan.