Merry Christmas - I miss you all!

Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

This January will be my 2 year mark with clear and clean scans / checkups from my stage III throat cancer. There is no way I can express how much I love every day with my family. You spend many days going through treatments looking at the faces of your children, you spend many moments answering question from worried little faces like "dad, will you die in a month"? or "dad, how old will I be when you die"? or even "are you going to die?" You can't possibly answer that question anyway but honestly, and that answer was always along the lines "we just don't know yet son" and then of course that answer is followed up with much love and encouragement to "hold strong and pray". 

We did. We made it and we are thankful to the Lord, doctors, nurses and family, friends, employer and all who helped us reach today. 

This post is more about those who are my friends / fellow Head & Neck warriors who are not with us today. I remember a friend of mine who many of my fellow warriors corresponded with on a cancer forum, he had two young boys, he did not want to leave them, but today he is not with his family. He passed away less than a year after his diagnosis. And there are more, too many more. His online name was Barefoot Bob. Today I want you to know I think of you and all those others who I wish I could list, but just cannot. I whispered a prayer for you all and your families who will miss you this Christmas. I trust they are well and holding up. I will continue to live life to the fullest and appreciate what I have and I will do it for you all as well as myself and family. Because "if" I ever must leave this world by way of cancer earlier than I want, I want those who have beat cancer to "carry on" I want you to live to the fullest and throw back in the face of cancer that there are those of us who were not taken for whatever reason. 

Thoughts of love to all those families. You are not forgotten nor are those of you who are currently going through treatments!  Hang tough!  

Tim Cogdill 
Stage III Throat Cancer Survivor


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    sounds from Idaho


    Hello Tim,

    I see you still have love in your heart.   It is nice to hear you are turning 2-years post, it will be March for me.

    I think our emotions run high this time of year for our H&N family, this is an unplanned trip of a life time.

    Hope the family is all well and you have some good answers to their questions.

    Merry Christmas,



  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Keep on hunting, loving the family and friends...., working hard and living harder.

    You too are friend and family...


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Tim


    Thanks for remembering our brothers & sisters who are no longer with us anymore. This year was a very rough year as I lost many friends to C, and my own health taking another dip again. But from all of us who are still here we must continue to support others just coming to this site. It has and always will be the best place to come for information and a caring family of survivors.


    God Bless my friend

    Tim Hondo

  • KTeacher
    KTeacher Member Posts: 1,103 Member
    We miss you too!

    Merry Christmas and Healthy New Year to you and your family.  We miss you too, but glad that you are living life to the fullest and having a wonderful time with your family.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    Tim, it is sooooo good to

    Tim, it is sooooo good to hear from you.  Wishing you and your wonderful family a Merry Christmas and a blessed, happy, and healthy New Year!

    God bless you,


  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Glad to hear from you!!!


    So nice to hear from you. Glad you and the family are doing well. Been wondering how life has been for you. Thank you for checking in from time to time.

    Kreg's 1 year since dx was August and since tx ended was end of we are into our second year. Praying to keep all things clean and clear. 

    Hope you you and your family had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year too!

    God Bless,


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    i love deer

    Hey Tim,

    So glad to hear you are doing so well and fit. Send me some of those extra deer you drag home! Glad to hear all is well with your family too. How is your Mom adjusting to the cold?

    Take care and Happy New Year,


  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hello Tim !

    I would never in a zillion yrs. expected to have been touched by so many other lives since my dxing back in 2011.  You among so many others have proven to be my light in the dark.  CSA and ACCOI have become family to me, and I feel the successes with much elation. and the defeats with deepest sorrow.  Prayers and advocacy for H/N dx's is all I can do to pay it forward.  Gods speed Tim for a wonderful 2014 for your family and ours !  Hugs sent !  Katie 

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Hello Tim !

    I would never in a zillion yrs. expected to have been touched by so many other lives since my dxing back in 2011.  You among so many others have proven to be my light in the dark.  CSA and ACCOI have become family to me, and I feel the successes with much elation. and the defeats with deepest sorrow.  Prayers and advocacy for H/N dx's is all I can do to pay it forward.  Gods speed Tim for a wonderful 2014 for your family and ours !  Hugs sent !  Katie 


    So happy to hear of your well-being. The 2 year mark is huge so congrats! Miss your positive input and caring ways but am ever so glad to see that you and your family are moving forward. Just a quick update, I had a recurrance t 15 months out. Tumor wrapped around carotid and jugular. Lost hope in STL, went to Mayo and had SBRT tx (targeted radiation). Five days no side effects to speak of. Went for results 2 weeks ago. PET showed original tumor gone but sadly, another on opposite side. I can get SBRT again and I will. But, first, I will undergo more chemo because it appears there are microscopic cells out there. So far, localized to head/neck area. No signs of mets at this time. Biospy on 1st recurrance showed it was same as original cancer in jaw. Overall, I still feel good.

    Continued prayers for you and your family. 

    God Bless,
