I'm taking care of the hair issue next week...

My hair is so think it's pretty much transparent.  It's still coming out in handfuls.  I can't pull it up or back because you can see my scalp if I do.  I'm cutting it OFF next week.  Short, almost buzzed.  I'm going to try starting over since the docs don't understand WHY it's coming out so crazy.  I'm looking forward to it because it's looking pretty bad right now.  I bought a couple of cute beanie hats.  Maybe it will grow back nicer :)


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I cut mine off, too...

    not because it was thinning, but because after sitting in the chemo rooms for 5 1/2 months, I saw how over-rated hair can be....those cute close cropped hair styles of the other ladies in the room grew on me....now I spend about 7 minutes a day on it....wash it, put goop on it, mess it up and let it dry Laughing.

    You know, once your move is accomplished, and you're all settled into your new house.....treatment isn't fresh in your mind, your hair might just come back in like it used to be....stress can cause hair loss.

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    I cut mine off, too...

    not because it was thinning, but because after sitting in the chemo rooms for 5 1/2 months, I saw how over-rated hair can be....those cute close cropped hair styles of the other ladies in the room grew on me....now I spend about 7 minutes a day on it....wash it, put goop on it, mess it up and let it dry Laughing.

    You know, once your move is accomplished, and you're all settled into your new house.....treatment isn't fresh in your mind, your hair might just come back in like it used to be....stress can cause hair loss.

    That's what I was thinking,

    too, P.  It's going to be a fresh start...even with my hair!  :)  My best friend asked if I was upset about it all falling out, and honestly...I'm not.  Hair is very over rated in the grand scheme of things! 

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

    That's what I was thinking,

    too, P.  It's going to be a fresh start...even with my hair!  :)  My best friend asked if I was upset about it all falling out, and honestly...I'm not.  Hair is very over rated in the grand scheme of things! 


    My daughter's hair has fallen out & grown back several times in the last 5+ years, depending on which chemo she is on & it breaks her heart each time. It comes out in clumps, so she has her stepsister(a hairdresser) buzz it. She has scarves, wigs, & headwraps to get her through it. Remember, it's only hair & will grow back.

    Luv Ya,


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    wolfen said:


    My daughter's hair has fallen out & grown back several times in the last 5+ years, depending on which chemo she is on & it breaks her heart each time. It comes out in clumps, so she has her stepsister(a hairdresser) buzz it. She has scarves, wigs, & headwraps to get her through it. Remember, it's only hair & will grow back.

    Luv Ya,



    Years ago, mine thinned allot too. I saw a doctor who attributed it to stress. Think he was right as it cured itself. Mayo sent two chemo options for me. I saw my new ONC in STL yesterday and am opting for the tx with hair loss and acne in place of nausea, mouth sores and diarreha. I think I will get mine cut to an inch or two before it starts coming out. I've worn a ponytail for years, just won't feel like myself without it but feel like it is the lessor of two evils. I can't think of anything this far past tx that would cause your hair loss other than stress. I'm sure it will grow back thicker for you. 

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    boys too!

    Once it fell out, I decided to keep it short too. I got P beat - doing my hair takes 15 seconds. :-)

  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member
    I'm Afraid

    <<<<< I'm not qualified to talk about hair ;)

    Positive thoughts



  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    fishmanpa said:

    I'm Afraid

    <<<<< I'm not qualified to talk about hair ;)

    Positive thoughts



    hee hee

    I think that T-Man wins this round.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Here’s to short, cute hair today with better hair days tomorrow.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Ingrid K said:

    hee hee

    I think that T-Man wins this round.

    hard to beat hairless!

    Yes indeed. "T" wins the washing hair contest. I did bald for a couple months then decided to let it "grow out". Maybe once the weather warms up, I 'll grab the shaver. lol

  • Ingrid K
    Ingrid K Member Posts: 813
    donfoo said:

    hard to beat hairless!

    Yes indeed. "T" wins the washing hair contest. I did bald for a couple months then decided to let it "grow out". Maybe once the weather warms up, I 'll grab the shaver. lol

    saves on shampoo


    definitely need to keep it growing out for winter cover and a little heat.

    Or I will knit you a hat.

  • CathyHorner
    CathyHorner Member Posts: 29

    My friends hair came back beautiful after treatment was done!

    My hair was down to my waist but I cut it short just before I started treatment just in case. Never lost any but glad I did cut it since it was easier to take care of. I'll grow it long again, especially once I get rid of my trache.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716


    My friends hair came back beautiful after treatment was done!

    My hair was down to my waist but I cut it short just before I started treatment just in case. Never lost any but glad I did cut it since it was easier to take care of. I'll grow it long again, especially once I get rid of my trache.

    You're going to

    post a pic of your new hair, aren't ya?  You're going to LOVE it!!


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    You're going to

    post a pic of your new hair, aren't ya?  You're going to LOVE it!!



    Wondering if Tracy ever saw your old photo? You certainly had a beautiful head of hair but definitely cute now too.

  • TracyLynn72
    TracyLynn72 Member Posts: 839

    You're going to

    post a pic of your new hair, aren't ya?  You're going to LOVE it!!



    I will definitely post a before/after picture.  One with long hair and no teeth and then one with my new 'do and new teeth! ;)  haha

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member


    I will definitely post a before/after picture.  One with long hair and no teeth and then one with my new 'do and new teeth! ;)  haha


    Looking forward...


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member


    My friends hair came back beautiful after treatment was done!

    My hair was down to my waist but I cut it short just before I started treatment just in case. Never lost any but glad I did cut it since it was easier to take care of. I'll grow it long again, especially once I get rid of my trache.

    mop a hair

    The chemo had a strange effect on my hair. Instead of falling out, it grew like weeds. Me and my Dad on his 93rd bday a couple months back. He played all 18 holes! sorry about the fuzzy image, came off my new mouse pad. lol


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    donfoo said:

    mop a hair

    The chemo had a strange effect on my hair. Instead of falling out, it grew like weeds. Me and my Dad on his 93rd bday a couple months back. He played all 18 holes! sorry about the fuzzy image, came off my new mouse pad. lol


    93!!  that's simply

    93!!  that's simply awesome!!  nice pic don, thx for sharing.

    God bless you,


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    donfoo said:

    mop a hair

    The chemo had a strange effect on my hair. Instead of falling out, it grew like weeds. Me and my Dad on his 93rd bday a couple months back. He played all 18 holes! sorry about the fuzzy image, came off my new mouse pad. lol


    LOL Don....

    When I was in Carmel, I tried on one of those hats and had hair just like you!! Laughing....actually we all tried on those hats and had hair like yours....I laughed till I had to sit down to prevent an accident.
