Back from Seeing my Surgeon!

Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

Apparently my local Hospitals review of last weeks scan was both correct and incorrect. I do have three new growths but they are not on the kidney. They are above the kidney and below the liver, they have a blood supply and in total are just over 2cm. They are not cysts! and they have grown since September! My Surgeon tells me this is rare, he has no previous experience of this. I just love it when Doctors say that to you!

I have an appointment for Boxing Day, 26th to see the Radiologist in Vannes. I am going to have yet another scan in preparation for three biopsies, these will be done on the 6th January, deep joy!

So I am going to have to be patient, not one of my better virtues! I will probably have no conclusive news until mid January.

Anyway! I am taking a day off from this tomorrow, I am just going to enjoy my Christmas:)

Merry Christmas to you all:)

Djinnie xx



  • Eims
    Eims Member Posts: 423
    djinnie we are here for you

    djinnie we are here for you xxx

  • izzycohen
    izzycohen Member Posts: 80
    Enjoy your Christmas

    Enjoy the holiday and your family.  We'll deal with these issues Thursday.  Thinking of you, Djinnie.  Merry Christmas.




  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    You're in my thoughts

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Djinnie!  Kudos to you for not letting this steal your Christmas joy.  You are a strong woman and I admire you so much.  Will keep you in my prayers.




  • TillieSOK
    TillieSOK Member Posts: 252
    Well, poo!  I was hoping that

    Well, poo!  I was hoping that the visit would result in " what the &/@# were they talking about?!  There's nothing there!"  Hang in there and as said above...we'll take care of it after Christmas.  In the meantime, have a wonderful holiday and know that you will be fine! Love and hugs.

  • I am alive
    I am alive Member Posts: 315
    Jeesh. If it'snot one thing,

    Jeesh. If it'snot one thing, it's another. Our lot in life. I really  admire your guts and determination not to let this cloud ruin your holidays. Until you know exactly what's going on try not to think about it much. (Piece of cake, right?) You'll put it out of your head tomorrow and then try again the next day and the next day, as much as you can. I know, that's a gargantuan feat. But we're here pulling for you! Merry Christmas & Happy, Healthy New Year!

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Atta girl, Djinnie!

    Enjoy your Christmas. I know that waiting is hard. Thinking about you!



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Atta girl, Djinnie!

    Enjoy your Christmas. I know that waiting is hard. Thinking about you!




    those growths seem pretty small to biopsy. I'd tell them to just take the growths out. Tout suite. I've got some spare tupper ware containers so that you can keep all of your parts neatly stored away. If you are like me, you are not half the person you were years ago. ..Take a piece from here, another piece from there, a chunk from over here, a slab from down gets to the point when people ask you where you are going the first response is " To pathology."  Janis Joplin recorded our theme song years ago with, "Take another piece of my heart now baby.." I understand that Djinnie in french means swiss cheese. Am I wrong? It's just more crap to go through. Right? Unless you also are planning a trip to Hawaii, january just plain sucks. Now you've got something to keep you occupied. Who says cancer isn't fun?

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    foxhd said:


    those growths seem pretty small to biopsy. I'd tell them to just take the growths out. Tout suite. I've got some spare tupper ware containers so that you can keep all of your parts neatly stored away. If you are like me, you are not half the person you were years ago. ..Take a piece from here, another piece from there, a chunk from over here, a slab from down gets to the point when people ask you where you are going the first response is " To pathology."  Janis Joplin recorded our theme song years ago with, "Take another piece of my heart now baby.." I understand that Djinnie in french means swiss cheese. Am I wrong? It's just more crap to go through. Right? Unless you also are planning a trip to Hawaii, january just plain sucks. Now you've got something to keep you occupied. Who says cancer isn't fun?

    I agree with the Heavy Duty

    I agree with the Heavy Duty guy.. use one of the less invasive techniques or just cut them out and move forward.  If they are growing then they need to be annexed.. one way or another... they can do all the look see crap after they are removed..!


  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476
    foxhd said:


    those growths seem pretty small to biopsy. I'd tell them to just take the growths out. Tout suite. I've got some spare tupper ware containers so that you can keep all of your parts neatly stored away. If you are like me, you are not half the person you were years ago. ..Take a piece from here, another piece from there, a chunk from over here, a slab from down gets to the point when people ask you where you are going the first response is " To pathology."  Janis Joplin recorded our theme song years ago with, "Take another piece of my heart now baby.." I understand that Djinnie in french means swiss cheese. Am I wrong? It's just more crap to go through. Right? Unless you also are planning a trip to Hawaii, january just plain sucks. Now you've got something to keep you occupied. Who says cancer isn't fun?

    Agree with Fox

    Take em out then the pathologists can biopsy them to their hearts content

  • brea588
    brea588 Member Posts: 240
    Merry Christmas

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas day and enjoyed all of the festivities.  Now on the journey again with more scans , biopsies and as Fox said  something to do in January during the winter month.  Wishing you all the best and the best outcomes.  Thinking of you.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    sorry for all you are going

    sorry for all you are going through. I hope you were able to enjoy your Christmas somehow. Know that I will be thinking of you. Agree with the rest, get those critters out of there.

    Let us know how you're doing, ok?

    Hugs, Jan

  • mrs_blkjak
    mrs_blkjak Member Posts: 103
    I hate having to be patient

    I hate having to be patient with medical stuff. I'm sorry you are going through this. 

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

    I hate having to be patient

    I hate having to be patient with medical stuff. I'm sorry you are going through this. 

    Thanks for the support and advice!

    I enjoyed my Christmas Day thanks! Hope you all did too! Boxing Day was not such a treat though! We had a long chat with the Radiologist who is scheduled to do the biopsy. He had been asked to study my previous scans by my Surgeon. It seems there are two growths, at a certain angle it looked like three. The larger growth is 2.4 cm, they are wedged between the kidney scar and the liver. Also I am now told that I  have problems with the lymph nodes in my chest, no one past that bit of info on before!

    We discussed my concerns over having a biopsy, obviously my body has created a protective barrier around these growths for good reason. Perforating the capsule can cause spillage, why would I want to risk that!! They tell me they have to do this to find out what they are dealing with. Well! How many things could it be?  I am sure with a bit of logic we can narrow this down!.... The Doctor says that spillage is unlikely so there is no risk, well not to him maybe! so they will not budge on this procedure!

    After burying my head in a bottle of red and a tin of Quality Street yesterday, it was decided that I was left with little choice. However! Since having a good old chat with myself in the bathroom mirror this morning, i've had a change of heart, of course I have a bloody choice! I am not sure exactly what the full extent of it is yet but I will have to find out!

    As a side note, I had been trying to focus on anything but this over Christmas. We went last minute grocery shopping on Christmas Eve. I was dithering at the cheese counter so my husband grabbed the list and went off to get the veg. He soon returned saying " I have everything bar one, they are all out of these " pointing to the list I had written 1lb of small tumours, lol! Fortunately he had bought tomatoes instead! Can't fool the subconcious!


    Djinnie xx

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Djinnie said:

    Thanks for the support and advice!

    I enjoyed my Christmas Day thanks! Hope you all did too! Boxing Day was not such a treat though! We had a long chat with the Radiologist who is scheduled to do the biopsy. He had been asked to study my previous scans by my Surgeon. It seems there are two growths, at a certain angle it looked like three. The larger growth is 2.4 cm, they are wedged between the kidney scar and the liver. Also I am now told that I  have problems with the lymph nodes in my chest, no one past that bit of info on before!

    We discussed my concerns over having a biopsy, obviously my body has created a protective barrier around these growths for good reason. Perforating the capsule can cause spillage, why would I want to risk that!! They tell me they have to do this to find out what they are dealing with. Well! How many things could it be?  I am sure with a bit of logic we can narrow this down!.... The Doctor says that spillage is unlikely so there is no risk, well not to him maybe! so they will not budge on this procedure!

    After burying my head in a bottle of red and a tin of Quality Street yesterday, it was decided that I was left with little choice. However! Since having a good old chat with myself in the bathroom mirror this morning, i've had a change of heart, of course I have a bloody choice! I am not sure exactly what the full extent of it is yet but I will have to find out!

    As a side note, I had been trying to focus on anything but this over Christmas. We went last minute grocery shopping on Christmas Eve. I was dithering at the cheese counter so my husband grabbed the list and went off to get the veg. He soon returned saying " I have everything bar one, they are all out of these " pointing to the list I had written 1lb of small tumours, lol! Fortunately he had bought tomatoes instead! Can't fool the subconcious!


    Djinnie xx

    Ah Dj... sounds like you are

    Ah Dj... sounds like you are taking control...  but, where is the Oncoligist..?  If the nodes are involved, doesn;t that tell the tale..?  Glad you could put it all on the "shelf" for a bit and enjoy life...



  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member
    GSRon said:

    Ah Dj... sounds like you are

    Ah Dj... sounds like you are taking control...  but, where is the Oncoligist..?  If the nodes are involved, doesn;t that tell the tale..?  Glad you could put it all on the "shelf" for a bit and enjoy life...



    It's all French to me?

    Hi Ron, That's the point we keep making, over here the Oncologist sits looking over the Surgeons shoulder! so the Surgeon runs everything by him and the team. I prefer to get the information from the horses mouth even if it is in French!

    We are sorting out a game plan today, I intend to get another MRI and once I have the results circumnavigate this process to get to an Oncologist.

    Djinnie x

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Djinnie said:

    It's all French to me?

    Hi Ron, That's the point we keep making, over here the Oncologist sits looking over the Surgeons shoulder! so the Surgeon runs everything by him and the team. I prefer to get the information from the horses mouth even if it is in French!

    We are sorting out a game plan today, I intend to get another MRI and once I have the results circumnavigate this process to get to an Oncologist.

    Djinnie x

    Oh I get it now... so the

    Oh I get it now... so the Oncologist gets to hide behind the Surgeon's knife..... booo...

    Ron Cool

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    Djinnie said:

    Thanks for the support and advice!

    I enjoyed my Christmas Day thanks! Hope you all did too! Boxing Day was not such a treat though! We had a long chat with the Radiologist who is scheduled to do the biopsy. He had been asked to study my previous scans by my Surgeon. It seems there are two growths, at a certain angle it looked like three. The larger growth is 2.4 cm, they are wedged between the kidney scar and the liver. Also I am now told that I  have problems with the lymph nodes in my chest, no one past that bit of info on before!

    We discussed my concerns over having a biopsy, obviously my body has created a protective barrier around these growths for good reason. Perforating the capsule can cause spillage, why would I want to risk that!! They tell me they have to do this to find out what they are dealing with. Well! How many things could it be?  I am sure with a bit of logic we can narrow this down!.... The Doctor says that spillage is unlikely so there is no risk, well not to him maybe! so they will not budge on this procedure!

    After burying my head in a bottle of red and a tin of Quality Street yesterday, it was decided that I was left with little choice. However! Since having a good old chat with myself in the bathroom mirror this morning, i've had a change of heart, of course I have a bloody choice! I am not sure exactly what the full extent of it is yet but I will have to find out!

    As a side note, I had been trying to focus on anything but this over Christmas. We went last minute grocery shopping on Christmas Eve. I was dithering at the cheese counter so my husband grabbed the list and went off to get the veg. He soon returned saying " I have everything bar one, they are all out of these " pointing to the list I had written 1lb of small tumours, lol! Fortunately he had bought tomatoes instead! Can't fool the subconcious!


    Djinnie xx

    I hate to hear this

    Djinnie, this just makes me sick to think how scary this must be for you. 

    I think the advice you gave yourself in the mirror was excellent advice and I'm glad you are listening to your instincts.  You're right, how many things can this be?  If there were even the remote chance a biopsy could result in spillage, I personnally would opt out.  Postitively identifying it probably doesn't change the course of treatment so why risk it?  My oncologist recently told me of a case of spillage when a tumor ruptured during a neph.  He said the OR report indicated the patient had been flushed 15 times with saline prior to being closed up.  Sadly, she had wide spread in a short period of time and lost her battle.  Onc said they would never know if the burst tumor spread the cancer everywhere or if her cancer had just been that agressive.  Too risky in my opinion.

    I hope your doctor's come up with a different game plan.  Having said that, we both know our doctors do these procedures over and over and most are very good at what they do.  They know the risk of spillage and the dangers of spillage.  Nothing comes without certain risk.  If you do have to have biopsy, chances are, you'll do beautifully.   Besides, the doctor did tell me spillage almost never happens. 

    I'm sorry but, I had to laugh out loud at your 1lb of small tumors on your shopping list!  That's when you know you've got too much on your mind!  Try to relax...maybe a glass of red will help.  Unless ofcourse, you're having a procedure soon. 

    Will be praying for you my friend! 

  • Djinnie
    Djinnie Member Posts: 945 Member

    I hate to hear this

    Djinnie, this just makes me sick to think how scary this must be for you. 

    I think the advice you gave yourself in the mirror was excellent advice and I'm glad you are listening to your instincts.  You're right, how many things can this be?  If there were even the remote chance a biopsy could result in spillage, I personnally would opt out.  Postitively identifying it probably doesn't change the course of treatment so why risk it?  My oncologist recently told me of a case of spillage when a tumor ruptured during a neph.  He said the OR report indicated the patient had been flushed 15 times with saline prior to being closed up.  Sadly, she had wide spread in a short period of time and lost her battle.  Onc said they would never know if the burst tumor spread the cancer everywhere or if her cancer had just been that agressive.  Too risky in my opinion.

    I hope your doctor's come up with a different game plan.  Having said that, we both know our doctors do these procedures over and over and most are very good at what they do.  They know the risk of spillage and the dangers of spillage.  Nothing comes without certain risk.  If you do have to have biopsy, chances are, you'll do beautifully.   Besides, the doctor did tell me spillage almost never happens. 

    I'm sorry but, I had to laugh out loud at your 1lb of small tumors on your shopping list!  That's when you know you've got too much on your mind!  Try to relax...maybe a glass of red will help.  Unless ofcourse, you're having a procedure soon. 

    Will be praying for you my friend! 


    Hey Twinnie, thanks for the message! I have to say the whole thing has turned out to be a right pain in the proverbial!! I have completed the rounds talking to each of my Doctors and Surgeon but they tell me there is no other route. They won't operate without a biopsy as they need to be sure, they have agreed to do an MRI but it will be after the procedure. I am having the biopsy under a scanner, this will be my fifth scan in under a year.  We will be able to save on light bulbs at this rate! 

    The biopsy is scheduled for next Monday, i thought I would be asleep but no such luck. They have described the procedure to me in great detail, so of course as you would expect, I feel so much better about it all now, NOT!!:(.....I have told my husband I am going away next week and to give me a call when it's over!


    Djinnie xx

  • twinthings
    twinthings Member Posts: 409
    Djinnie said:


    Hey Twinnie, thanks for the message! I have to say the whole thing has turned out to be a right pain in the proverbial!! I have completed the rounds talking to each of my Doctors and Surgeon but they tell me there is no other route. They won't operate without a biopsy as they need to be sure, they have agreed to do an MRI but it will be after the procedure. I am having the biopsy under a scanner, this will be my fifth scan in under a year.  We will be able to save on light bulbs at this rate! 

    The biopsy is scheduled for next Monday, i thought I would be asleep but no such luck. They have described the procedure to me in great detail, so of course as you would expect, I feel so much better about it all now, NOT!!:(.....I have told my husband I am going away next week and to give me a call when it's over!


    Djinnie xx

    where are you going...

    Tell me where and I'll meet you.  We'll run away for a few days and soak up some rays and vodka.  Wouldn't that be a hoot!!

    Seriously though, I know the stress of all this has got to be taking it's toll on both you and the mister.  I suppose if the doctor's say you gotta have the biopsy then, you gotta have the biopsy.  What's a patient to do but what they're told by trusted professionals.  Key word being professionals.  I'm sure it'll go smoothly.  As for being awake, ARE THEY CRAZY?  Please tell me it's a needle biopsy.  

    Sounds like you're in a 'hurry up and wait' state of mind.  Ready to be done with it, I'm sure.  I think sometimes the waiting is the hardest part.  If only we could pass the time on some beach somewhere...sigh Cool

    Will be keeping you in my prayers, girl!  hugs



  • Eims
    Eims Member Posts: 423
    Djinnie said:


    Hey Twinnie, thanks for the message! I have to say the whole thing has turned out to be a right pain in the proverbial!! I have completed the rounds talking to each of my Doctors and Surgeon but they tell me there is no other route. They won't operate without a biopsy as they need to be sure, they have agreed to do an MRI but it will be after the procedure. I am having the biopsy under a scanner, this will be my fifth scan in under a year.  We will be able to save on light bulbs at this rate! 

    The biopsy is scheduled for next Monday, i thought I would be asleep but no such luck. They have described the procedure to me in great detail, so of course as you would expect, I feel so much better about it all now, NOT!!:(.....I have told my husband I am going away next week and to give me a call when it's over!


    Djinnie xx

    Djinnie is it like a boob

    Djinnie is it like a boob biopsy with ultrasound?

    Eims x