
Carrie, hope you are still doing well. Please update us. How is the book coming?


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    I think Girlfighter is on Chapter 7, entitled, "I Take out Stalone."

  • girliefighter
    girliefighter Member Posts: 232
    Thanks for checking in on me


    Thanks for checking up on me, I am doing well. Just finished my first semester back at school, That puts me one step closer to being a Physicians Assistant and working on this blasted Cancer stuff in a larger way.

    I was blessed and honored to come home one night after finals to find members of my Elks Lodge putting up a "Hope Tree" outside my house, it is the most amazing 8ft tall white christmas tree covered in lime green decorations and of course a few green hula hoops. I helped the very next day  in setting one for a member that has been diagnosed with prostate Cancer and was all set for a few days later to set one up for a Cancer Friend of mine that I went through chemo with, when I got a tetx 2 hours befor ethat she had passed. I was devastated, she was the one patient that initiated me into the chemo club and started talking to me. Everytime I had chemo or a PET scan, she was there, I was truly crushed by this news.

    Also, I adopted a famiy for Christmas and was able to help out a family in need<---Truly amazing!!

    Max I wish I could report that I am on Chapter 7, however I am still stuck at Chapter 3 "When to stop worrying and have faith in yourself"...Stalone is next on my list, he is lookin old I might stand a chance.Laughing

    Happy Holidays- I have to saddle up the sleigh and go to work for all those last minute shoppers

