Foot Steps

GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member

Yes Foot Steps.. can you hear them.?  Can you see them..?? Some may be running... some may be jogging... you may not see any running shoes.. heck you may see all kinds of shoes..  both men and women...

I am talking about all the Doctors and Reasearchers... in the race to get all these new treatments and drugs to help us..  Will they help us..?  I think so... how much remains to be seen.  But I think it is important that we all keep diligent and see what is happening.. Maybe I am wearing rose colored glasses, but I do not think so...  Hang in there all of you..  and pay heed to the Foot Steps..!

Be Well All..!



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    More than one path to victory

    Besides tyring to cure RCC I think there is a long way to go to discovering it before it becomes a more serious problem. Another words early detection.  How many of us have been told that that little bugger was there for years before it was discovered. How many of us had abnormal blood work or kidney function that should have led to a protocol for some type of abdomial ultrasound. Welcome Medical research to the 21st century.

    How about some intern developing a test to determine if someone has Kidney Cancer based upon a screening of those of us who have had it. Assign points for flack pain, lower back pain as well as deficiencies in certain types of blood work and urinalysis. Educate the medical community about symtoms for RCC and what to look for and what questions to ask.


    If anyone wants to add anything to my holiday wish list feel free to do so.




  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    icemantoo said:

    More than one path to victory

    Besides tyring to cure RCC I think there is a long way to go to discovering it before it becomes a more serious problem. Another words early detection.  How many of us have been told that that little bugger was there for years before it was discovered. How many of us had abnormal blood work or kidney function that should have led to a protocol for some type of abdomial ultrasound. Welcome Medical research to the 21st century.

    How about some intern developing a test to determine if someone has Kidney Cancer based upon a screening of those of us who have had it. Assign points for flack pain, lower back pain as well as deficiencies in certain types of blood work and urinalysis. Educate the medical community about symtoms for RCC and what to look for and what questions to ask.


    If anyone wants to add anything to my holiday wish list feel free to do so.




    I hear them too!

    And we have seen glimpses of good things to come. And they are not because of rose coloured glasses - it is faith and optimism!

    And you are right, Iceman...early detection is also key.

    Hmmmm wish list??? health and happiness for everyone! (must be all the Christmas specials that have gotten to me! lol)



  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    I hear them too!

    And we have seen glimpses of good things to come. And they are not because of rose coloured glasses - it is faith and optimism!

    And you are right, Iceman...early detection is also key.

    Hmmmm wish list??? health and happiness for everyone! (must be all the Christmas specials that have gotten to me! lol)



    Ice Guy..  Yes, early

    Ice Guy..  Yes, early detection would certainly be helpful to a lot of people..  There ARE researchers working on it.. I met one at Stanford, she was bummed she did not get to me prior to surgery to test my blood and add me to her research...  Like all Cancer stuff.. it takes time. and it is just a matter of time..


  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    I hear them too!

    And we have seen glimpses of good things to come. And they are not because of rose coloured glasses - it is faith and optimism!

    And you are right, Iceman...early detection is also key.

    Hmmmm wish list??? health and happiness for everyone! (must be all the Christmas specials that have gotten to me! lol)



    Hi Jo Jo..!!  Have I told you

    Hi Jo Jo..!!  Have I told you that your smile lights up this place every time you post here..?? 

    Be Well All..!!

    Ron Smile

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    GSRon said:

    Hi Jo Jo..!!  Have I told you

    Hi Jo Jo..!!  Have I told you that your smile lights up this place every time you post here..?? 

    Be Well All..!!

    Ron Smile

    Ah.. just shed a few

    Ah.. just shed a few tears...  Here I am sitting in front of the TV relaxing after dinner.. dessert to happen soon..  And there is a replay of a speech from 1993.  Jimmy Valvano, better known as Jimmy V..  His now famous speech was on March, 1993, he died in April.. this is a very moving speech.. in many ways.  Even if you do not like Basketball, this speech goes well beyond any sport...  "Don't give up... don't ever give up.."

    Here is a link to the foundation, there you can see what Grants they have given out..  they claim 100% of donations go to research..

    Be Well All..!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    GSRon said:

    Hi Jo Jo..!!  Have I told you

    Hi Jo Jo..!!  Have I told you that your smile lights up this place every time you post here..?? 

    Be Well All..!!

    Ron Smile

    Ron - you are very sweet

    and you are making me blush...I am as red as my staple holes on my incisions!




  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Ron - you are very sweet

    and you are making me blush...I am as red as my staple holes on my incisions!




    Now JoJo you really don't

    Now JoJo you really don't have to encourage me..

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    GSRon said:

    Now JoJo you really don't

    Now JoJo you really don't have to encourage me..

    Short Note

    Hi All.. just a short note... it is now Dec 22nd...  My Mom's birthday.. she would of been 93 years old today.. I lift my glass to her..   She died from Kidney Cancer almost 31 years ago.  Amazing that it has been this long...   Back then they did not have much, treatment wise.. the old nasty Chemo drugs and Radiation.  Her tumor was huge and not operable... the tumor was attached to both Kidneys with her Liver in between.  The Doctors gave her 2 months, yet she lived for over 2 years.. some days were good, others not so good..She fought like hell..!!  I miss her badly... sigh..

    Please be well all..!!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    GSRon said:

    Short Note

    Hi All.. just a short note... it is now Dec 22nd...  My Mom's birthday.. she would of been 93 years old today.. I lift my glass to her..   She died from Kidney Cancer almost 31 years ago.  Amazing that it has been this long...   Back then they did not have much, treatment wise.. the old nasty Chemo drugs and Radiation.  Her tumor was huge and not operable... the tumor was attached to both Kidneys with her Liver in between.  The Doctors gave her 2 months, yet she lived for over 2 years.. some days were good, others not so good..She fought like hell..!!  I miss her badly... sigh..

    Please be well all..!!


    I raise my glass to your mom too

    What an ordeal she had to go through. It sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She was a fighter, and now her son is a fighter.

    This will be my first Christmas without my mom. We lost her to lung cancer this July. She was a fighter too. She was given 6 months and lived 3 years - without any treatment! One of the good things about me going through this right now is that I have been focussing on my health so that it isn't so much in my face that we will be without her this Christmas. But now that I am almost recovered and Christmas is almost here, I am feeling it more.

    Thinking about you, hon. Your mom would have been proud of you and how you are managing your fight.

    Big Hugs,


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    I raise my glass to your mom too

    What an ordeal she had to go through. It sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. She was a fighter, and now her son is a fighter.

    This will be my first Christmas without my mom. We lost her to lung cancer this July. She was a fighter too. She was given 6 months and lived 3 years - without any treatment! One of the good things about me going through this right now is that I have been focussing on my health so that it isn't so much in my face that we will be without her this Christmas. But now that I am almost recovered and Christmas is almost here, I am feeling it more.

    Thinking about you, hon. Your mom would have been proud of you and how you are managing your fight.

    Big Hugs,


    cancer sucks

    Especially when it hits a family hard. As far as footsteps and running shoes...I'd prefer work boots to kick cancer in the a$$.

  • DonMiller
    DonMiller Member Posts: 109
    foxhd said:

    cancer sucks

    Especially when it hits a family hard. As far as footsteps and running shoes...I'd prefer work boots to kick cancer in the a$$.


    I was fine until Thursday when the Doctor called and moved my scan up one day to January 13th.  I dont know why but scanierty has set in and the footsteps seem very close.


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foxhd said:

    cancer sucks

    Especially when it hits a family hard. As far as footsteps and running shoes...I'd prefer work boots to kick cancer in the a$$.

    Stilettos are the way to go

    I like the idea of work boots (with steel toes) for kicking cancer's a$$ - but I am thinking pointy toed stilettos would do a better job - and with much more style...don't you think, Foxy?




  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Stilettos are the way to go

    I like the idea of work boots (with steel toes) for kicking cancer's a$$ - but I am thinking pointy toed stilettos would do a better job - and with much more style...don't you think, Foxy?




    JoJo.. now you have done it

    JoJo.. now you have done it again... just sitting here picturing your sexy ankles..  Tongue Out


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    DonMiller said:


    I was fine until Thursday when the Doctor called and moved my scan up one day to January 13th.  I dont know why but scanierty has set in and the footsteps seem very close.



    Don't worry - those foot steps are the doctors footsteps to the CURE.

    Don't let that scanxiety get to you!  Take care.



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    GSRon said:

    JoJo.. now you have done it

    JoJo.. now you have done it again... just sitting here picturing your sexy ankles..  Tongue Out



    Ron, somehow I am not surprised.



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Stilettos are the way to go

    I like the idea of work boots (with steel toes) for kicking cancer's a$$ - but I am thinking pointy toed stilettos would do a better job - and with much more style...don't you think, Foxy?





    ....they give me corns....

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foxhd said:


    ....they give me corns....


    Give you corns? Oh Foxhound, what's a little pain?....I bet you look fabulous in them.



  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    Jojo61 said:


    Give you corns? Oh Foxhound, what's a little pain?....I bet you look fabulous in them.



    Sorry the picture part did


    Sorry the picture part did not work.. but here is the funny from "Maxine.."  Thought we all can relate to this one..!  




    If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one out of five enjoys it?

  • GSRon
    GSRon Member Posts: 1,303 Member
    GSRon said:

    Sorry the picture part did


    Sorry the picture part did not work.. but here is the funny from "Maxine.."  Thought we all can relate to this one..!  




    If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one out of five enjoys it?

    Da Song

    OK, here is Da Song... please listen carefully to the lyrics... to me there is a special meaning, to the words..  start with "I don't want to die".. I think we all can relate... then get to the part where Arlo sings about "being enthusiastic."   And then how he goes on thinking he is about to die... but writes this song while going down the cliff.."I knew it was the end".  And then think about..  "and as fate would have it, I didn't die."    I hope we all can relate to this in some way....

    There are about 4 versions of this song, but this is the original lyrics...

    Ron - "I don't want a pickle..."