Christmas Gift

thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member

Today we went to see Dr. H.J. Lenz at USC.   Dr. Lenz comes in and he sits in between my wife and I.  He then asks us in his jovial voice, "Why do you two keep coming here and bothering me?"   He then starts laughing. He shows us our file and the last medical reports.  He shows us the pics etc....   Everything shows no cancer.  The biopsy, benign.  The CT/PT  shrinkage or non exsistent.  Bloood proteins very low.  The only thing high was your blod presure.  We started crying and laughing together.  I told him my bloood presure was high because we did not know why we were asked to come and see you.  We thought something was very wrong.  It was just the opposite, everything was going great!   


Honestly we have not slept well for the last two weeks. I have not been doing my daily walks. I have just been upset that things were not going well.  Why not a phone call telling me everything was great?


Lauire and I are now relieved.  We then went out to dinner with a friend who's mother just had a cervical cancer surgery.  They actually said was benign, but was a met and was going to turn into cancer.  We invited them to recover at our house in the mountains.  It is so relaxing and pretty.  There really is nothing more to do then relax and enjoy life.  We do not have shopping or other distractions.  One can enjoy the mountains and critters, or be bored. We love the mountain and critters, so we are never bored. 


Thanks all for all of your support.  This has been a difficult 14 months for me.  Recently I felt I had little to offer, because I was busy fighting my own battle.  Apparently for the positive results.  We do eat mostly veggie, and much organic. (Not 100%, but 70% organic.)   We do juice.   We really like our juice.   One does not need to make nasty grass, kale, with bitters.  We make Carrot, Kale, celery, and garlic.  It is tasty and has a litttle zing to it. We drink a lot of mint teas.  (We grow 3 varieties of mint on our property.) No chemical or boxed food in our house.  We walk normally about 3-5 miles every day.  We play and train with the dogs every day. Vit D, Milk Thistle, B12, Fish Oil, and Mitle Toe Extract added to my diet.   Nothing to extreme, just back to simple food and healthy life style. We read a lot, with jazz in the back ground.  No TV serivice or depressing evening news at our house.


Best Always,  mike

PS  I am in a more positive mind set and will be on more often!



  • LindaK.
    LindaK. Member Posts: 506 Member
    Great News!

    Thanks for sharing your good news.  You have been positive to all people on this board.  I'm sure that positivity factors into your good health.  I know the anxiety of waiting.  Last time my husband was scheduled for a ct scan and the girl at the oncologist's office was making the appointment, I said "Why not do it ASAP?" and she said "I know how YOU people are, you'll want to know the results immediately"  Well, yes US people do!  I thought that was pretty rude.  I agree, a simple phone call with good news would have made your lives so much easier the past few weeks.  You could have still gone in for the appointments but with a much different outlook, not dreading it.  At my husband's appointment on Monday, the onc. came in so quickly and before he even greeted us he said "The scans are clear" which was good he said it so quickly but it threw us for a minute. 

    I'm so happy for your good news.  Enjoy your peaceful times in the mountains.


  • Chelsea71
    Chelsea71 Member Posts: 1,169 Member
    Geez Mike, that's great news

    Geez Mike, that's great news but it's too bad you had to worry so much.  I'm glad we'll see you around here more often.  You always have lots to offer, no matter what.



  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    That is great news. BTW I

    That is great news. BTW I always think you have plenty to offer.


    Merry Christmas

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Wow!!  What absolutely


    Wow!!  What absolutely wonderful news!!!  :)

    Merry Christmas indeed!!


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    A wonderful gifts

    Dear Mike, not only did you receive the 'gift' of good news on the cancer fight, but also another...hope for the future.

    May you have many more Christmas celebrations remembering the blessings of this one.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    What wonderful news, especially at this time of the year.  That is so gracious of you to have your friend spend time with you to recover.  I'm sure the mountains are just beautiful.  I'm glad that you will be coming to the board more often.  Our worries can sometimes get in the way of every aspect of our life - sad but true.  Thank you for the awesome update.  Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Shall we dance


    Dancing is a wonderful healthy way to celebrate.

    You are certainly an inspiration to me, and I am so happy that you have this good news. 

    Merry Christmas!

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Shall we dance


    Dancing is a wonderful healthy way to celebrate.

    You are certainly an inspiration to me, and I am so happy that you have this good news. 

    Merry Christmas!

    Great News Mike!

    Hope you & Laurie & your "kids" have a wonderful holiday.



  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    Awesome news Mike!

    I reread your journey, you went through some scary stuff. Is this good news due to some recent or ongoing chemo?


  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Wow, that is excellent news!

    I'm very happy for you.  And your description of life in the mountains sounds so appealing.  Very restful and healing!

  • Gavin63
    Gavin63 Member Posts: 98 Member

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks for sharing the good news. That gives lot of encouragement for all of us fighting this dreadful decease.  It’s indeed a lovely Christmas Gift. I wish you & Laurie many more Christmas together.


  • marbleotis
    marbleotis Member Posts: 720 Member
    What a gift


    I am so happy for you.  What a great post.  I too have turned to 99% organic diet and no processed food.  Many think I am crazy but you cannot argue with results.  I have also removed as much job-related stress as possible, since stress is what I believe cancer looks for.

    You are and continue to be an inspiration to all of us.

    Enjoy the Holidays.

  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member

    Someday it will be my turn to make a fantastic post like this.

    Congratualtions to both you and Laura.

    Happy Holidays



  • thxmiker
    thxmiker Member Posts: 1,278 Member

    What a gift


    I am so happy for you.  What a great post.  I too have turned to 99% organic diet and no processed food.  Many think I am crazy but you cannot argue with results.  I have also removed as much job-related stress as possible, since stress is what I believe cancer looks for.

    You are and continue to be an inspiration to all of us.

    Enjoy the Holidays.

    Crazy Food

    We went back to SoCali for my med appointments, Laurie's business (Bank Analyst), and to meet long time friends.  One of our friends challenged me to bring some of our canned Marinara. (I canned 90 quarts this year, all sourced from our garden.) We brought 4 quarts of Marinara ready for what ever she would throw at us. (for volume of people)  We ended up making dinner for 8, and I showed them how to roll out fresh pasta from farm eggs and organic whole wheat flour. I had dinner ready from start to finish in an hour.  Everyone was very happy.   Then we played guitars by the fire pit and laughed the night away.  

    We saw our friends the next day.  They told us they now get our obsesssion with real food. They told us they have not had that good of meal in a very long time.  We saw them again the next weekend, and they told us they ate the pasta and marinara the next two nights.


    When food is fresh it is so much better the processed crud that most are used to.   It is like when we were kids and went to Grandma's for dinner.  She made every thing from scratch and every thing was real food.  We are just going back to what was correct for food.


    Best Always,  mike 

  • Dyanclark
    Dyanclark Member Posts: 296
    Dr Lentz

    Dr Lentz is a good guy.  So happy for you



  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Happy Naked Dance Time

    Your news is a WONDERFUL Christmas present, not just for you but for all of us.

    Merry Christmas!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!

    Winter Marie


  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    thxmiker said:

    Crazy Food

    We went back to SoCali for my med appointments, Laurie's business (Bank Analyst), and to meet long time friends.  One of our friends challenged me to bring some of our canned Marinara. (I canned 90 quarts this year, all sourced from our garden.) We brought 4 quarts of Marinara ready for what ever she would throw at us. (for volume of people)  We ended up making dinner for 8, and I showed them how to roll out fresh pasta from farm eggs and organic whole wheat flour. I had dinner ready from start to finish in an hour.  Everyone was very happy.   Then we played guitars by the fire pit and laughed the night away.  

    We saw our friends the next day.  They told us they now get our obsesssion with real food. They told us they have not had that good of meal in a very long time.  We saw them again the next weekend, and they told us they ate the pasta and marinara the next two nights.


    When food is fresh it is so much better the processed crud that most are used to.   It is like when we were kids and went to Grandma's for dinner.  She made every thing from scratch and every thing was real food.  We are just going back to what was correct for food.


    Best Always,  mike 


    Good news is always welcome here  !! I"m very happy for you.  Enjoy this Christmas season.  

  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    Thank you for sharing your

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful news. And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.


  • lp1964
    lp1964 Member Posts: 1,239 Member
    thxmiker said:

    Crazy Food

    We went back to SoCali for my med appointments, Laurie's business (Bank Analyst), and to meet long time friends.  One of our friends challenged me to bring some of our canned Marinara. (I canned 90 quarts this year, all sourced from our garden.) We brought 4 quarts of Marinara ready for what ever she would throw at us. (for volume of people)  We ended up making dinner for 8, and I showed them how to roll out fresh pasta from farm eggs and organic whole wheat flour. I had dinner ready from start to finish in an hour.  Everyone was very happy.   Then we played guitars by the fire pit and laughed the night away.  

    We saw our friends the next day.  They told us they now get our obsesssion with real food. They told us they have not had that good of meal in a very long time.  We saw them again the next weekend, and they told us they ate the pasta and marinara the next two nights.


    When food is fresh it is so much better the processed crud that most are used to.   It is like when we were kids and went to Grandma's for dinner.  She made every thing from scratch and every thing was real food.  We are just going back to what was correct for food.


    Best Always,  mike 

    You are right Mike...

    ... It is a miracle that from all we used to eat only this many people get seriously ill. It takes a major illness to reevaluate things.
